WooT! I play Alex there...also known as girl trying to rez cute boy and buried alive too! We're grave-mates. LOL
Welcome to sa.
Hiya all! Newbie here!
Hiya all!
Just wanted to say hiya and introduce myself!
I'm laha, recently known to several as a new player in mafia, currently as Rorri Rosethorne, the slythrin girl who was buried alive!

19 years ago

19 years ago
Hi Laha...I'm Shay here, and there...but in HP Mafia I was Poppy.
It's so nice to see you join us here...dis is da place!
It's so nice to see you join us here...dis is da place!

Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Hehehe...cool! Just trying to figure out where to send my bio to...I'm gona play as a human yet to be turned.

19 years ago
Post it in the City Gates...you'll see a bunch already there.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Ok...will try to find that place again!

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
HUHU and welcome Laha! I'm Roz/Mae/Simon over on Tac =D Check out HERE to get started. It'll help you through all the links and info. If you have any questions, feel free to post or pm any of staff =D
Verileah is Thaddeus
Mai is Alfarinn
Ryala is Morrigan
Blackrabbit is Aishe - Mod
Rachyl - Mod
The Voice - Staff Account
Verileah is Thaddeus
Mai is Alfarinn
Ryala is Morrigan
Blackrabbit is Aishe - Mod
Rachyl - Mod
The Voice - Staff Account
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Thanks Mai!!!
PS: Bio posted in hopefully the right place under bios in the city gates...
Also you can thank Black Rabbit for dragging me here!!!
-It's all her fault I tell ya!!!
PS: Bio posted in hopefully the right place under bios in the city gates...
Also you can thank Black Rabbit for dragging me here!!!
-It's all her fault I tell ya!!!

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Cool beans, I'll give it a read through now. Also it'll be easier if we change your account name to reflect your character's name. That's how we do it here. Do you want Rorri or the full name?
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Full name... 

Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Well, now that my bio is there does anyone have any feedback?
aka Rorri Rosethorne
aka Rorri Rosethorne

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Staff will pm you with the official break down, but so far only i've seen it. You need to pick what you 'think' might be your abilities if/when you're turned. It's not actually up to the mods, its more up to you. =D We'll let you know if there's anything else the other staffers find.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Hmmm... that will be a hard choice, can I wait till she's been vamped to get a better feel how things happen?
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha

19 years ago
Welcome Rorri!
I highly suggest perusing this thread and picking out what you think you would like to have. I think its kind of also based on who turns you as well. But if you get a feel for the abilities you may see one or two you like.
I highly suggest perusing this thread and picking out what you think you would like to have. I think its kind of also based on who turns you as well. But if you get a feel for the abilities you may see one or two you like.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
It'll have to be before she gets turned. You can be clanless but basically the abilities are determined by who bites you and if they're in a clan. If you're really not sure at all, speaking for myself only, I don't think its a big deal but if whatever you choose now differs from what you actually want to go with, you'd have to clear it with staff first.
Rorri Rosethorne
Hmmm... that will be a hard choice, can I wait till she's been vamped to get a better feel how things happen?
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha
It'll have to be before she gets turned. You can be clanless but basically the abilities are determined by who bites you and if they're in a clan. If you're really not sure at all, speaking for myself only, I don't think its a big deal but if whatever you choose now differs from what you actually want to go with, you'd have to clear it with staff first.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
WOW! Agility and Coat of Arms are a nice combination!
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha
Rorri Rosethorne
aka Laha

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Sounding like Tacharan =D Oh, also keep in mind that if you pick a clan ability but don't enter that clan, you have to have a good RP'd reason as to why.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Well...I guess I'd have to be embraced by a member of that clan then!
The way I am seeing things is that this distant relative is probably the vampire, should be interesting, and she's his last link to mortality.
That's an interesting idea...
So does that mean another vampire steals her and embraces her to cause the other vampire pain?
Interesting plots here...
The way I am seeing things is that this distant relative is probably the vampire, should be interesting, and she's his last link to mortality.
That's an interesting idea...
So does that mean another vampire steals her and embraces her to cause the other vampire pain?
Interesting plots here...
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Ooh! Even another evil idea...!!!
What if she's the like the last mortal relation to some Tacharan elder?
Ok...too many evil ideas in my little head...
What if she's the like the last mortal relation to some Tacharan elder?
Ok...too many evil ideas in my little head...
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
OMG!!! Ellis is the Clan elder of Clan Tacharan???
She's out to get me!!!
'runs and hides...'
She's out to get me!!!
'runs and hides...'