Shock and Confusion (attn: Fallon)
Cyrus managed to keep Fallon looking like she was moving while his arm was wrapped protectively around her. His driver raced ahead opening doors and shoo'ing people out of his way. Thankfully she could deal with the concierge who would be told that a dear friend of theirs had just died, causing them both much distress.
One had, Fallon's ignorance to vampires, perhaps in a very brutal way. He was going to get to the bottom of this and then hunt down the rogue who recklessly turned humans. Standing with Fallon in the elevator he realized he was snarling at his reflection. Good thing they were alone.
Within moments he had her safely ensconced in his suite's sitting room on the comfortable couch. He got her some water and took off his jacket and button down shirt before divesting the brunette of her wool coat and velvet jacket. Crouching down in front of her he placed his hands on her knees.
"Lets talk Fallon."

"It would be difficult, but you would survive until the next night. Though it would weaken you, the longer you go without blood. Plus you should be making your escape from wherever at your strongest, which would mean the first night." Thinking on it further he continued with great care. "I would recommend you being on guard to not be put in a situation like that to begin with."
She curled up at his feet and put her head on his knee. That was not something he had expected. Gently he stroked her hair with one strong hand. At her mention of a harem he laughed. Though she did have a point, he was feeling a bit hungry himself. With a smile he looked into her very pretty brown eyes.
"Would you like me to have someone come here? Or shall we go to them?"

"I guess I must have good preservation instincts, or else I probably wouldn't be here today talking about this. I need you to know though, had I not met you, and been able to talk to you now, I would have remained an emotional wreck for who knows how long."
Not wanting to embarrass the man, Fallon decided she had gushed over him enough...for now. In her mind she owed him too much to quit for good.
The thought of being in a room...him...her...and two 'others', gave Fallon a not too pleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. Maybe one day feeding would be so second nature that she could do it like she had with the other a room full of other people, casually sitting if at a huge banquet mind was not going there.
"Your generosity is humbling, and I'll go with whichever choice you decide; however, I will need...privacy."
She looked up at him fully, and hoped he didn't take her restriction as disrespect.

Listening to her he nodded. Privacy was a good thing. He saw no need to watch.
"How about we clean up a bit and then go find some food."
He needed a few more weapons if he was going out to feed. Luckily he had some hidden here. Smiling down at Fallon he felt protective and thankfully no longer impatient. That was a step in the right direction.
He wraped his telekinesis around his cell phone as it nestled in his jacked draped over a chair. His hand went up to catch it as it came to him. Quickly he dialed and spoke quietly into the phone, arranging a meeting with a couple that liked to swing and play at biting. Cyrus had played once with the wife while the husband had been with another couple elsewhere, so he knew they were good contacts. Next he called his driver to be awaiting them downstairs.

What she saw in the mirror was less than flattering, but didn't look irreparable. Taking a few tissues, she wet them and patted down her face, being careful to remove traces of mascara that had smudged when she cried. The cool wet tissues also helped remove any puffiness. She was lucky she had always had a slight golden tan tint to her skin, and thus didn't look pale, but rather healthy. Her hair was also an asset in that it was thick, and shiny, and even with all the flailing about she had done tonight, had pretty much retained it's upswept style. Once she had tucked in a couple errant stray hairs, she looked almost good as new.
Straightening her clothes, she exited the bathroom, and smiled at Cyrus, just as he seemed to be ending a phone call.
"Ready when you are...I hope I don't look the worse for wear."
She had to admit, even if just to herself, the thought of this upcoming meeting, was starting to get her excited. It was nothing she could ever imagine instigating on her own, but with Cyrus along for support, and to answer any questions she might have, it gave her the confidence she needed to follow through. In fact, if things went well, she wondered if Cyrus might like to do this on a more regular basis.
She picked up her coat, and then remembered she had no shoes. Looking down at her feet, she laughed.
"Might we make a stop along the way? I seem to have left my shoes in the maze. I have another pair in my room that will do."
And as soon as she got her first paycheck, she'd be out buying a new pair.

He flipped on his coat and patted down the knives. There were spots for two more, so he walked over to the couch and pushed it forward slightly, to grab the cloth wrapped package hidden under the springs. He lowered the couch and gently unwrapped the gray silk. Picking two, he unsheathed them and got each point going into the jacked sheaths. He pushed with his mind to secret them properly as he rewrapped the bundle and put it back.
When he looked at Fallon he realized he should have done that while she was in the restroom. He shrugged his shoulder and explained slighly. "Remember that be cautious I told you to be? This is me being cautious. Since we are going out to find food, I want us safe even if I cannot shift."
He hoped she did not ask more questions. She may realize he was wearing more than the two she saw him put on but he hoped not.

Fallon owed this man a tremendous that might never be repaid. But if she could, she would do her best.
She watched him quizzically, as he began moving the couch around, and took something out of it...knives? The thought of carrying a weapon was suddenly appealing to Fallon. That, in and of itself, showed a huge change in the woman's mental state. In all the time she lived with Ted, she was scared to death of guns. Probably because she feared killing him, and somewhere in the back of her mind that would have been worse than suffering at his hands.
Knives were never anything she considered...but now, she wondered if they would be difficult to learn.
"I won't pass judgement on you Cyrus. If you feel that is what you need to do, by all means. Personally, I was just wondering myself...if knives would be difficult to use. Maybe you'll show me sometime?"
But now she was getting hungrier, and they still had somewhere to drive to.
"Why don't I meet you downstairs in the lobby, after I get my shoes. I think I'll even leave my purse in my less thing to worry about."
Fallon smiled again, and walked out the door.
(Fallon out - tbc...)

Quickly he moved out the door to the elevator. They had dinner to get.
((Cyrus out!))