41st Floor Penthouse (private, Rorri/Montana)
The forty-first floor was so well-appointed, it almost gleamed. "No, it definately gleams", Ana thought, as she stared down the hall past shiny brass fixture after polished mirrored table after bright lamp.
Even the door to Rorri's suite was an almost polished white. Ana guessed it was painted, but it almost looked like actual marble, with swirls of white and offwhite. The hall leading up to it was almost empty, with only a single door but for the one they stood in front of.
The feeling of isolation was extreme, and the hall back to the elevator stretched far away to the corner they'd turned. The carpet felt like walking on soft, warm sand. Briefly, Ana wondered what it felt like against bare feet.
Turning to Rorri, Ana said straight-faced, "So does this vwoosh open like a Star Trek door, or is there a retinal scan involved?"
"Not that I know Ana." Rorri smirked as she opened the door to let Ana in first. The room was extremely lavishly decorated with costly art and furnature. It was like a small cozey home away from home complete with it's own mini-kitchen for those that perferred their own snacks.
"Home away from home and it even has a wall mounted big screen television too!" Rorri giggled.
"And they even have...naughty channels!" She giggled with childlike glee.

At Rorri's exclamation about "naughty channels" Ana couldn't help but retort, "Why would we watch Sesame Street at a time like this? Put on something funny like Blue Collar Comedy Tour, or Eddie Izzard, or we could just channel surf I guess. Is the tub big enough for surfing?"
The last question she'd said almost under her breath as she poked her head into a door at the end of a hall near the entrance. The large, large bed - much larger than the one in her own room - loomed empty and neatly prepped. "Nope..." She kept on moving down the hall and found the bathroom. The tub was almost big enough to surf in... if you didn't want to look too far for waves. Ana refreshed herself, washed, and wandered back towards the entrance.
She stood there, gazing into the depths of the house-sized suite, shoes on her feet and hands crossed in front of her. "So... what's the plan?"
Really out of her element, Ana wasn't sure what to expect. She'd never stayed over a friend's house. Never attended a sleep over party. The closest she'd gotten was camping... but that wasn't always a party so much as a learning experience. Were they now supposed to sprawl out on the bed and gab til dawn? Did they braid each other's hair? Share bad jokes, scary stories, tales of those eternal cootie carriers, boys? Ana shook her head then resituated her glasses on her nose. "Too many movies that portray teenage female sleepovers... And not enough of the real thing."
"Well, we can jump in the hot tub, change into something more comfy and get some snacks and a blanket and crash in front of the teli, there's some board games in the closest too for that matter, and the balcony is huge, a good place to sit down and share a class of wine over some cheese!" Rorri pointed out.
_Does she...like girls?_ Rorri wondered silently.
"I was thinking, do you want to go back to your room and get your things and stay here tonight with me? The bed is more then big enough and it would be nice to have someone here since I'm alone..." Rorri asked softly.

Ana peered into the suite as best she could, trying to discern the balcony from her vantage point at the main door. "Besides, I didn't know they made wine glass coasters out of cheese. But snacks blanket and tee-vee sound good. I've never really been a fan of wine."
Ana tilted her head at Rorri's final offer. "I really don't want to impose any more than I already have. I mean, you've done so much for me," she said, raising her hands, palms towards herself. She wiggled her fingers, the light in the hall catching her polished nails, and lightly poofed her styled hair.

She nodded to herself. "If you hadn't wanted me to stay you would have not offered. And I responded the way I would a neighbor or a relative... not a... friend. So... what to do?"

Leaning over, she searched in her purse for the door's keycard. Standing with a wink, Ana ducked back out the entrance. Before the door closed, she stuck her head back in, saying, "I'll knock twice, once, twice when I get back."
The elevator moved quickly for Ana, on her way back to her room. She slid the key, opened the door, grabbed her bag, and made her way back to the elevator.
As she waited, she realized her cheeks hurt from smiling so much - she was going on her first sleepover! Then a rattle caught her attention, and she realized she was so excited her hands were worrying at the strap of her bag. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly... and entered the elevator when it opened.
Her finger depressed the button for the forty-first floor.
Then she went into the littl kitchenette and started some water boiling for some proper English tea, which she had brought more then ample amount.
She idly wondered, as she unpacked the crackers, If Ana was that special someone to fill the void she had felt since losing her family and berst friend?
For that matter, was Ana even bi or a lesbian?
With so many naughty thoughts no wonder she found herself blushing as she pulled out the milk and prepared two cups.

