*sniffle* *snort* *sneeze*

I know it is my turn to post in a couple of threads and hopefully I can be upright for longer than five minutes tomorrow and make a coherent sentence more than once.

Anyway I'm going back to bed now. *sneeze* Man, I hate the flu.

Fallon 19 years ago
Ohhh, you poor sickos! Hope you're feeling much better tomorrow.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
/hug The flu is the suck. Get lots of rest.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
I'm all done, so your turn! May you get through it faster than I did. And not pass it on to the fam.
Aishe 19 years ago
aww.. how cute, they're sharing their germs.

Hope ya get better soon Ginnie!
Apollyon 19 years ago
=/ Ive had the flu already this season, you have my empathy. Its hell while its in your system. /hug
Rachyl 19 years ago
Alec Devereaux
I'm all done, so your turn! May you get through it faster than I did. And not pass it on to the fam.

Fam passed it on to her. Poor her!
Alexandra 19 years ago
Awww hope you're feeling better soon, drink plenty of fluids and rest
Aishe 19 years ago
Apparently Alec's germs get around. I have a sinus infection and walking peumonia atm.

What gives?

*glares at Alec*

The Reckless Menace cannot handle this lameness! This is definitely more like Meek Whining than Reckless Menacing.

Simon Huntington 19 years ago
You need to kill some people with Tai =D
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
Tai cannot come out and play until he recovers from jet-lag. With the amount of drugs in my system, I'm lucky I didn't fall down the stairs in Meridian.
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Big baby.
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago

Are you going to pacify me?
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
/saps teh bunnuh

Aw bettah!