Checking It All Out
"Shay! Sis! You look...just great!"
Tris meant every word too. He had missed his big sister, even if it was because she hadn't been around to bail him out of his current 'fuck up'. Not that he really had any control over things. Bad shit just seemed to follow him around, wherever he went.
That was probably why his first thought was to find Shay, even if it meant hitching clear across the country to do so. He never really had forgiven her for flaking out on the family like she had, even if their mom and dad agreed the change would be good for her.
He had run up to the car, the minute he recognized the little blue vehicle, and pulled open the door once she had come to a stop. He reached across the seats and gave her a firm one armed hug, smiling huge.
"I mean it, you really look like the east agrees with you."
He relaxed now, against the seats, and turned the heater vent in his direction.
"Man, it's colder than a witch's tit out there. I'm sure glad you didn't have far to come."

Now, having her brother with her, she almost hoped they would get to the house before Alexi returned. At least that would give her time to get PT settled, and fill him in on the house 'rules'. She was not going to let him come between her and Alexi, in any way.
She saw him right away, and had to admit she grinned then. Her brother was the world's BIGGEST pain, for most of the time, but he was also her brother...and he could be a huge amount of fun, when he wasn't being a pain.
Pulling up to the curb, she waited while he threw his backpack into the back seat, and then gave her a hug.
"I wish I could say the same for you, brother dear. But, in truth? You look like hell."
And she did notice the circles of blue and tiny lines, beneath his eyes, once he got into the car. Though he was three years younger than Shay, tonight he looked about ten years older.
She started up the car, in a hurry now to get home.
"Are you okay? Is there some thing I need to know now?"
She would know immediately if he was feeding her a line, or just out and out lying. How he answered would set up how the rest of their reunion continued.

He knew his older sister well enough to understand he'd need to tell her the truth about why he had just shown up, unexpected, and unannounced, but he could have used a little compassion, and understanding on her part, at least until he had a good nights sleep.
He sighed deeply, and leaned back into the headrest, closing his eyes.
"Kelly got picked up by the cops...THEY said he had stolen a couple cars, but if he had, it was the first time he'd gotten into that kind of shit."
Tris knew his roommate had some shady dealings, but aside from dealing, and reselling some hot electronics, he really hadn't known Kelly to steal cars. Unfortunately, Kelly was also the kind who just couldn't pass up something he thought was a really good thing, no matter how stupid it might have been.
"Anyway, with all the pot I had growing in our backyard, I couldn't stick around. Kelly would have thrown me to the pigs in the flash of an eye."
Remembering his sisters previous affiliation with the police force, Tristan did have the grace to be embarrassed about his language.
"Sorry know I think you were the world's best cop...the only good one."
He gave his sister a 'kiss', and leaned back against the seat again.
"I only want to stay with you long enough to get my bearings, and make some plans. Really...I didn't want to come all this way to fuck up your life."
And he said that with real sincerity, hoping Shay knew he meant it.

"I'm sorry you got mixed up in that Tris, buuuuuut..."
She didn't need to go on. She knew he would understand that had she, it would have just been to admonish him for the pot. She also ignored the name calling, as she didn't think Tristan would appreciate the police force, until he got a little older, and began to value things outside his immediate realm. For twenty one years old, he was still very young, in many respects.
There was no point in going into how she knew his association with Mike Kelly would be his downfall, and that he was better off getting away from that guy anyway. She and Tristan had spoken about that issue so many times it made her head swim. Tristan and Mike had known each other since junior high school, and while Mike also had a fun, and engaging side, for the most part he was pure trouble.
"Okay PT...we'll talk about it further later. However, there are some things we need to get straight, before you put one foot into my home."
She glanced away from the road just long enough to make sure she had his full attention.
"One, I am living with someone...his name is Mathias, and he means the world to me...and I'm not using that term lightly. He comes before you do, PT, and whatever he says around the house goes. So if you think you're going to be experiencing any 'alpha male' issues, you'd better get the hell back on the road, because I won't put up with them."
Glancing his way again, she nodded, seeing he was looking at her and listening...or appearing to listen, anyway.
"Two, Mathias and I keep slightly odd hours. He works nights, and because of that, I've manipulated my own schedule, for the most part, to coincide with his. That means, while you are free to come and go, you'll need to respect the fact that we will be sleeping most days, and won't want loud music blasting then.
And lastly, for now anyway, I've got to go to New York to have a small medical procedure done. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to take me, and bring me home. I won't be able to drive for several hours afterward, and don't want to spend the night away from home."
The last part was an idea that came to her on the fly, and seemed a brilliant way of keeping Tristan out of Alexi's hair, but also giving Shay someone to be with when she had her operation. He wouldn't replace Alexi, but he would be better than no one.
"These few rules are subject to change at any given notice, and you are always welcome to leave, if they become unbearable for you."
It was tough being an older sister sometimes, but since she and Tristan had both left high school, and grown up, so to speak, they had reached a mutual understanding. Because of that they got along much better than they ever did, growing up.
Part of that was due to the fact that while she expected things of him, the first and foremost being respect, she gave it back to him, until he did something to warrant her disappointment.
"What do you think...any questions?"

