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Tacharan Delivery Service

Jan smiled at Timothy on their way out and headed down the stairs. There was a group of people still waiting for their cars who seemed to be in some kind of informal meeting. He listened with half his attention while he asked for his vehicle to be brought around.

"You promised the new development would be done by the first."

Another man coughed and answered "There were complications..."

"I don't want to hear excuses. If we don't get this new line out someone like Duibne is going to swallow us whole. "

"I hear they have already taken an interest in our company." The woman's voice seemed tentative like she did not want to be the bearer of any more bad news.

"Where did you hear that?" The first man inquired. "I do -not- want such rumors spreading around the office. Send a company wide memo negating such claims if you have to."

"Yes sir, but it will only forestall the inevitable. Someone like Duibne is bound to think we are ripe for the picking, sir."

Jan wondered if the woman was insightful or just paranoid. Curiosity wrestled with the need to leave and he gave them one last glance as his truck arrived.

Opening the back door for Timothy, He then held his hand out to help Theo step up into the large silver Sierra. Once both guests were safely inside, he went around to his door and stepped up and in.

"I don't care. -Make- it happen." The first speaker's command was abruptly cut off as he closed his door.

Raising his eyebrows at Theo, he shrugged and started the vehicle.

"To the Towers then or is there any where else you would like to go first?"

Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo accepted the offered hand and used the other to carefully ensure she didn’t step on the hem of her dress while getting into the tall vehicle. Timothy seated himself quietly in the back, looking around the interior, and Theo gave him a wave in the rear view mirror as Jan stepped in on the driver’s side.

She buckled her seatbelt and that seemed to remind Timothy to do the same, which was good because it bothered her when people didn’t wear their seatbelts. It was against the rules.

She considered Jan’s question for a moment, not realizing that they didn’t have to go home, they could go anywhere, but decided that at the very least she should probably think of Timothy, who had been very nice and patient and even now wasn’t projecting anything other than calm. Perhaps if she had recognized feelings of irritation or worry she would insist they go out all over town, but she felt good behavior should be rewarded.

“The Towers, if you please.” Peering with interest at the dials and knobs on the dashboard, she added: “This is a very nice truck.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan looked back to make sure the bodyguard was comfortable enough and then looked at Theo and smiled.

"Home it is then and thank you. "

He remembered she said that she would give him her email address and it reminded him to do the same. At a red light he reached up and took the pen out of his visor organizer and pulled a piece of paper of the small note pad clipped to the dashboard.

Quickly writing down the email address and his name, he handed her the paper and replaced the pen before they started on their way again.

Reaching down with one hand, he picked up the black CD case and handed it to her.

"Here, you can pick us out something to listen to if you like."

He had varied tastes in music so there was a little bit of everything in there in order to suit his moods.
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo cheerfully accepted the piece of paper and held it up, noting that it was, unless she was badly mistaken, his email address. She looked over her shoulder at Timothy and gave him a rather silly grin before slipping the paper into her purse. Rummaging for a moment, she finally pulled out what she decided would be suitable stationary for such an auspicious occasion.

Timothy knew her all too well, and there was a pen waiting by her shoulder when she turned to request one. Writing her own address on the inside of the green match book with faded gold lettering, she put both in her purse as she didn’t want to cause Jan to take his hands off the steering wheel on her account.

She raised her eyebrows at the offer of her choice of music and eagerly took Jan up, browsing through the CDs while registering what the case itself had to tell her.

How come the redlights are always long when you have nothing to do but as soon as you reach over to put in some music they change at lightspeed?

She peeked at Jan out of the corner of her eye before continuing to flip through the disks at a fairly speedy pace. Impulsively picking the first one she liked, she slipped it out of the sleeve and looked doubtfully at the unfamiliar stereo. She wasn’t completely hopeless with this sort of thing, unlike –some- vampires her age, but she also didn’t want to risk breaking something of Jan’s.

“Is there something I’m supposed to push first?”

/ooc thanks once again for the sensing infos
Jan 19 years ago
Jan looked over and noticed Theo writing on something small but when he looked back she had put it away. Shrugging inwardly he went back to watching the road as she continued to look through the music. It dawned on him after a moment to wonder what the truck, the case and the cds might tell her. He pushed the thought away as unimportant and useless to worry about since there was nothing he could do about it anyway. There was little about himself that, given the right circumstances, he wouldn't say anyway.

