"Poor lass...well Yer with me now so let's get ye all spiced up to show off yer assets properly like a lady of the night!" Rorri replied offering a helping hand in this area. She recalled how her mother always made sure she had the best in clothing and teachers to be a fine young lady so the least she could do is help educate this girl beside her.
Besides, Rorri missed having a best friend and someone to talk to that could take her as she was and not as just some rich girl; which is often what happened.
Shopping, Spa, Swimming
Ana vaguely felt defensive at Rorri's offhanded comment, "poor american girls, don't even know how to shop for clothing," and stammered before responding. "Well, I was never taught. My father never understood womens' clothing and I never had a fashionable friend in school. The best fashion I wore was a Girl Scout's uniform. Everything else I've cobbled together by what I thought looked 'good' and felt nice."
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago

19 years ago
"What assets?" Ana asked, honestly confused. "And why can't I just be Ana-that-looks-good, instead of a lady of the night?"
Ana briefly wondered why Rorri would be doing this for her. Did she want a friend? She didn't need to spend five -thousand- dollars on her... Ana would likely have grown to befriend her anyway. She seemed nice enough, if a little high-strung and over-stressed with her duties. And Ana wouldn't necessarily spend her savings on clothes just to look pretty. She needed to budget, stretch it out a little.
But then, in this new city, with both of them relatively alone... A friend could go a long way.
Ana briefly wondered why Rorri would be doing this for her. Did she want a friend? She didn't need to spend five -thousand- dollars on her... Ana would likely have grown to befriend her anyway. She seemed nice enough, if a little high-strung and over-stressed with her duties. And Ana wouldn't necessarily spend her savings on clothes just to look pretty. She needed to budget, stretch it out a little.
But then, in this new city, with both of them relatively alone... A friend could go a long way.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
"Ana..." Rorri said softly taking the girl aside by her hand.
"Regardless of her social or financial status a girl has to always look her best. It speaks of many things, but mostly pride in one's self. When people look at you they don't know if yer rich or poor, stuck up and prudish or socially shy, they can only judge ye on how ye look and later on how ye act. Ye are a very shy dove dearie and that is a cute thing I find about ye, but more so yer not showing yer best and ye should so stand up straight and have a stiff upper lip and all and let us walk in here and take care of ye properly!" Rorri explained softly with a soft squeeze of Ana's hand.
_Poor girl doesn't even have a decent idea of who she is or her own beauty..._ Rorri thought.
"Regardless of her social or financial status a girl has to always look her best. It speaks of many things, but mostly pride in one's self. When people look at you they don't know if yer rich or poor, stuck up and prudish or socially shy, they can only judge ye on how ye look and later on how ye act. Ye are a very shy dove dearie and that is a cute thing I find about ye, but more so yer not showing yer best and ye should so stand up straight and have a stiff upper lip and all and let us walk in here and take care of ye properly!" Rorri explained softly with a soft squeeze of Ana's hand.
_Poor girl doesn't even have a decent idea of who she is or her own beauty..._ Rorri thought.

19 years ago
Ana didn't quite understand Rorri's claims about how people perceived others. After all, she'd done quite well so far... Hadn't she?
The soft squeeze brought her back front and center, Rorri's last comment just about the only thing that latched on in her mind. "If I'd had a stiff upper lip, I'd have done better in band. Either that or someone would have told me I needed a lip-wax."
The soft squeeze brought her back front and center, Rorri's last comment just about the only thing that latched on in her mind. "If I'd had a stiff upper lip, I'd have done better in band. Either that or someone would have told me I needed a lip-wax."
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri giggled.
"Well then lucky for ye that we are indeed going to the spa!" She smirked and laughed as the two entered the hotel's shopping center.
"Well then lucky for ye that we are indeed going to the spa!" She smirked and laughed as the two entered the hotel's shopping center.