"Wow Shay, he must be something if you're living together."
Not since high school had Tris seen his sister really involved with a guy. Sure she had dated, and he had met most of those guys, but none seemed to last long. He knew it was his sister's choice, and never did understand why she didn't date more. She had plenty of opportunities, hell, even Kelly had the hots for her. Though Tris was glad his sister had enough sense to never want to go there.
"Hey, really, I don't see it as a problem at all. I'm the one imposing, so whatever you want is cool with me."
He couldn't imagine not getting along with the guy...everyone liked him, and Shay should have remembered he would be the last one to make waves.
The night time thing wasn't going to be a problem either, as he tended to sleep late and stay up later.
The 'small medical procedure' sent a chill over him though. He had never known his sister to get more than minor colds, and the thought of her having an operation made her seem vulnerable. He didn't like seeing her that way. Shay had always been the rock...the one the rest of them could count on.
"Of course I'll go with you to New York, but what the hell kinda 'small procedure' are you having? What's wrong with you Shay?"
He watched as she pulled the car into a parking space, next to a cottage style group of buildings. He got out when the car stopped, and followed her into her home. When inside, he glanced around, but then turned his attentions back to his sister. Her silence was freaking him out some.
"Sis? What's wrong?"

She had heard Tristan's question, but was debating how much she wanted to go into all that now.
"Help yourself to whatevers in the kitchen, and I'll make up the air mattress for you in the office in a couple minutes."
She leaned back against the couch, and closed her eyes for a minute.
When she began talking, it was softly, but without the pain she'd been experiencing lately. Undoubtedly she had slipped into the roll of big sister, and didn't want to say anything to alarm the sibling.
"I have to go in for a hysterectomy, but fortunately they can do it all vaginally, and its just a daily procedure. It's just that I need to be put under local anesthetic, so I won't be able to drive after."
Maybe it was saying it over and over again that enabled her to get used to the idea. She REALLY wanted to tell Alexi now, and mentally cursed herself for putting it off so long.
"But no's not cancer or anything. My uterus is shot because of this thing called endometriosis, and to eliminate the horrible pain I've been having every month, the doc said I should just have it taken out."
She gave Tristan a small smile, trying to support her words that it wasn't a big deal.

"Hysterectomy? But you're too young! And Shay, that means..."
Something pulled at Tristan's heart. He knew his sister, and how she spoke of almost nothing but having babies ever since he could remember. Now that was never going to be? Something was just not right about this picture.
"You know Shay...they say way too many hysterectomies are performed in the states. You should get another opinion."
He wanted to give his sister something...something to help fix things. She had been there for him countless times, and now he wanted to be there for her.
"What about Mathias...doesn't he want kids...or have you two not talked about that yet. How serious is this really, if he won't even take you to have the operation done?"
That didn't sound like the kind of guy Shay should be with. It astounded Tris to hear she felt so strongly about such a guy.

"I've had a second opinion a specialist. I don't HAVE to get a hysterectomy, but there's no reason not to either. And if you had suffered painful cramps every month for the past year or so, I dare say you'd be ready to do just about anything to get rid of them too.
Besides...that's another thing Mathias and I now have in common...he can't have children either."
She smiled at her brother, indulgently.
"As for why he can't be with me..."
She was finally getting very tired and sleepy, and had laid her head back on the couch again.
"For one, he just can't get away during the day...and for another...I haven't told him yet."

