Carol watched the little wisp of a vampire find her way past the slaughterhouse and to the elevator entrance on her computer screen. As the dark haired girl entered the small box, the camera did a database search on her.
'Oooh,' Carol smiled. 'She has arrived.' She watched the computer register her appearance and physical measurements, saving it into the database to compare against her dna scan.
Standing, Carol walked by the full length mirror by her door and checked her appearance. She was wearing a white see thru mesh body suit with solid X's over the nipples. Her white skirt hung low on her hips, revealing her thong underneath. She gave the white combat boots a final check and then exited into the lobby.
'My god,' she said with a smile, 'aren't you the cutest thing?' She held out her hand and walked up to the one called Lotus.
A Meeting with Carol
Lotus exited the elevator into a large circular room. Granite covered every surface, immaculately clean. She could see her reflection. She scanned the paintings on the walls, recalling memories of time spent with the artists. She had a soft spot for such talent. Her heels clicked softly as she continued toward the reception desk. The silence was deafening. She sat her duffle bags on the ground, and placed her laptop briefcase on the counter. She flashed a smile, knowing that Carol would see her. "Nice place", she thought to herself, eyes still wandering around the room.
She heard a door click open, turned and smiled at Carol.

19 years ago

19 years ago
Lotus blushed at the compliment. She got them alot, but could never get used to it. She graciously nodded at Carol. She looked down at her very plain outfit. Black pants, black tank top, black shoes... black hoodie. She would have to go shopping with Carol sometime.
"So this is home, huh". She moved closer to Carol and offered her hand.
She moved closer to Carol and offered her hand.

19 years ago
Carol shook Lotus' hand happily and then put her finger on the lap top on the counter. 'Yup, as described in scintillating detail in this little guy, which is yours to keep by the way. You'll get assignments through this.' She opened the lap top and configured it for the network in Nachton. 'Modern technology.'
Then Carol hooked a thumb over to the wall at the computer panel. 'We'll get you all hooked up and stuff through this little guy. They're all over and if you get lost, just sign in and it'll help you with anything.' Carol turned on the panel and its blue lights blinked on. Typing in her password, the computer's bottom panel opened and slid out quietly. On the pad was the impression of a right hand.
She stood by the panel, waiting for Lotus to join her.
Then Carol hooked a thumb over to the wall at the computer panel. 'We'll get you all hooked up and stuff through this little guy. They're all over and if you get lost, just sign in and it'll help you with anything.' Carol turned on the panel and its blue lights blinked on. Typing in her password, the computer's bottom panel opened and slid out quietly. On the pad was the impression of a right hand.
She stood by the panel, waiting for Lotus to join her.

19 years ago
Lotus walked over to Carol. Modern technology, indeed, she thought to herself. Being in a powerful clan had its perks. She was anxious to get acquainted with her new home. She placed her hand on the plate. It felt like ice.
She looked at Carol and smiled, "Ok, now what?"
She looked at Carol and smiled, "Ok, now what?"

19 years ago
'Whatever you do, don't flinch.'
Steel spider like claws popped out of the side and clamped down onto Lotus' hand. It quickly took a specimen of her blood and the monitor on the panel did a quick retnal scan. Gone are the days of the bright vertical light across the face. It did it so fast so quietly that Carol barely noticed it. The needles released just as quickly and retracted back into the wall.
The panel slid out from under Lotus' hand and slipped quietly back into the wall. 'Now, you're all done here. When you came down the elevator, you were visually registered into the system and now you're dna is registered along with that.'
Carol pushed off the wall and started to walk down the hallway to the elevator. 'Come on, I'll show you your new place.'
Steel spider like claws popped out of the side and clamped down onto Lotus' hand. It quickly took a specimen of her blood and the monitor on the panel did a quick retnal scan. Gone are the days of the bright vertical light across the face. It did it so fast so quietly that Carol barely noticed it. The needles released just as quickly and retracted back into the wall.
The panel slid out from under Lotus' hand and slipped quietly back into the wall. 'Now, you're all done here. When you came down the elevator, you were visually registered into the system and now you're dna is registered along with that.'
Carol pushed off the wall and started to walk down the hallway to the elevator. 'Come on, I'll show you your new place.'

19 years ago
Lotus felt the needle penetrate her hand. She clenched her teeth, but did not react with the rest of her body. It was over instantly and she removed her hand. She took a quick glimpse at it, and noticed a small droplet of blood started welling up from where the steel claw poked her. She brought it up to her mouth and licked it away.
She followed Carol to the elevator. The doors silently slid open and she walked in.
She followed Carol to the elevator. The doors silently slid open and she walked in.