19 years ago
Ana didn't quite look convinced. "I guess..."
The store entrance seemed a bit warmer than the rest of the lobby. Ana knew she would have felt sleepy if they'd stayed in that area much longer, but they were quickly through the second set of doors into the main shopping area proper. "All this is your idea, you get to choose where we go."
That sounded non-committal, and yet lacking in ignorance, too. Truth be told, Ana had no idea where to start when shopping for what she guessed was the Englishwoman's idea of a makeover.
The store entrance seemed a bit warmer than the rest of the lobby. Ana knew she would have felt sleepy if they'd stayed in that area much longer, but they were quickly through the second set of doors into the main shopping area proper. "All this is your idea, you get to choose where we go."
That sounded non-committal, and yet lacking in ignorance, too. Truth be told, Ana had no idea where to start when shopping for what she guessed was the Englishwoman's idea of a makeover.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri took poor Ana from one end of the store to another. She started with make up and shampoos and then moved to lingerie and swim suits before heading for some formal garb and other clothing, oh and let's not forget about shoes for all occasions.
In short before long she had a couple of carts for Ana full of this and that.
"Oh ye will look so lovely!" Rorri stated before everyone; it was like playing Barbie with one's own personal Barbie doll she thought.
In short before long she had a couple of carts for Ana full of this and that.
"Oh ye will look so lovely!" Rorri stated before everyone; it was like playing Barbie with one's own personal Barbie doll she thought.

19 years ago
Ana was completely amazed at the assortment of powders, gels, washes... She didn't know what to do with most of it. And then after trying to get a demonstration, Rorri returned with an armful of semi-transparent material that seemed to have shapes. Taking up a hanger, she watched as both the garment and her jaw dropped. The dark, see-through bra didn't look like it would cover much, and Ana said just that. "What's that supposed to cover? It doesn't look the slightest bit comfortable. I mean honestly... My bathing suit covers more than that."
Then as to surprise her, Rorri brought out a shimmery blue bikini. "I could be wrong."
She stared at the options presented her with consternation. "Who am I wearing these for, anyway?"
Then as to surprise her, Rorri brought out a shimmery blue bikini. "I could be wrong."
She stared at the options presented her with consternation. "Who am I wearing these for, anyway?"
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri giggled and gave the girl a much needed smile.
"Well since it will only be us two girls in the pool later that would be me I guess, but afterwards...anyone I guess that catches yer fancy!" Rorri replied with a wink.
"And trust me, the nearly see through lingerie has ll the support ye will need dearie..." Rorri quickly added as she led Ana down through checkout. Glancing at her time piece she noticed they had to put on a hurry to make it to their spa appointment.
"Time running low dearie...the spa technicians are no doubt getting ready for us as I speak." The English girl felt she had to mention.
_Porr lass...we'll probably have to get her a good waxing, but I guess growing up withough a mum or any older sisters can leave one so unknowing of their own true potentical_ Rorri thought as she bid Ana to pay for her clothing.
"Well since it will only be us two girls in the pool later that would be me I guess, but afterwards...anyone I guess that catches yer fancy!" Rorri replied with a wink.
"And trust me, the nearly see through lingerie has ll the support ye will need dearie..." Rorri quickly added as she led Ana down through checkout. Glancing at her time piece she noticed they had to put on a hurry to make it to their spa appointment.
"Time running low dearie...the spa technicians are no doubt getting ready for us as I speak." The English girl felt she had to mention.
_Porr lass...we'll probably have to get her a good waxing, but I guess growing up withough a mum or any older sisters can leave one so unknowing of their own true potentical_ Rorri thought as she bid Ana to pay for her clothing.

