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A Foray into Fun(open)

Meegan and Rachyl wove their way into the ballroom, stopping here and there to speak with people they knew. Some of the attendees surprised her, most did not. She also recognized a lot of the faces from the halloween ball, and from her own Gala. Nachton only had so many elite. For the moment they stood with a group of men and women who did goodness knows what, though they seemed to like to blow a lot of hot air about it. Signing Meegan leaned into Rachyl, speaking quietly into the red head's ear.

"One day I'll have a computer chip implanted that stores all this useless information for me, and then I'll never have to pay attention to these blow hards again."

Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl had braced herself for the night of blowhardery, pissvinegary, big names, and small minds. She'd even prepared herself for comments from Meegan. But she hadn't prepared for comments within fifteen minutes of their arrival to the party!

Swallowing her snort of laughter, she glanced out the corner of her eye at Meegan. Nodding nearly imperceptibly, she glanced about the room for other groups of folks with which Meegan would likely wish to speak.
Meegan 19 years ago
Meegan listened half-heartedly to the conversation about the sate of our shipping district. She just couldn't care less, politics bored her panties into a knot. Sighing she looked around the ballroom, snagging a flute of champagne from a passing waiter in the process. She spotted the lovely asian couple from the Gardens a few nights back. She was going to make a point to go say hello to them, before the night was through.

Sighing again, she forced herself to pay attention to the man currently holding the District Attorneys office, as he spoke about needed a revival in the shipping district in order to stamp out the crime that riddled our harbors.
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
What the fuck was he doing? Was he storming off? Do people do that anymore?

Kyle reached up and undid his bow tie. Waiters kept passing him with tall glasses of champagne, his eyes trying to avoid them. He needed to get out of there and back to his place. Turning back once more to look at Nova, Kyle suddenly ran into a group of people, almost knocking someone down.

It was Meegan Masters, that gothic house business owner. He hadn't talked to her since that awkward meal over her break in. He grabbed her arms before she went falling to the ground. Her champagne glass went flying and shattered to the floor.

'Oh, God.' He grabbed the woman, trying to keep her from falling. The sound of the broken glass cleared the area about twenty feet around them. More good times, whee. 'Miss Masters, I'm sorry. Are you alright? I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry.'
Meegan 19 years ago
She opened her mouth to respond to a question, when she was suddenly flying through the air, and being caught by very big hands.

"Oh, shit!"

Blinking she looked up and found herself face to face with Kyle Evans, the reporter from the times that she'd spoken to after Panos had broken into her studio.

"Hello Mr. Evans. It's lovely to see you too." Her hands wrapped around his muscular biceps and she pushed her feet until they were underneath here enough to begin to push herself up. Somehow she and Kyle managed to get her up-right.

"I'm fine. I must say this will most likely be the only fun I have this evening, so I should thank you."

Laughing she removed her hands from his arms and brushed her dress back into place.
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
Could this night get any more embarassing?

'I'm sure you're having more fun than I am, Miss Masters.' He let go of her arms and undid the top button of his white shirt. He was looking very casual at the moment, but still feeling like a class A jack ass. His mind kept straying to the things he and Nova said earlier...shaking his head he put her out of his thoughts.

'I haven't heard anything else about the dilemma we last spoke about. Is it resolved?'
Yuu 19 years ago
'Dilemmas? This sounds intriguing.' Yuu came up behind the tall man talking to Meegan Masters. With Tai beside her, she nodded her head with a smile.

'Excuse me for intruding. I just saw Miss Masters here and had to say hello.' She looked at the tall man and gave him a curious look. So many good looking men in Nachton. She needed to not limit herself to just one, she decided. Yuu noticed the woman standing next to Meegan as well.

'I should introduce myself. I'm Shiroir Yuukaku, Yuu for short and my companion is Ichiro Taiji. Please to meet you both.'
Meegan 19 years ago
Poor, Kyle acted like the devil himself was after him, and she hoped that he had not gotten himself into more trouble. Not that it was her problem anyway.

"Not exactly..."

'Dilemmas? This sounds intriguing.'

Meegan looked up and smiled at Yuu. It was nice to be distracted from the most boring conversation ever, and so she took the whole thing in stride and smiled.

'Excuse me for intruding. I just saw Miss Masters here and had to say hello. I should introduce myself. I'm Shiroir Yuukaku, Yuu for short and my companion is Ichiro Taiji. Please to meet you both.'

