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Wake-up Call - attn:Nic

Kem stepped out of the shower, toweled off his hair, and rummaged around in the closet for something presentable. Snazzy dressing had never been his forte. Fortunately he didn't really have anyone to impress, which was just as well. Glancing at the clock, uncertain of what hours Nic kept, he gave a shrug and figured if he wasn't up yet, he probably should be.

He glanced across the room at the neglected cell phone on the dresser, feeling almost guilty for not using it. Then, another shrug.

[Oh Nic... time to wake up if you haven't already. Rise and shine, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and all that.]

Reaching out to Nic was easier already. Depending on how well he knew the person he sent to and how far away they were, sending could be easy or relatively difficult. He'd been doing it for hundreds of years though, and it was a fairly reliable ability.

Far better reception, he thought at his cell phone with a slight smirk. He waited a few moments to see if Nic responded, or if he'd have to mount another assault.

Nicholae 19 years ago
It had been a slightly rough night for Nic. He hadn't slept well. He was antsy...needed to get out...needed companionship...needed to be rid of this huge axe hanging over his neck.

He had no one to blame but himself, and that was what made the situation even that much worse. He couldn't escape himself. He was always right there...a constant reminder of what a fool he had been. Not an hour would pass that something would pop into his head to give him pause, and make him rethink the stupidity of his actions.

Sometime, late afternoon, he finally managed to fall into a dreamless sleep, and was getting good rest, at last.

[Oh Nic... time to wake up if you haven't already. Rise and shine, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and all that.]

His body of those jerks you do when sleeping and you feel like the bed has moved. He opened one eye, and could see by the little gaps in the blinds that it was dark out.

Thankfully Nic was not a long sleeper. Once his body had been allowed some 'good' sleep, that was all he had needed. But what was it that woke him?


Ah wait...had it been Kem? MARI wasn't around...maybe his saviour had word.

[Kem? Was that you?]

No need in going into a great deal of questions, until he knew for sure that he was sharing his head with someone else.
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
Well, if he hadn't been awake before, he was now.

[In the... wait, I've tried that before haven't I. It's me. I'm guessing you're probably near insanity with curiosity about now. I have good news and bad news. Several of each. You a good-news-first person, or would you like the bad stuff?]

He may as well cut straight to the chase. He intended to go to Meridian that evening and get to work, with Nic or without him. Sitting around idly would be counterproductive to the promise he'd made Alfarinn.
Nicholae 19 years ago
[Actually, go with the bad first. The good can bring me back up after.]

Finally...he was glad to be getting word on what penance he was being given, and how much longer he was going to be cowering behind the Evenhet walls. He not only hated having someone else clean up his mess, but he hated being locked away.

[Oh, and's VERY good to hear from you again.]
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
Kem was amused by the relief Nic's words seemed to convey. He imagined, under the circumstances, he'd feel the same. That being the case, he continued bluntly on.

[Well, the bad news is that you've managed to piss Ellis off, in theory anyhow. To be honest, we're not sure yet if she knows. I've spoken with Arin, and he's going to do his best for you in that regard. But in addition, you're going to have to hang out around the towers a bit longer. It really is the safest course.]

He was doing his best to at least tone down the bad news. [If there are further repercussions within Evenhet, Arin didn't mention them to me. They may or may not be forthcoming, I think he was too preoccupied with getting you out of this mess with Ellis to consider that - so count yourself lucky.]

That really was the worst of it, Kem reflected. Nic was getting a huge break.

[The good news is, you're not going to have to wear a beehive wig and outrageous amounts of eye makeup. Aside from that, we've got some work for you, if you're interested. Nothing exciting, and you may not even find it all that interesting, but I'm hoping if you take me up on it, it might help out when you eventually run your own business.]

Nicholae 19 years ago

Nic's first reaction. Though he hoped he'd kept it out of his head. He most assuredly didn't want anyone to think him ungrateful, but the thought of hanging around the Towers was beginning to drag on his ability to stay upbeat.

He was aware being kept away from Ellis was still the prime objective. Nic had minute dealings with the woman, and wanted to keep it that way. She scared the shit out of him, to put it mildly.

The comment about the wig and makeup was a little disconcerting, but since it wasn't to be an issue, Nic let it go.