Tristan was the clown, who would always be loyal to the others, but who just didn't have it in him to do much in the way of support, if it required real effort. However, he could provide her with physical compassion, and seeing her distress, he set down his chicken and milk, wiped his hands on his jeans and went to sit down next to his sister. He pulled her over into the crook of his shoulder, and gave her a soft squeeze.
"You do know you should have told him...whether or not he can physically have children with you isn't really the point. Besides, you still have options, if it's something you really want."
He still didn't buy the not being able to 'get away during the day' bit. If Shay really meant that much to this guy, he was pretty sure he'd do what he could to see that she was taken care of. But only if he knew about it.
"Really Shay...tell him as soon as you see him. I'll still take you if you need me to, but I'll bet he'll find a way."
Seeing how tired she was, Tristan moved off the couch, and then took hold of her hands, gently pulling her up.
"What say you show me where the sheets and mattress are, and I'll take care of making up my bed. You should be in your's now. I'll clean up the kitchen too...really...I can handle it."
He didn't know where her room was, so he just led her to the hallway with his arm around her shoulders. He was again surprised at how malleable she was. This thing really had hit her hard, and he wondered if she had called home...talked to their mom or dad about it. But those questions would wait.
"I can even write up a note for your boyfriend, so he doesn't freak out if he finds me in the office asleep."

She allowed herself to be pulled up off the couch, and moved about. When he led her to the hallway she opened up the linen closet and pointed to everything, sheets, towels...and the air mattress folded on the top shelf with the plug in adapter to blow it up, lying on top.
"Sorry kid. I really appreciate you entertaining yourself for a bit. I'll go ahead and write a quick note to Mathias, and post it on the door. Then I'm off to bed, I'm beat."
She turned on the light to the office, went over to the desks and quickly jotted down a few words, folded the paper, and stuck a piece of tape on top. Walking past Tristan as he entered the room she went to the front door and taped the note there.
Mathias -
My brother Tristan arrived in town this morning, and is staying in the office for now. I hope that is okay with you, but I'll talk to you more about it later.
It's late love...where are you?
Locking the door behind her, she walked back to the office to find Tris setting things up.
"Ok PT...I'm going to grab a quick shower, and then I'll see you sometime later. It's good seeing you...really."
And she blew him a kiss, before she turned to go into the bathroom.
Wrapping her hair in a towel, the shower was quick, and her hair would be washed tomorrow. Grabbing her robe from the back of the door, she pulled it on, and then picked up her dirty clothes. The clothes went into a hamper in her closet, and the robe was tossed over her vanity chair, before she went to the bed and slipped beneath the covers.
The activity of the shower, combined with her worry for Alexi must have given her a second wind, because now she wasn't sleepy at all.
She picked up the book on her nightstand, and began to read.

Once his bed was made up, he took a shower himself, dumped all his dirty clothes in the corner of the office, and closed the door. Dressed in boxers, he got down on the floor and crawled into the bed he'd made, feeling like he was out on a camping trip. In fact the last time he had slept on an air mattress, that was exactly what he had been doing.
Surprisingly, he was asleep within minutes.

"Thank god! Alexi, are you okay?"
"Shay? It's me - it's over...yes,yes I am fine love. I need to take a cab to this address and drive my car back to the house. The keys will be under the driver's side mat. I will be waiting in back - I love you Shay, see you in a few "
"All right, I'm on my way."
'YAY' she thought...he was okay...she had no idea what it was he referred to, as being 'over', but she would certainly be asking a lot of questions. First she had to go get him.
Quickly dressing in her standard sweater and jeans, she pulled on her Uggs, and didn't even bother with her hair. She'd run her fingers through it on the drive...
The was she to pick up Alexi, and not leave her car behind? For a few seconds she debated waking Tristan, and having him go with her...he could then drive her car back. But not sure how Alexi was going to maneuver from the car to the house in the sunlight, Shay decided to leave Tris sleeping, and hopefully get the transfer made without his notice. She didn't want him finding out about Alexi, and would do whatever she could to prevent it.
Grabbing her keys and purse, she was out the door ten minutes after the call came in.
She hadn't written down the address, but it hadn't seemed difficult. In fact she thought she remembered driving out in that area shortly after she had arrived in Nachton, when she was 'sightseeing'.
Traffic was light, was still early. When she turned and headed towards the docks, she could see smoke billowing into the sky...HUGE clouds of it, and if she hadn't just spoken to Alexi, she knew she would have been a total basket case during the rest of the drive. As it was, she was still not going to be completely at ease until she saw him with her own eyes.
A few other vehicles passed her going in the opposite direction from the docks, and she had to wonder if the passengers of those cars had been involved...and was the smoke a result of what they had been involved in.
Finding his car, she pulled up and parked her own just behind. Locking her car as she got out, she ran to his and tore open the door. Reaching under the mat, she caught a glimpse of the covered form in the back seat.
"It's me sweetheart. I'll have you home in no time. That is you back there...right?"
And when the engine turned over, she laughed. Partly from relief, partly because she was still quite scared.