"It is good to see you both again. May I introduce, Mr. Kyle Evans of the Nachton Times and my partner in life and business, Miss Rachyl Walker?"

Her smile widened and as a waiter approached their little group she took another glass from his tray to replace the one that had shattered and was now being cleaned up.
Ichiro Taiji 19 years ago
Tai gave a polite bow in greeting when introduced to Rachyl Walker and Kyle Evans, and nodded his head to Meegan as well.

"Konbanwa; a pleasure to see you again Miss Masters. And to meet you both," he added to her companions.

Tai deliberately took a passive stance, just ever so slightly behind Yuu. Pleasurable though the night may be, he was still interested in learning the ins and outs of intrigue here in Nachton, and understanding the politics. It was coincidence that he'd managed to easily acquaint himself with people who moved in those circles, however peripherally, but he wasn't going to turn up his nose at the chance to listen and learn.

His role quite subtly moved from 'Yuu's arm-decoration' to 'polite foreigner.' With that in mind, he turned to the attractive woman standing with Miss Masters.

"Partner - are you a designer as well, then, Miss Walker?"
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl shook her head after she greeted the newcomers with friendly smiles and gracious nods, and a gentle repetition of their names to cement faces to memory. "No, Mr. Taiji, my formal education was in real estate and decor, but since moving to town last year I've received a good deal of training in the fashion industry. Right now, I guess you could say I'm a work-in-progress."

Rachyl giggled and shared a smile with Meegan, then looked at Ms. Yuukaku, then Ichiro before responding. "Then again, as I've learned all too often since I've been here, all of life seems to be, and when I get philosophical at moments like this, I need to shut up and just listen."

She glanced at Kyle Evans. He seemed... out of sorts. She wondered if... no no, he seemed to know Meegan, she'd mention it to her later. "And please, call me Rachyl." She extended her hand to each, now that the ice was broken.
Rene O Brian 19 years ago

Her hand still tucked into the crook of Corey's arm, Rene's deep green gaze scanned the room. She didn't really expect to see anyone she knew, but it was kind of neat seeing all the people dressed up and preening about the place.

Leaning a bit closer to her partner, she whispered for his ears alone,
"Reminds you of a bunch of peacocks, don't they?" She -almost- giggled, almost being the operative word.

Corey did chuckle just a bit, looking around the room himself. His brow lifted as he recognized someone he really did not feel like introducing Rene to just yet. Disentangling himself from her grasp, he smiled down to her.
"Go ahead and mingle; I see someone I need to say hello to." And without giving her time to argue, he wandered off across the room.

Rene only watched him a few moments before harumphing softly to herself. With a shrug, she pasted her smile back in place and wandered off herself to find a drink.

(OOC: Rene out)

Ichiro Taiji 19 years ago
Tai smiled at Rachyl, an expression that rarely reached his light brown eyes. Although his expression was somewhat removed, his words and his voice were still attentive.

"It seems that you're learning many different things, not just a new profession. Most people never reach the point of knowing when to simply listen."

Tai shook Rachyl's offered hand, his grasp firm, but not overly so. "Please, call me Tai. Ichiro is my family name."

He kept forgetting Americans referred to themselves first name first, family name last. He should probably do so while he was here in Nachton, as well, to avoid confusion. He didn't mind, but 'Mr Taiji' just sounded... almost humorous to him.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Embarassment flickered across Rachyl's features. She really should have known that; she'd guessed Tai's nationality but hadn't wanted to be wrong, but ended up screwing up anyway. "My apologies, Tai. In my efforts to not offend, I erred instead." She shook his hand firmly as well, then let go.
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
Kyle nodded automatically at the newcomers but found himself staring off at the wet bar that was set up on the other side of the ballroom. He kept blinking and turning away, only to find that his eyes were back on the bartender fixing drinks. He felt the tell tale itch again. It disgusted him because up until this very moment, he had been ok. Being on the wagon at least a month now put things in perspective, especially his reaction to Nova's nonreaction.

To put it bluntly, he was feeling like a jack ass.

He just needed to survive this conversation a little longer and then he'd excuse himself. Maybe go for a walk before finding a cab and going home. Kyle looked down at the tuxedo and made a mental note to have it dry cleaned and returned, probably just leave it at Duibne - attention Marthinus.

Kyle was staring at the bar again. He was not surprsied that Nova had not only pushed him emotionally in many ways, but to drink as well. Rolling his eyes he focused in on the conversation.