"Ooh nice choice."

He reached over and hit the eject button to release the cd he had been listening to. Taking it and setting it on the seat. He pointed to the player.

"Just slide it in and it will play automatically. Is there a particular song you wanted to hear? You can skip forward with these buttons."

Jan pointed out the forward and back buttons on the player and gave her a smile.
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo slipped in the disk once Jan got her oriented and grinned as the opening chords of the first song began to play, but decided she wanted to hear one further in the album.

A few clicks later and ‘Rocket’ by Smashing Pumpkins was blaring through the speakers.

“I like this one; it has a lot of energy.”

She particularly liked the song when she was in the midst of making constructions and now she was anxious to apply her latest additions to her sculpture.

She realized as she watched the lampposts go by, mentally weaving a ribbon between them, that she had no idea where Jan lived. He had generously offered to drive them home and she reasoned that even if he were going out terribly out of his way he must not mind, but she found she was curious nonetheless, intrigued by the thought that he might have quite a drive ahead of him and still chose to spend a few more minutes with her.

“Do you live nearby?”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan had been just about to start singing to the first song when Theo forwarded it to another. He closed his mouth rather quickly and concentrated more intently on the road a moment.

Once she had found the one she wanted he smiled.

"I like that song also. Good choice."

Looking in the rear view mirror at Timothy in the back, he grinned.

"How about you? We're not abusing your ear drums are we?"

Once it was clear she had decided to keep the song, he began to sing along. Stopping a moment to answer her question.

"Oh well, not terribly far. To the southwest. I'm Tacharan. I hope that doesn't bother you. Still allowed to associate with the rifraff and all that."

He smirked at that but it was a real possibility that she might not want to be seen with him beyond tonight. It would be a shame though if she did, still she seemed like the kind of person who would make up her own mind about things and not simply go with the clan stance. At least he hoped he was reading her right, if not... well then it probably wouldn't have been worth trying to be friends anyway.
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo raised both eyebrows at the new information Jan provided, regarding him with an even stare while she considered what that might mean. She hadn’t been overly concerned with which clan he was in before he told her. She gave her mind an experimental nudge to see if the news bothered her and was somewhat surprised to find how little she received in response.

It seems he likes it there.

Theo shrugged in response and took another look at Jan, trying to put what he had said regarding his family together with her image of what Tacharan must be like. It didn’t really fit, but Jan did not appear mistreated in any way.

“How things change.”

It was the only logical explanation she could fathom to reconcile the situation; she knew all too well what Tacharan had started out as, but somehow they had become a place where a person like Jan felt comfortable. More than comfortable, even.

She wondered what Wilhem might have thought of Jan, then shuddered at the terrible thought. Her creator had a weakness for the sort of beauty Jan possessed, and while she wasn’t certain of what form his interest would take with respect to a young man, she imagined Wilhem might have liked the idea of keeping a little song bird caged.

“I’m allowed to talk to whomever I wish.”

She looked over her shoulder at Timothy as though to confirm this, then went back to her musing. She had, perhaps bitterly, speculated that Tacharan would not stand the test of time, and once Wilhem died assumed it would fall apart. That clan was not the first upstart to fail, after all. But while she had heard rather dubious reports of their next leader, Ellis, it would seem that she was doing a better job than Wilhem at leading a group of vampires. Especially considering that it was rumored her creator died by Ellis’s own hand; in her mind, that was certainly starting out on the right foot.

Meanwhile, the music had moved on to ‘Disarm’, and she brought her attention back to the present.

“Have you ever been inside the towers?”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan turned to look at her curiously. Had she known other Tacharan well? Their group came from Evenhet and Theo was certainly old enough but maybe she just held the popular opinion that all Tacharan were violent thugs. He'd admit those did seem to make up the majority or at least one of the most vocal groups of the clan.

He wondered if that was going to lead to a polite explanation about why she should probably not speak to him anymore. Perhaps her creator had more strict views and she felt obliged to abide by his or her wishes. For all he knew she was the daughter of Alfarinn or Megan, themselves, old as she was.

Her statement saying she could speak to whomever she wished made him smile. Feeling a bit of relief at that, he said.

"I'm glad to hear it. I would hate to lose a new friend so quickly.. or well I'd hate to lose one at all."