19 years ago
Carol rested her hands behind her on the railing inside the elevator.
'These are voice activated and now with your DNA being registered,' she nodded back towards the front of the Domicile, 'the elevators are programmed to recognize you and where your apartment is. Which is level 22.' Carol looked up and said, 'Lotus'.
The elevator moved silently down. 'As I explained in the intro on your computer message, the Domicile is quite large. You're free to move about it but it will restrict you automatically from this, that or the other.'
The elevator stopped and opened the door. Carol walked out and strolled casually down the hall, passing about a dozen even spaced doors. She hooked her thumb towards a rather plain looking steel door with no handle.
'This is your place.' Carol waited for Lotus to approach. 'It's like Star Trek, it'll open at your presence.' She winked, waiting for Lotus.
'These are voice activated and now with your DNA being registered,' she nodded back towards the front of the Domicile, 'the elevators are programmed to recognize you and where your apartment is. Which is level 22.' Carol looked up and said, 'Lotus'.
The elevator moved silently down. 'As I explained in the intro on your computer message, the Domicile is quite large. You're free to move about it but it will restrict you automatically from this, that or the other.'
The elevator stopped and opened the door. Carol walked out and strolled casually down the hall, passing about a dozen even spaced doors. She hooked her thumb towards a rather plain looking steel door with no handle.
'This is your place.' Carol waited for Lotus to approach. 'It's like Star Trek, it'll open at your presence.' She winked, waiting for Lotus.

19 years ago
She followed Carol down the hall and watched her open the door. "Do we get to wear cool little pins too?" Lotus joked. She didnt watch many Star Trek episodes, but she could pull off a little geekiness when needed. She watched Carol open the door. It blended into the wall except for its outline. She stepped inside and the lights flickered on. It was pretty basic and bare, but very open. She had already started dressing the place up in her mind.
"Well this certainly beats a 900 square feet apartment."
Lotus lived comfortably on her earnings as a hired assassin, but she never went overboard in spending for her living quarters. She had few clientel, but they paid well for her services. She was a penny pincher unless it came to her toys. Oh how she loved new shiny pointy things.
"Well this certainly beats a 900 square feet apartment."
Lotus lived comfortably on her earnings as a hired assassin, but she never went overboard in spending for her living quarters. She had few clientel, but they paid well for her services. She was a penny pincher unless it came to her toys. Oh how she loved new shiny pointy things.

19 years ago
Carol watched Lotus look around her apartment. 'Just let me know what you want in here and I can take care of it.'
So far, so good. This was her standard speech. Hi. Hand here. Don't flinch. Here's your place. Wanna be a merc? Ellis will see you now.
Carol paused.
'Right, uh...there are a few things that I have to let you know about.' She winced slightly. 'Some changes that have happened...recently...yeah.' Carol took a couple steps closer to Lotus and put her arms behind her back.
'Tacharan is no longer run by Ellis Duban. Her second in command, Simon, is now leading us. Unofficially right now but there will be a meeting. Coffee cake, know.' Carol felt ackward, wondering just how much Lotus even knew about Ellis, other than her being leader and what, exactly, she'll want to know.
'You can meet Simon later, though.' Carol brought her hands forward and clapped once.
So far, so good. This was her standard speech. Hi. Hand here. Don't flinch. Here's your place. Wanna be a merc? Ellis will see you now.
Carol paused.
'Right, uh...there are a few things that I have to let you know about.' She winced slightly. 'Some changes that have happened...recently...yeah.' Carol took a couple steps closer to Lotus and put her arms behind her back.
'Tacharan is no longer run by Ellis Duban. Her second in command, Simon, is now leading us. Unofficially right now but there will be a meeting. Coffee cake, know.' Carol felt ackward, wondering just how much Lotus even knew about Ellis, other than her being leader and what, exactly, she'll want to know.
'You can meet Simon later, though.' Carol brought her hands forward and clapped once.