19 years ago
Ana wasn't quite sure how to respond to Rorri's comments. "Anyone that catches yer fancy," she'd said. Who was supposed to catch her fancy? She was several states away from anyone she'd ever had a "fancy" for. Besides, all boys were interested in was sex, right? So why go through the trouble. She'd read enough "girlie magazines" her Dad had subscribed her for that she just didn't want to deal with the whole mess right now. Especially since... her life was in a constant state of turmoil this year.
When she reached the register, she responded to the "wow" look the girl gave her by saying, "It was her idea."
She watched, astonished, as some of the items were bagged. Most she would never think to choose for herself. Indeed, she couldn't imagine herself walking into a store that sold this sort of stuff! And why would a hotel have a store like this? Did they get so many visitors that having a mini-mall was a lucrative venture? Apparently, they did, Ana realized, as she saw the final price tally for a week's worth of underthings, the bathing suit, three bra and panty sets, makeup, shampoo, body lotions, perfume, shoes, an evening gown, and a cocktail dress. She wondered - outloud, she realized, after the fact - how she was ever going to repay Rorri's generosity.
Charged and bagged, Ana moved with Rorri to the entrance of the spa. "So how does this work?"
When she reached the register, she responded to the "wow" look the girl gave her by saying, "It was her idea."
She watched, astonished, as some of the items were bagged. Most she would never think to choose for herself. Indeed, she couldn't imagine herself walking into a store that sold this sort of stuff! And why would a hotel have a store like this? Did they get so many visitors that having a mini-mall was a lucrative venture? Apparently, they did, Ana realized, as she saw the final price tally for a week's worth of underthings, the bathing suit, three bra and panty sets, makeup, shampoo, body lotions, perfume, shoes, an evening gown, and a cocktail dress. She wondered - outloud, she realized, after the fact - how she was ever going to repay Rorri's generosity.
Charged and bagged, Ana moved with Rorri to the entrance of the spa. "So how does this work?"
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri giggled as she tipped a hotel boy to take the goods to Ana's suite and turned and smiled taking Ana's arm as they walked inside.
"Well...it's like the ultimate relaxation trio. We'll get hand washed, lathered, massaged, waxed, soaked in hot mud, and in general made to feel like princesses. Yer nails will sparkle and yer hair will come alive by the time they are done!" Rorri explained as she walked up and informed the small asian woman that they were there for their spa appointment.
"Coming Ana?"
"Well...it's like the ultimate relaxation trio. We'll get hand washed, lathered, massaged, waxed, soaked in hot mud, and in general made to feel like princesses. Yer nails will sparkle and yer hair will come alive by the time they are done!" Rorri explained as she walked up and informed the small asian woman that they were there for their spa appointment.
"Coming Ana?"

19 years ago
Ana looked mutedly forlornly at the boy who carried away her bags. She wished she could go with him - to her room, and stay there alone, that is - because she really was nervous about what all would be happening in the spa. She'd never been pampered the way Rorri described.
"Coming Ana?"
Ana looked at Rorri with a "how could you seriously ask that" look as she responded sarcastically, "With the vise grip you've got on my arm? I have a choice, right?"
With a wink, Ana stuck the tip of her tongue out at Rorri and turned to the hostess.
"Coming Ana?"
Ana looked at Rorri with a "how could you seriously ask that" look as she responded sarcastically, "With the vise grip you've got on my arm? I have a choice, right?"
With a wink, Ana stuck the tip of her tongue out at Rorri and turned to the hostess.

Suki Langston
19 years ago
Sitting in the lobby of the spa in front of their crackling fireplace was soothing. Their softly playing new age music complimented rather than impeded relaxation. Suki was excited to be here for several treatments, compliments of Cyrus. She had not had time or funds for such things since leaving home.
As she sipped her green tea, provided by the hostess in a thin china cup, she reflected on the monthly trips she and her mother had made to their salon. When she had been younger it was fun, learning and relaxing to listen to her mother talk and explain things. As she grew older the talking and teaching still happened but it was obvious that her entire life had been planned already.
It was mind boggling to see how drastically her life had changed.
As she sipped her green tea, provided by the hostess in a thin china cup, she reflected on the monthly trips she and her mother had made to their salon. When she had been younger it was fun, learning and relaxing to listen to her mother talk and explain things. As she grew older the talking and teaching still happened but it was obvious that her entire life had been planned already.
It was mind boggling to see how drastically her life had changed.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Entering the spa Rorri led Ana about looking for the hostess, seeing Suki sitting there sipping her tea she walked over.
"Hello, excuse me but can ye tell me where the spa hostess is? My friend Ana and I have an appointment." Rorri asked with a smile in her thick English accent.
"Hello, excuse me but can ye tell me where the spa hostess is? My friend Ana and I have an appointment." Rorri asked with a smile in her thick English accent.

