Board Modifications
I've added 3 style variants , Nosebleed (Serif Font) & VBDark2 (Serif Font), and 1 to ditch italics! Right now the last one is a dark theme only, but if someone finds they like it and would prefer white then i'll whip it up for you. The text that is supposed to be italic is just a slight gray shade off of white, distinguishable without making your eyes cross.
the arial and verdana italics was a little rough on me, and figured perhaps others may enjoy a font change as well.
I also patched to the most recent version, so if any problems arise, please PM me or Roz
Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Whee! More dark themed fun! And no worries on the white backings...they make my brain hurt. That's no good.
Simon Huntington
19 years ago
Thanks for adding those, kat! =D
19 years ago
Is this a bit like Body Modification?
(Good job and thanks)
(Good job and thanks)
19 years ago
I like it, very nice on the eyes