Jan looked over at her in surprised at her question about the Towers. He was under the impression that they did not invite Tacharan over for the seminars as a rule and that his presence would be most unwelcome.

"Uh no actually. I figured that wasn't allowed."
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo shrugged lightly at Jan’s encouraging remark, smiling a little.

“We’re friends.”

It really was as simple as that, despite her earlier, more complicated thoughts. While she was curious now about what had become of Tacharan, nothing had changed.

She mused over Jan’s answer, wondering if there was a rule she didn’t know about, and eventually decided it was much easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

“You can’t just wander around all by yourself but if you want to see the inside you can come with me.”

Timothy didn’t appear disapproving, even when she pressed the voices who told feelings, so she reasoned that she was correct and Jan would be allowed.

Then it occurred to her that Jan might not even be interested, or, worse yet, he might think she was trying to kidnap him, and she added an afterthought.

“…if you want to see, I mean.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan smiled at Theo's affirmation of their friendship and that this simple statement seemed to be all that concerned her on the issue.

He laughed at the thought of him wandering around the Towers wearing all black, his face smudged and carrying a flashlight. He was pretty certain it wasn't an easy place to sneak into.

"Woot! I get a guided tour!"

Looking over at her, she looked so cute when she was uncertain, appearing even younger than she already did. He could just imagine being pulled over.

'I swear, Officer, she's over a thousand!'

It made him happy that someone else knew what it was like to be young for eternity. It was even worse for Theo because she looked too young to drive, or even get into rated R movies. He had a fake ID that said he was 21; most clubs don't really believe him but it was just barely within the realm of baby faced possibility. The one he used most often said he was 18 and that was more believable. Of course glamour worked wonders for his appearance and got him in with no problems, he supposed Theo could do that also but you couldn't glamour everyone at once and so people were going to notice.

Answering her question, he said.

"Absolutely! I hear its a cool place."

Looking at one of the funky looking new cars on the road, he muttered mostly to himself but spoke loud enough to be heard.

"Those things look like boxes with wheels. Who on earth would think that looks cool? I wonder if it gets horrible gas mileage?"
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo gave Jan a big grin at his enthusiasm, though Paul seemed focused on his choice of exclamations. She wasn’t familiar with ‘woot’ but she felt it was obviously something good and that was fine enough for her. Mostly she thought it was good of him to see the positive side of the rules; some might have been annoyed at the thought of having to be escorted around but she had to admire Jan’s attitude.

One you might consider adopting more often.

She gave an inward roll of her eyes but knew Paul was right; she really should be more understanding of her security, but in spite of being told it was for her protection, she couldn’t help but feel leashed at times.

At any rate Jan seemed quite interested and that was far more important than Paul’s criticisms.

“I like to think so but then I may be biased.”

She looked to the cars on the road, seeing one that fit Jan’s description. She had to agree that it was somewhat unsightly.

“Perhaps we should be giving lessons in taste as well as etiquette.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan smiled at Theo's response and looked at the car slash mini SUV and decided she was probably right.

"It would be odd getting lessons in vehicle taste from two people older than automobiles but I think you're right."

He was not sure why so many people seemed to think it was necessary to drive big vehicles these days anyway. The thought of being in a small car behind these behemoths driven by harassed moms and people on cell phones made him cringe. Jan's truck stood taller than most of them and it was a fact for which he was profoundly glad. If it weren't for needing to load and unload band equipment though he'd have a small car.

"Speaking of taste. I'm rather fond of the mini cooper. Its small, fits anywhere, never have trouble parking it or getting around other cars and its quite cozy if you're not terribly large. What about you? Do you have a favorite vehicle that you like the looks of?"

Jan wasn't sure Theodosia drove or didn't, perhaps her apparent age kept her from learning or perhaps she did not like the thought of driving, which was a relatively new mode of transportation. He wouldn't assume she did not either; he learned as soon as he could but the first car he owned was a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost that was first made in 1906. In the early days of automobiles there was no age requirement, of course, the cars did not move fast enough to be very dangerous at the time.
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo grinned at Jan’s admittedly reasonable point; perhaps they weren’t in the best position to discuss the matter considering their age. While Theo felt she did well with keeping up with the times and Jan seemed much the same, living so long had a way of making fads and short lived trends a rather tiresome thing to keep up with.