Suki Langston
19 years ago
While reading the salon's brochure and sipping her tea, Suki only vaguely noticed two women enter the establishment. 'There were pro's and con's about not having an annoying beep or bell attached to the door opening.' she thought as the young women spoke to her.
"I am sure she will be back shortly. They never leave their guard post for very long." she replied with a smile. Brushing off the shallow wish that she had not come in dressed so shabbily at the fashionable front presented by the accented girl. Her combat boots meshed well with her torn and worn faded blue jeans, but her dark red silken tunic clashed. Its subtle color on color design and mandarin collar was her favorite, and worn frequently around the house. Since she knew the scalp massage would ruin any hair style, she had simply tied her long black hair up in a knot, leaving the ends to spray upwards around her head. Hopefully she had not stuck anything obviously out of place in it this afternoon while she had cleaned up her condo some. Soon enough though, she would be sporting one of the salon's white fluffy bathrobes.
"Pleasure to make both of your acquaintances. I'm Suki Langston, though I did not catch your name miss."
"I am sure she will be back shortly. They never leave their guard post for very long." she replied with a smile. Brushing off the shallow wish that she had not come in dressed so shabbily at the fashionable front presented by the accented girl. Her combat boots meshed well with her torn and worn faded blue jeans, but her dark red silken tunic clashed. Its subtle color on color design and mandarin collar was her favorite, and worn frequently around the house. Since she knew the scalp massage would ruin any hair style, she had simply tied her long black hair up in a knot, leaving the ends to spray upwards around her head. Hopefully she had not stuck anything obviously out of place in it this afternoon while she had cleaned up her condo some. Soon enough though, she would be sporting one of the salon's white fluffy bathrobes.
"Pleasure to make both of your acquaintances. I'm Suki Langston, though I did not catch your name miss."
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
"Ah hello and well met then dearie, I am Rorri and this is my dear friend Ana; I must apologize as I thought ye worked here dearie, but it is never the less a pleasure to meet another person. Are ye here for the spa as well or waiting on someone?" Rorri asked and gave a silent urging to Ana to be polite.

19 years ago
Ana resisted the impulse to glare at Rorri for her nudge. "Pleasure to meet you, Suki."
"Seriously, does this girl think I have no manners just because I don't have money or a mother? If this continues much more..." She stopped herself from continuing that line of thought. Otherwise she'd start thinking of how she was going to tell Rorri just how polite she could be. And that may or may not be a good thing for a blossoming friendship.
"Seriously, does this girl think I have no manners just because I don't have money or a mother? If this continues much more..." She stopped herself from continuing that line of thought. Otherwise she'd start thinking of how she was going to tell Rorri just how polite she could be. And that may or may not be a good thing for a blossoming friendship.

Suki Langston
19 years ago
Smiling at Ana as the younger girl nudged her, she wondered just what the story was here. Were they friends, coworkers or vaguely related. Interesting.
Returning her attention to Rorri, Suki tried to hold in a giggle. "Oh trust me, you wont be able to miss the attendants here!"
She had almost burst out laughing at the poor hostess who appeared to be wearing a pea green sleeveless lab coat, with the company logo upon it, in beige. Poor woman had looked one foot away from death in that color. It was her hope that they did not continue the color scheme throughout the entire staff or establishment.
"I am here for a few hours of pampering, courtesy of my mas" With a cough to cover up the rest of that horribly unsuitable word, Suki took a sip of her tea, which had unfortunately gotten a bit cold. "Pardon me, I was about to say my massively generous boss, before the coughing fit. Sorry this weather is pretty harsh on me. One of the reasons why he sent me here."
Deciding she had babbled enough and now had a convoluted story to maintain, the young woman shut up and took another sip of the tepid tea. With a smile and wave of her free hand she motioned for the others to sit on the couch and chairs. The wheat colored brocade was beautiful with the vibrant green cushions, though it looked rather stiff and formal for Suki's tastes. The gas fire still crackled merrily behind her.
Returning her attention to Rorri, Suki tried to hold in a giggle. "Oh trust me, you wont be able to miss the attendants here!"
She had almost burst out laughing at the poor hostess who appeared to be wearing a pea green sleeveless lab coat, with the company logo upon it, in beige. Poor woman had looked one foot away from death in that color. It was her hope that they did not continue the color scheme throughout the entire staff or establishment.
"I am here for a few hours of pampering, courtesy of my mas" With a cough to cover up the rest of that horribly unsuitable word, Suki took a sip of her tea, which had unfortunately gotten a bit cold. "Pardon me, I was about to say my massively generous boss, before the coughing fit. Sorry this weather is pretty harsh on me. One of the reasons why he sent me here."
Deciding she had babbled enough and now had a convoluted story to maintain, the young woman shut up and took another sip of the tepid tea. With a smile and wave of her free hand she motioned for the others to sit on the couch and chairs. The wheat colored brocade was beautiful with the vibrant green cushions, though it looked rather stiff and formal for Suki's tastes. The gas fire still crackled merrily behind her.
Rorri Rosethorne
19 years ago
Rorri moved over and took a seat graciously, taking a moment to smooth out her long silver evening gown as she sat.
"Why thank you Suki, that's kind of ye." Rorri replied as she leaned back and stretched her long shapely neck. She gave the girl a look over, nothing too seeming, and made no visual judgement. The asian girl looked young, but still seemed somewhat older then herself.
It seemed to Rorri that there were not that many girls her own age her in the USA that were out and about this evening as she had seen none as of yet. Suki and Ana were the youngest girls she had seen to date, though she had never seen an asian girl before.
And Ana while a sweetheart, was innocent and Rorri wondered if the girl was too innocent for the fun she had in mind?
She wished Fallon were still around and hoped to meet up with her later with Ana at the club she had described. Fallon seemed more mature and in an odd way alluring; there was something about her that definately caught the English ladyship's attention.
Suki being asian was also different, so she also caught Rorri's interest, though Rorri was impolite about it.
"Why thank you Suki, that's kind of ye." Rorri replied as she leaned back and stretched her long shapely neck. She gave the girl a look over, nothing too seeming, and made no visual judgement. The asian girl looked young, but still seemed somewhat older then herself.
It seemed to Rorri that there were not that many girls her own age her in the USA that were out and about this evening as she had seen none as of yet. Suki and Ana were the youngest girls she had seen to date, though she had never seen an asian girl before.
And Ana while a sweetheart, was innocent and Rorri wondered if the girl was too innocent for the fun she had in mind?
She wished Fallon were still around and hoped to meet up with her later with Ana at the club she had described. Fallon seemed more mature and in an odd way alluring; there was something about her that definately caught the English ladyship's attention.
Suki being asian was also different, so she also caught Rorri's interest, though Rorri was impolite about it.