"Tea's up and I've got fresh onion and pickle crackers as well as cracked stone ground wheet with a bit of pepper, some sliced cheese, and some quartered cucumber sandwitches!" Rorri stated as she went to fetch the platter and tea.
It felt almost like old times, her dearest Kimmy and herself all alone with the night before them. Good movies, hot tubbing, laying in each other's arms while watching the star in the heavens.
Rorri really could depress hereself when she thought about the past...
After a few moments she went out into the balcony and picked up her lovely instrument and started to play something soft and lovely, but once again the music came out sad.

Blowing a wayward strand from her vision with a puff of air, she padded out into the "living area" when she heard the quiet music. Familiar music, not unlike that which she'd heard earlier that day, that had put her to sleep. A sharp breeze chilled her, raising gooseflesh on her arms and chest. She followed it to the balcony, shivering gently. "Rorri?" she called quietly.
"Oh...hi Ana!" She replied with a smile as she took in the other girl's appearance.
She giggled at the sight of the oversized lavender tee that her friend was wearing.
"Ah that's cute dearie!" She pointed out with a smile.
"Don't mind me, just fiddling around a bit while ye were getting changed!"

Ana smiled, coloring slightly at the mention of her shirt. "I don't mind, I was quite enjoying it. Though, I wouldn't quite call it fiddling, your instrument's too big. But violining just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way," she said musingly. With a shrug, she said apologetically, "Who am I to argue semantics? Not that it matters; you are an amazing musician."
"Just for ye love." Rorri winked as she played it out fully this time.

"That was lovely. And lovely and warming though it may be, it's too cold for you to be standing out here playing. Even if you are a Brit. So come in, we'll warm you up, and enjoy the rest of our night."
"Ana, thank for staying, I really needed someone tonight to be with." Rorri smiled.
"So what do ye want to do first?" Rorri asked with a playful giggle.

Flipping the book open, she plopped down on the sofa in front of the wall-mounted television and flipped through the pages. "Ocean's Twelve. Goblet of Fire. Chronicles of Narnia. Twister. Dukes of Hazzard. Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Tie... ew. Tanic. No way." Her face screwed up in a parody of disgust, Ana kept reading as she commented, "Most of these would take us to after midnight. I mostly don't mind, but it'd reduce chatting time, though, depending on our appointments tomorrow, there's always tomorrow night."
Realizing she'd just invited herself to stay, she looked up at Rorri, and semi-sheepishly said, "That is, if both of us are still here tomorrow night, and if you wouldn't mind my company."
"No...not at all, yer welcome to stay with me as long as I'm here. I would rather like the company I think." Rorri sheepishly replied with a blush.
Ana looked lovely and the poor woman didn't even realize it...
"If ye want we can just sit in front of the teli and chat while eating and watching the news for a bit then retire to the bedroom?" She then suggested.

A vague "that's not really a good idea" feeling washed over Ana, but she ignored it as she straightened again, then leaned backwards. Swinging her arms behind her, she clasped them again, palms out, and leaned forward. Another series of pops, and she moved upright. "That felt pretty good," she said, taking slow mincing steps towards the sofa as one foot then the other was pulled up by hand and joints popped, muscles stretched. Both in front, then both behind, and when Ana was finished, a somewhat more relaxed look passed across her soft features.
A blanket caught her peripheral vision, and she grabbed it from where it lay on a nearby recliner. She unfolded it and piled it on the floor near the sofa. "What do we have to drink?"
"Tea, Earl Gray, hot, with a dash of milk. Various crackers, some liverworst spread, and sliced cucumber sandwitches!" Rorri replied as she put the tray down beside Ana and sat next to her. She handed the remote to Ana a moment later.
"I haven't quite figured this gagit out yet." Rorri said with a playful smirk.
"Ye know Ana...yer pretty for a librarian..." Rorri giggled.