She considered Jan’s question, uncertain; she didn’t know much about cars.

“I suppose I know it when I see it.” She brightened, remembering. “Alfarinn has a very nice car but I’m not sure what kind it is.” She looked to the road to see if there might be something similar, frowning. “Well it’s that color…” She pointed to a silver sedan. “…hmm. Well maybe he’ll be home and I can show you. It’s a sports car.” She smiled, adding: “Of course, any car with a responsible driver included is a good thing.”

She turned to Jan, realizing that he might not know who on earth she was talking about.

“Oh, Alfarinn is one of the Elders, if you didn’t know.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan nodded and agreed.

"I am not much into car mechanics. I know what I like to look at and drive but that is it. My sister on the other hand, is obsessed with fixing her Firebird. She is 'hell on wheels' as they say. Very young still and its good to have her fresh attitude around the place."

He looked at the silver car and thought that it was a nice colour. His own choice had been much the same for the truck. A sports car seemed to suit Alfarinn and he wasn't surprised. Jan did wonder what kind of vehicle Thaddeus drove, probably something very dignified possibly with a driver. The blonde Anantya seemed less stand offish the last time they had met so perhaps there was hidden sports car material in there somewhere.

"That would be cool. Responsible is good or anything above reckless is fine with me. I don't mind someone enjoying some speed so long as they know what they are doing."

Her next statement brought back the image of Alfarinn from the dance and he nodded.

"Yeah, I met him at the Creation Ball. I don't think I saw his sister there but I've never seen her so maybe I just missed her."
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo tilted her head curiously when Jan mentioned his sister ‘fixing’ her firebird, which was apparently another car she wasn’t familiar with. She wondered what was wrong with it but as she didn’t think it was likely she would understand the answer, she refrained from asking.

She did, however, think it was good that Jan seemed so close to his sister, especially since she was so young.

She shrugged her shoulders at the mention of Megan.
“She’s a very busy person. –I- see little of her.” Theo couldn’t have explained her absence from the ball any better if she tried and so left it at that. “I’ve never met your current leader.” She smiled. “That would be interesting, I think.”

She assumed that Jan’s meeting with Alfarinn had gone well if his nonchalant reaction to the news that she was Evenhet was anything to go by, and a thought struck her that she couldn’t resist saying out loud.

“You would make an excellent ambassador for Tacharan.”

She nodded her head, pleased with that idea.

“So now you definitely have to tour the towers. For the sake of diplomacy.” She pondered this idea a bit more, then added: “Perhaps we could get you a badge.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan nodded in understanding concerning Megan's busy schedule. It seemed Alfarinn spent a good deal of his time at the more social functions and Megan was the one who controlled the board rooms for Meridian. It was likely a very smart arrangement playing towards both of their strengths, at least from what he'd heard of the pair. Alfarinn was generally described as personable and easy going where Megan was said to be a very powerful presence, cool and calculating. He shrugged away the rumor mongering and grinned at the thought of people meeting Ellis.

"Well interesting is probably accurate and that's about all that could be counted on. She's very unpredictable otherwise."

He'd seen Ellis enraged, sweet as a kitten or seductive as a vixen but in all situations even he knew she wasn't be trusted to not have ulterior motives in mind.

Jan chuckled at the thought of some sort of official posting as Ambassador of Tacharan. It would first require both other clans to officially recognize his own; though he supposed they could be working on that goal and no doubt Simon had such a thing in mind once he had the rest of the clan running smoothly. At least as smoothly as Tacharan is ever likely to be run. Grinning, he said.

"I think that would be cool. I used to be a messenger back in my human days and a guide to travelers to Vienna. It was nice meeting new people. "

Schooling his face into seriousness, he said.

"For the sake of diplomacy, of course."

"Hmm, a badge. Do ambassadors have badges? Or do you mean a pass?"
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo’s curiosity was further perked by the suggestion that Ellis was considered ‘unpredictable’ but she decided to let the matter rest for now. She wasn’t certain if meeting what some might call her sister was a good idea or not and since such matters could not really be arranged on impulse she reasoned that she might as well think it over and perhaps talk to Alfarinn about it. He might be able to give her good advice. It wasn’t as though she had developed a sudden interest in clan politics and she was fairly sure that a simple meeting would harm no one, but she had the nagging feeling that this wasn’t her best idea.