[Work? Judas priest yes! Something...anything to get my mind off this, and have some interaction with people again. You can't imagine how I've been looking forward to that.]

Not to mention, he was always up for learning new things, even more so if they were things he could use later. He was far from an expert entrepreneur.

[I'm ready Kem. Just tell me where and when to report, and I'm there. What will this work be?]

And he waited, with baited breath, to hear his assignment. All jobs, no matter what they were, were approached by Nic as roles to play.
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
At least Nic was interested in helping out some. Kem just hoped the archives would help keep him interested and engaged while he waited at Liefde. He'd probably have to do something about getting the guy some blood at some point as well. Going out, even to hunt, would be poorly advised.

First things first though.

[Well, I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but Meridian has its roots in history. As a company, it first started out with archaeology - preserving artifacts, recording history. Our history, as it were, since many of us were around when these artifacts weren't artifacts. But I digress. The lower levels of Meridian comprise one of the most advanced repositories in the country. I've agreed to take over for one of the archivists temporarily, and if you're up to the task you're more than welcome to help out. It's tedious work sometimes, but even if the actual practice doesn't help you out, you're sure learn a lot about organizing vast numbers of files and information.]

Gods, but he tended to ramble when history was involved; Meridian's in particular. He hadn't been there from the start, but he'd been involved just about constantly since he'd arrived on the scene eight or nine hundred years ago, and he had no small amount of pride for what Meridian had become in Alfarinn and Megan's hands.

[I'm planning on heading over there in a little while and getting a handle on where things are and what's to be done. You're welcome to come along for the show.]
Nicholae 19 years ago
Kem had him up to the part about it being 'tedious work'. One reason Nic had loved acting so much, was the variety. Each part was different, and he rarely got bored, or bogged down by monotony.

But for awhile he'd be the apprentice, studying at Kem's knee. It was different from just laying about in the suite, thus making it appealing, if only for the moment.

[Alright Kem. When you're ready for me, I guess you can have MARI let me know. I'm assuming she will be able to show me the way to get to you?]

A part of Nic was a little disappointed to know his co-star would just be Kem. He liked the guy and all, but a few females thrown in wouldn't have hurt.

[I don't suppose we'll be joined by any other employees?]

Maybe things weren't as bleak as he imagined. Maybe others would be working along side the two of them.
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
Pulling on his coat, Kem gave a wry, humorless laugh. Was his mood really showing that much? He would have to try to lighten up some.

[Well I can't blame you for asking. I'm not very good company even on a good day. At this time of night, there won't be a ton of other people down there, but there'll be enough. I'm sure someone will turn up!]

He grabbed his keys off the hook by the door and headed out, locking the house behind him.

[I'm on my way over, it won't take long. No sense in bothering MARI, I can just yell at you once I hit the lobby if you like.]
Nicholae 19 years ago
Shit...Nic really hadn't wanted to say anything to alienate Kem.

[No. That isn't what I meant. You're great company...for a guy.]

A short chuckle was added, hoping to avert any sense that Nic wasn't going to enjoy working with Kem. He was a bit relieved to hear there would be others around too though.

A sharp heel to his forehead, was Nic's response to Kem's response on their means of communication. Of course MARI wouldn't be needed. Not when Kem could just 'buzz' Nic's mind.

[Alright Kem. I'll be ready. Just 'buzz' me when you're ready. Over and out.]

Again Nic chuckled...this mind rapping was pretty cool. Too bad it didn't work like this with everyone. Nic still hadn't heard from Addison, and was almost to the point where he guessed he would have to write off the guy.

Shrugging, Nic turned, and walked to the bathroom. A shower would be good, before he had his 'meal'. MARI had been good about providing him with blood, though his inability to obtain it the 'normal' way was starting to wear on his as much as the isolation.

For now, it was the least of his problems.

(Nic out - pending)
Kem`Raaisu 19 years ago
[No worries. There are days I wouldn't be great company for belly button lint.] It was a matter-of-fact statement for Kem, who hadn't taken any offense at Nic's words.

The purr of the BMW was always enjoyable. Casting a quick glance in the rearview mirror, not worried overmuch about traffic in the queit neighborhood, but rather concerned that the neighbors' kids might have left their toys on the driveway again, he backed out and began the short trip into the city.

[See you in a few.]

((ooc: Kem out, TBC at Meridian))