"It's me sweetheart. I'll have you home in no time. That is you back there...right?"
At the sound of Shay's voice,Mathias slowly engaged the safeties on his pistols. A wave of relief washed over him - Shay was here, at least he had that.
"Yes, its me - at least I think so. I'm somewhat disconcerted right now Shay...Ellis and Simon...they are gone..."
He sighed heavily as the words poured out, a fresh wave of nausea hitting him.
" I can't go home right now love..I..I need you to drop me off at The Domicile..there are some things I have to deal with there.."

"All right Alexi, hang on. I'll get you there as soon as I can. I'm pretty sure I remember the way."
Ellis...good riddance to her. Shay had never liked the woman...thought she must be taking advantage of Alexi, and now maybe she'd quit having nightmares about her. Shay wasn't sorry to hear something happened to her.
However, she had no idea who Simon was. She sighed. She had so many questions, but knew now was not the time.
"Do you know how long you'll be? I probably won't see you now till late?"
Shay didn't like it one bit. She knew, obviously, something horrible had happened, and Alexi, therefore, had been in peril. She had to cling to the realization that he was okay, and while he might be back with her a little later than she'd like, at least he'd be back with her.
The reached the Domicile in record time, much to her chagrin.
"Is there an entrance I can drive into? Some place so you can get out of the car, without harm?"
And then another thought.
"Is there something I can help you with? I've nothing better to do."

" I wish there was love, but for right now this is something I can't involve you in. " Mathias did not like keeping anything from Shay, especially considering the pain secrets had caused them before.
He reached over the seat and held Shay close,taking comfort and strength from her presence. Despite all that Tacharan,that he had lost, he still had Shay...and that fact alone gave hm the strength to press on.
"We will talk all about it later tonight I promise love - but for now I just need you to be strong and let me handle things. "
Getting out of the car,Mathias leaned down and gave Shay a soft kiss,lingering a moment too long, not wanting to break or leave her embrace..knowing he had to,for now.
"I Will call you as soon as I can heart of my heart - and we will talk tonight"
Mathias began to walk backwards towards the entrance,watching Shay the entire time.

However, because it was Alexi asking it of her, she did nothing but smile weakly, and return his embraces, and kiss.
"I love you, just know that. I will await your call...soon!"
She called after him, as he walked away from the car.
Her heart was beating a mile a minute, so glad was she to have gotten him here without harm. It had done so much for her to see he was alright, once he had crawled out from underneath the cover.
But so caught up in getting him here, and out of the sun, Shay had forgotten all about Tristan! She almost yelled out to Alexi then, but slumped back in the seat of the car instead. Smiling at his fading figure, Shay backed the car out the way she had come in. It seemed she had the rest of the day to go home and sleep. It was doubtful Alexi would be returning until after sunrise now.
The drive home was bittersweet. It made sense that after 'whatever' it was he had been involved in had been completed, there would be some form of 'debriefing.' It was because of that line of rational, she was able to return home a lot less upset. If she learned later the reasons were completely different, she guessed it wouldn't matter anyway. The end result would be the same.
Pulling his car into the parking space, Shay decided she would have Tristan go with her later, to get her own car. At least she could accomplish that, and have one less errand to run later. The house was still quiet when she let herself in, and as she listened outside the office door, she heard nothing there either.
Without bothering to undress, Shay threw herself down on the bed, and just let thoughts of the events wash over her. Once her body calmed down enough, she quickly fell asleep.