She shrugged, and her questions were put aside.

“That sounds like a very fun job. I think I would have liked to meet you in Vienna; I’ve been a few times but never really got to go out and it sounds like you really loved the city.”

She sighed as she looked out the window.

“I do like Nachton…it’s not Europe but you catch the charm out of the corner of your eye sometimes.”

She considered Jan’s question for a moment and then shook her head.

“Well no, they wouldn’t need either I suppose. MARI would know if you weren’t allowed somewhere. You’ll meet her; she’s kind of hard to explain.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan smiled ruefully remembering those days.

"I am not sure how nice that would have been. I was a grubby little kid with a hair full of curls and a lot of mouth. I was extra nice to foreigners and the merchants I dealt with so that they would come back and ask for me again but that was all. Honest was useful as well, most expected a grubby little guide to steal them blind and so when one had a reputation for being a "good" kid then it meant more business. Of course those people that weren't under my care were always fair game."

Grinning now in the remembering of some of his more clever pick pocketing maneuvers, Jan shrugged with very little in the way of visible guilt.

"I suppose it would be a lesson in caution; if they had been more attentive then I couldn't have stolen from them, right?"

He looked out at the city as if in effort to see this charm she spoke of.

"I miss the old places but yes, Nachton is nice, shiny and new. It changes with the American way of pushy progress that waits for nothing. That is sometimes nice. The tall glass and steel buildings have a different kind of beauty is all."

Jan looked puzzled about MARI but nodded in agreement, meaning that he would take her word for it and wait and see. He had no doubt that it would be clear in time if she said that it would.

((OOC: note this reply not edited for the sake of speed. wifi time is money and my battery is running low O_O ))
Theodosia 19 years ago
Theo tried to form a mental image of what Jan might have been like when he was young, grinning at his description. It was not particularly difficult to imagine the head full of curls…or the mouth, really. What people called friendly and outgoing in adults they tended to call other things in children; it wasn’t really a fair attitude but that was the way of things.

“It sounds like you were quite precocious.”

She nodded in agreement with Jan’s reasoning.

“People should be more careful. We’re truly public servants.”

She listened with interest while Jan gave his assessment of the city, thinking he had nailed the towers on the head. She was quite attached to her home and found herself hoping that Jan was being sincere.

“I like that they restore the old industrial buildings rather than just tearing them down, though I think you’re right; it does seem a little pushy to go in and take over a building whenever the city wants a new yacht club or fancy restaurant.”

She laughed, lightly. “Of course, they probably imagine no one remembers that this used to be a fish market or that used to be a sugar factory.”
Jan 19 years ago
Jan grinned at her and did not bother trying to look innocent.

"I think that is a fair description. I was a little mouse where my mother lived and tried my best to go unnoticed in the brothel but I made up for it elsewhere."

He laughed at the idea that they were doing a public service. Envisioning for a minute awards being handed out to thieves and street cons continued his mirth over the subject.

"We could have a medal for tireless devotion to duty handed out in various fields and perhaps an overall achievement award, something like Life's Little Lessons Teacher of the Year award."

Jan pondered this idea more as he carefully pulled into one of the visitor parking spaces at the Meridian Towers. Turning off the truck and pulling out the keys, he said.

"We could call it Tri L or something for Life's Little Lessons and perhaps the events could be held in some remote area near a volcano or maybe there is a huge bonfire and we could have Tri L's by fire. "

Shaking his head and opening his door, Jan walked around to the other side and opened Theo's for her.

"Okay, that was corny, I know, but the rest has merit."

He smiled meekly and looked up at the buildings in front of him. They were so tall and impressive. You almost couldn't see the top of the both of them even craning your neck back to view them. Meridian had always been here and these building which looked so modern had been around for years. Jan remembered the original stone facade of the towers and thought the idea of resurfacing and renovating the existing building was an excellent idea.

"I'm glad Meridian decided to keep their old buildings this time and work with them instead of just building something new. They really have class."

He supposed that their kind remembered what buildings used to be and the constantly morphing landscape was perhaps unnerving to some vampires especially in the rapidly changing times when a forest could be a subdivision of houses in mere months. In some cases it was sad and in others exciting, he guessed it depended on how things were done and how they were viewed. There was always the good and the bad of progress.

"You must have one hell of a view."