19 years ago
Lotus mused at Carol's statement, and thought a moment. "Needs more red. everywhere. floor.. walls.. silver lamps, tables. black pillows. Oh, can i get a really nice comfy leather chair for my computer desk? a high-back if possible." Lotus peered around the rest of the room and started walking toward the kitchen area. She ran her fingers across the counter tops. These would have to stay though, she liked the granite.
She felt Carol pause. She turned around as Carol began explaining that Ellis was no more. She had heard of the legendary beauty and skilled fighter. She looked forward to meeting Ellis. A pity. She listened as Carol explained about Simon, and the upcoming meeting. Her ears perked at the sound of coffee cake. While it wasn't necessary for her to eat human food, she did have a sweet fang, especially for coffee cake.
Dismissing the thought of food, she focused on more important matters at hand. "What happened? Ellis I mean. I was looking forward to meeting her." Her curiosity was piqued. It wasn't common news to hear of an ancient falling from power.
Lotus slowly walked around the room, taking in all the minute details. The lack of windows was such a welcome sight. She didnt favour sleeping underground, so she had always covered her windows with dark sheets. This underground haven was perfect though, cool and dark, but still cozy.
"What role do you play in all of this?" She asked Carol.
She felt Carol pause. She turned around as Carol began explaining that Ellis was no more. She had heard of the legendary beauty and skilled fighter. She looked forward to meeting Ellis. A pity. She listened as Carol explained about Simon, and the upcoming meeting. Her ears perked at the sound of coffee cake. While it wasn't necessary for her to eat human food, she did have a sweet fang, especially for coffee cake.
Dismissing the thought of food, she focused on more important matters at hand. "What happened? Ellis I mean. I was looking forward to meeting her." Her curiosity was piqued. It wasn't common news to hear of an ancient falling from power.
Lotus slowly walked around the room, taking in all the minute details. The lack of windows was such a welcome sight. She didnt favour sleeping underground, so she had always covered her windows with dark sheets. This underground haven was perfect though, cool and dark, but still cozy.
"What role do you play in all of this?" She asked Carol.

19 years ago
'Oh yeah, we can do it up anyway you like.' Carol made a mental note to make arrangements for Lotus' apartment. 'But about just missed some broo haha'ings here in Nachton. Did you hear about that big fire down by the docks? The chemical spill slash suspected terrorist thing? Well yeah...that was kinda,' Carol cough slightly, '...that was us.' She gave a small laugh.
'The result of that fire was Ellis' death and ultimate...misdirection on her personal interests.' It was better than saying that Ellis betrayed her clan, at least. 'She died in the fire, though.' Carol looked down at her hands. 'It's a long story.'
She looked up and watched Lotus walk around the apartment, taking in what she just said and her surroundings. Thankful for Lotus' side question, Carol pressed on, 'I'm the executive secretary here at Tacharan. I'm a familiar,' she stopped herself, 'well I was Ellis' familiar. I suppose I'm freelancing at the moment.'
Carol grinned and then walked towards the stairs on the side of the apartment. 'Up there is your master bedroom and extra bedrooms. All the fun stuff. Speaking of which, only familiars and other clan members are allowed in the Domicile, any guests should be taken elsewhere. We keep the Domicile under tight security for obvious reasons.'
Walking back over to Lotus, she plopped herself down on the standard couch in the living room. 'Anything else?'
'The result of that fire was Ellis' death and ultimate...misdirection on her personal interests.' It was better than saying that Ellis betrayed her clan, at least. 'She died in the fire, though.' Carol looked down at her hands. 'It's a long story.'
She looked up and watched Lotus walk around the apartment, taking in what she just said and her surroundings. Thankful for Lotus' side question, Carol pressed on, 'I'm the executive secretary here at Tacharan. I'm a familiar,' she stopped herself, 'well I was Ellis' familiar. I suppose I'm freelancing at the moment.'
Carol grinned and then walked towards the stairs on the side of the apartment. 'Up there is your master bedroom and extra bedrooms. All the fun stuff. Speaking of which, only familiars and other clan members are allowed in the Domicile, any guests should be taken elsewhere. We keep the Domicile under tight security for obvious reasons.'
Walking back over to Lotus, she plopped herself down on the standard couch in the living room. 'Anything else?'

Simon Huntington
19 years ago
Simon walked into the lobby, fully refreshed from his recent feeding. He ran a hand through his hair as he walked by Carol's door. He couldn't feel her. Reaching out, he activated the computer panel and searched the Domicile to see who was in. It was fairly quiet but an unfamiliar name listed. His eyebrows furrowed.
'Lotus.' Simon said the name out loud. Pulling up her information he reviewed her file. 'Oh.' Double checking their location, he logged out and headed towards the elevator. He'd stop by, check on Carol and the new member.
'Lotus.' Simon said the name out loud. Pulling up her information he reviewed her file. 'Oh.' Double checking their location, he logged out and headed towards the elevator. He'd stop by, check on Carol and the new member.

