*clears throat* er...
We have a bright future of me slamming Kyle up against walls by the throat...can't die yet...yeah, that's it!

19 years ago
Admit it, you're worried about him.

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Naaaahhhh...there's a big vat of vamp blood right next to him and he's a clever little monkey. He'll figure something out!

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
HAHA! Can I write some evil shit or can I write some evil shit! I just added his response and he's in the right frame of mind - considerately thinking of his turtle neck =D

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Poor turtleneck! Unlike the Kyle, it can't become undead! Of course, it won't be tortured by Hillman, either...just put out of its misery, I'd imagine. :P