'So why does your name sound familiar, Yuu?'
Yuu 19 years ago
Yuu turned her attention to Kyle Evans. Tanned and blue eyed. Yuu gave him an appraising look before she answered. She too was starting to tune people out, but focused again when he spoke her name. Truth be told, she hated these functions. She wondered if anyone actually liked coming to these things. It was best dressed, worst dressed, who got caught shagging, popularity contest, i.e. high school prom. She sighed mentally but gave Mr. Evans a smile.

'I'm new here in Nachton. I'm the Assistant District Attorney. My predecessor was recently murdered. I'm sure as a reporter, you know that and probably why my name sounds familiar.'

Leaning in closer to Mr. Evans, away from the others, she whispered,
'And you look as fucking bored as I do.' She gave the tall drink of water a winning smile.
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
Being tall had its advantages. As Yuu leaned in to comment on their similiar situations, he caught a fabulous glimpse down the front of her silk dress. He closed his eyes and sighed...a pig till the end. His mother would be proud. Kyle gave her a wry grin and whispered back.

'I'm bored out of my fucking skull and would kill for a drink, but...alas, I'm on this wagon and it wont stop to let me off, lest I fall off...if ya dig?'

Being sober had made his level of disclosure incredibly high and it annoyed him. He felt his face flush slightly.

'Maybe I'll grab something to eat. I bet they're having something with asparagus. They always have asparagus at these things.' He nudged a passing waiter and quietly asked for a coke. At least his conversation with the young looking ADA was distracting him from drinking. He mentally scored her on a scale of 1-10, 10 being getting her into a broom closet, but again he closed his eyes at his pig headedness.

Kyle was really not happy.
Yuu 19 years ago
'Asparagus...yum.' She made a face and laughed. Yuu watched Kyle's expressions and almost laughed at some of them. 'Is something bothering you, Mr. Evans? I saw you bump into Meegan here. You weren't watching where you were going,' she gave him a tsk tsk face, 'what got you so hot under the collar...if you don't mind me asking, that is?'

Yuu was never one to gossip...ok that's a lie, she was always up for gossip. She listened to Kyle intently, still ignoring the others.

'I bet I can guess. Female problems?'
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
It must be like a radar or some sort of sensory perception that women had that told them someone was upset. He'd never understand women.

'You're a woman...obviously,' he cleared his throat, 'what is it with you all that feel the need to be independent? I mean, when we love you, you think we're weak. Why do women think being in control means belittling something special? Y'all are so pretty but oh my god I want bang my head against the wall sometimes trying to figure women out. What is so hard about getting a straight answer?'

Kyle was angry and embarassed again. He turned towards the bar and took a step.

'You know, I'm sorry. Forget that. I'm...just tired. I've had a rough week, let me tell you. It was nice meeting you, Miss Yuukaku.' Kyle gave her a small bow and looked towards the wet bar, then turned the opposite direction and headed out towards the foyer.

((OOC - out and into the garden))
Yuu 19 years ago
Yuu blinked several times as Kyle went on his tirade. Suddenly he excused himself and left once again in haste. She held up her glass to toast him a fare thee well. Stepping back over to Tai, she pointed towards the retreating Evans.

'You odd.' She wrapped her arm around Tai's as she drank her champagne and listened in to the conversation at hand.
Ichiro Taiji 19 years ago
Tai shook his head at Rachyl while Yuu occupied herself with the other man, Kyle Evans.

"No apologies necessary," he said. "Different customs, different formalities. Best to err on the first meeting, than to err repeatedly on future ones."

He felt Yuu's arm entwine with his once again, he looked down at her as she spoke, and then up again at the retreating back of Evans.

"Managed to chase that one off, did you?" he murmured to Yuu. "Was it intentional, or merely a side benefit?"

He maintained no illusions, however. The two of them were playing several different games, and only one of those had brought them together in Nachton. Tai hadn't put aside any of his for Yuu, and would have been disappointed if she had for him. He was surprised at Evans' quick departure, however, as Yuu could certainly be entrancing when she meant to.
Ginnie 19 years ago
Meegan sipped at her champagne as Rachyl and Tai made introductory comments. She watched Yuu and Kyle as well, you could tell a lot about a person when they were playing games, but poor Kyle wasn't much of a player, and Yuu had him out classed by a mile. Suddenly the man was striding away. 'Whoops. The demons have returned to nip at his heels. She chuckled softly.

"Ah, Mr. Evans, always in a hurry to go nowhere." She watched him leave the ballroom and shook her head lightly. She wondered if he might be able to help her at some point.

"How are you two finding Nachton?"