However, when he finally did wake up, and really open his eyes, he was more than a little surprised to find it still pitch black in the room. Once he stretched, and sat up, he was awake enough to see there were some very heavy duty drapes on the windows, effectively blocking out every bit of possible sunlight.
Turning over onto his stomach, Tris did a few quick push ups on the floor, before pushing himself into a standing position. Jogging in place for a few seconds, he then went to the window and pulled back the weighty material to reveal an overcast, but bright day. He squinted, allowing his eyes to adjust, and ultimately closed the drapes again.
Instead he turned on one of the desk lamps and proceeded to pull some jeans out of his back pack. A polo shirt followed and looked a bit more wrinkly than the jeans. Both were clean, but could have stood a quick ironing. Tristan did NOT iron.
Leaving the office, he saw Shay's door was still closed. He was concerned for his sister, and hoped her guy had made it home sometime during the night. He guessed that hadn't happened when he checked outside the front door for a newspaper, and saw the note still taped there. Ripping it off, he shoved it into his pocket, closed the door and opened the blinds in the living room on his way to the kitchen.
Though Tristan wasn't a chef, by any means, he had picked up cooking basics when living with Kelly, and could scramble a mean egg. He was starving, and glad to see food in his sister's refrigerator. After debating making enough for three, he went ahead and took enough eggs, bacon, and bread out, to do just that. A quick whiff of the coffee pot led him to believe a fresh pot hadn't been made in awhile, and once he located the coffee, he set it aside as well. The least he could do for his sis, since she had let him stay the night.
The clock on the microwave read ten after twelve, and it was then he remembered his sister said they slept through most of the day. So he altered his cooking portions for just himself, and put everything back into the fridge, for later.
Feeling quite pleased with himself, and the day so far, Tristan began whistling, as he finished cooking up his breakfast.

The smile faded just as soon as she saw Alexi hadn't returned. Or, he had and had gone straight to the kitchen? No...she refused to think he would have gone there before waking her to say he had returned.
Chances were more in favor of Tristan waking, and cooking breakfast. And the thought generated another smile, but a much smaller one. She really had hoped Alexi would have finished up with whatever he had to do, and returned. Yet it was broad daylight now, and she had to realize he would probably stay at the Domicile now, till dark.
Still wearing the clothes from earlier, Shay entered the kitchen and stretched, as she smiled at her brother.
"Sleep well?"
Watching as he turned and smiled back, Shay sniffed, and smelled coffee! Grabbing a cup, she poured it full, 'foo'ed' it, and then sipped cautiously.
"God damn PT, this is great coffee!"
Walking up behind him she put her free arm around the front of him, and kissed his cheek.
"When did you grow up and learn how to cook?"

He hear Shay coming down the hallway, and turned to smile at her as she stretched.
"Heya sis...sorry, I didn't make enough for you and Mathias...I thought you guys slept all day?"
He turned back to the eggs, and chuckled at her question.
"I slept like a newborn baby...but you sure as hell don't look like you did. Were you up earlier? I thought I heard something, but...well...I kinda just went back to sleep."
She probably would remember eventually, but Tristan slept like the dead, and rarely woke up for anything, before he was ready.
He grinned to hear she liked his coffee.

"It's okay. Mathias didn't make it home yet. I had to go out and pick him up at a job, then take him to another. Things got a bit hectic, and he'll probably not be back till tonight.
I'd like you to do me a favor though...when you've eaten...and I've showered and changed. I need you to go with me to get my car. I took his when I picked him up, and left mine there. He couldn't drive...poor guy was really beat, and ... well, I thought it better if I drove him...anyway, do you think you could drive my car home for me?"
She watched as he piled the eggs, bacon, and toast on his plate, and sat down next to her at the table.
She promptly took a piece of his bacon and winked.
"See...there's enough."

Tristan laughed, at his sister's attempt to cover for her boyfriend. He just didn't buy the fact that anyone could be so tired as not be able to drive, and yet still keep working? But he didn't mind her covering. He hoped if he ever met someone he wanted to live with, she would be as loyal.
"Sure, I'll drive your car back for you...if you think I might be able to borrow it? I thought I'd go for a walk, but a drive would be nice, and I could really get out to see this 'Nachton' better. Whaddaya say?"
He forked a lump of eggs into his mouth, and gave her hand a playful stab when she picked up a piece of toast and took a bite. He didn't really mind, as he had made a little more than even he could eat.