19 years ago
Ana took a seat, but remained perched on the edge stiffly. She tried not to stare at the fire. Not smelling any smoke, she leaned closer...And saw the gas jets and burner assembly under the metal rack. "That's so neat! I've never seen a faux fireplace before. The few fireplaces I saw back home were all, well, real. With wood and smoke and soot." She realized she was rambling in her awe of the discovery, and turned back to her companions.
Suki's comment about her "massively generous boss" rang true to her. "That was awfully generous of your boss, Suki. Not many employers in this world seem to have an understanding of their employees' needs. Indeed it is a rare treat to find one."
Brushing her hair back behind her left ear, she adjusted her glasses and smiled, then sank back into the too-stiff chair. To no one in particular, she commented, "These chairs are awfully formal and not quite comfortable. I can't imagine they get too much use out of them. Decoration more than function. They clash, in my mind, with the relaxation ideal of a spa."
As Ana heard herself talking, she rolled her eyes at herself and clamped her mouth shut quietly, then stared at her folded hands in her lap. A clicking sound started a moment later, then immediately stopped, as she realized she was clicking her adjacent thumbnails together.
"Why am I so nervous? It's just a spa treatment. With a girl younger than me, with more money than I could imagine spending in my lifetime. And maybe with this new woman, unless we all get seperate rooms or something." Ana heaved a sigh, then raised her eyes from her lap to look around the spa's lobby.
Suki's comment about her "massively generous boss" rang true to her. "That was awfully generous of your boss, Suki. Not many employers in this world seem to have an understanding of their employees' needs. Indeed it is a rare treat to find one."
Brushing her hair back behind her left ear, she adjusted her glasses and smiled, then sank back into the too-stiff chair. To no one in particular, she commented, "These chairs are awfully formal and not quite comfortable. I can't imagine they get too much use out of them. Decoration more than function. They clash, in my mind, with the relaxation ideal of a spa."
As Ana heard herself talking, she rolled her eyes at herself and clamped her mouth shut quietly, then stared at her folded hands in her lap. A clicking sound started a moment later, then immediately stopped, as she realized she was clicking her adjacent thumbnails together.
"Why am I so nervous? It's just a spa treatment. With a girl younger than me, with more money than I could imagine spending in my lifetime. And maybe with this new woman, unless we all get seperate rooms or something." Ana heaved a sigh, then raised her eyes from her lap to look around the spa's lobby.