19 years ago
Carol turned head towards the door. She had that niggling feeling in the back of her head again. She grinned to herself and then turned back to Lotus.
[I can hear you from a mile away.]
Just then Lotus' door signaled that someone was right outside the door.
Carol clapped her hands, 'Fun! A visitor!'
[I can hear you from a mile away.]
Just then Lotus' door signaled that someone was right outside the door.
Carol clapped her hands, 'Fun! A visitor!'

19 years ago
Lotus inwardly giggled at hearing "broo haha'ings". Now thats an odd word.
Carol did not seem overly troubled when she spoke of her mistress' demise. She wondered what that was all about. Lotus was about to answer Carol's question when a beep came from her door. She made her way to the door and opened it, fully surprised at what she saw, a really tall, quite handsome man. She pulled the door open some more and stepped aside so the man could enter. "Well, come on in." She flashed a smile.
Carol did not seem overly troubled when she spoke of her mistress' demise. She wondered what that was all about. Lotus was about to answer Carol's question when a beep came from her door. She made her way to the door and opened it, fully surprised at what she saw, a really tall, quite handsome man. She pulled the door open some more and stepped aside so the man could enter. "Well, come on in." She flashed a smile.

Simon Huntington
19 years ago
Simon blinked.
'You must be Lotus.' He walked into the apartment and held his hand out. Not the fashion plate that Carol was, but equally petite. Dark hair, dark eyes and dressed in androgenous clothing, he gave the new member a small smile. 'I am Simon Huntington.'
[She's cute.]
'You must be Lotus.' He walked into the apartment and held his hand out. Not the fashion plate that Carol was, but equally petite. Dark hair, dark eyes and dressed in androgenous clothing, he gave the new member a small smile. 'I am Simon Huntington.'
[She's cute.]

19 years ago
[Shut up.]
Carol grinned, covering her smile with her hand.
Carol grinned, covering her smile with her hand.

19 years ago
"That's me." Lotus shook Simon's hand. His grip was strong. "Simon, the new clan leader, Simon? Its quite a pleasure to meet you. Carol was just explaining the ins and outs of living here. She mentioned the explosion and Ellis' death. I'm sorry to hear it. I heard great things about her."
She caught a glimpse of Carol grinning off to her right. Lotus waited for Simon to enter and then shut the door. She walked over to a chair and sat down. She was starting to feel the tingle in her fangs. She hadn't eaten in awhile.
She caught a glimpse of Carol grinning off to her right. Lotus waited for Simon to enter and then shut the door. She walked over to a chair and sat down. She was starting to feel the tingle in her fangs. She hadn't eaten in awhile.

Simon Huntington
19 years ago
Great things.
Simon's smile faltered. 'Yes, great things.' He voice trailed off. 'Well I just wanted to check in on Carol. We'll be assembling later if you're around. It would be a good idea if you were. Things are...changing,' again his voice trailed off.
Simon looked over to Carol, who's smile had fallen as well.
[Come see me later?]
Simon's smile faltered. 'Yes, great things.' He voice trailed off. 'Well I just wanted to check in on Carol. We'll be assembling later if you're around. It would be a good idea if you were. Things are...changing,' again his voice trailed off.
Simon looked over to Carol, who's smile had fallen as well.
[Come see me later?]

19 years ago
Carol lowered her eyes and nodded. 'Thanks for stopping by, Simon.' She looked back at Lotus and smiled again.
'So, for the reals now...any other questions?'
[I'll leave with you, hang on a sec.]
Carol took a step closer to Simon but still standing far enough away to seem professional. She wasn't sure how their relationship would go over with the rest of the clan, so it was best to keep it neutral and normal.
'So, for the reals now...any other questions?'
[I'll leave with you, hang on a sec.]
Carol took a step closer to Simon but still standing far enough away to seem professional. She wasn't sure how their relationship would go over with the rest of the clan, so it was best to keep it neutral and normal.

19 years ago
Lotus got the creeping feeling that the Ellis she had heard about was not the Ellis that these two knew. It didn't surprise her though. Lotus encountered people everyday who wore the pretty face in public, yet was a completely different beast behind closed doors.
"I'll be there." Lotus chirped, trying to remove the tension she created by mentioning Ellis.
She turned to Carol in reply, "I'll give you a call if any come to mind. Right now, I'm STARVING, so I'd like to step out and grab a bite, if you two don't need me for anything, that is."
"I'll be there." Lotus chirped, trying to remove the tension she created by mentioning Ellis.
She turned to Carol in reply, "I'll give you a call if any come to mind. Right now, I'm STARVING, so I'd like to step out and grab a bite, if you two don't need me for anything, that is."