Help me artsy folks.

Cough, cybering, or paying i suppose, for a sig/avatar.

See my character description He is roughyl modeled after the prince of persia if you need to kinda get an idea onhair, skin coloring, etc. check out prince of persia's website.

Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
oooo! A project =D I'll play with something tonight and see what I can come up with. Any idea what you'd like? (And I loved your bio BTW.. angry and vengeful is always interesting)
Xerxes Asha 19 years ago
will come up with an idea today, closing down the comp at work
Mai 19 years ago
Looks like you've got someone to make you one.

Damn I missed out on the cyborz!
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
I don't do cyborz so you can have it, my treat.. kk =)
Xandare 19 years ago
I get all that Hawt Cyborrz..
w00t! I Roxxorz!
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
mmmmm.. puppet luvin.... =p
Xerxes Asha 19 years ago
Ok haven't really had much time to think about this...going on my *counts on fingers* 22nd hour awake, with all about 3 of those being working...get to sleep for like 4 thern go back, woooohoooo!

Anyways, thinking something simple and dark, I like the profiles a lot; Maybe just have him in a nice stylish contemporary cut suit? I dunno you just run with it I Am sure I will like it.
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
ooooh nice avatar! I got the model done last night but didn;t finish up composition for the sig, i am a little distracted with mafia. I can finish it up tonight if you'd like it still. I am assuming he's clan Evenhet? Any qupte or such you want on it?
Xerxes Asha 19 years ago
He is a ctually clanless (cackle)

as for a quote...hrmm how about.

"Humanity, like freedom, is elusive and strange. Those who have it, don't realize is value, and those who don't prize it more than life itself."

if that is too long. just be creative.
Xerxes Asha 19 years ago
I made the Av myself.

Really....I did. I promise.

Mai 19 years ago
LOL, there is no denying where that background came from, my friend, Briare's handywork is all over it.

Nice try though
Gaia 19 years ago
lol nice try :0P
Temprah 19 years ago
OK so umm it took me forever but I did you a sig =)

Meegan 19 years ago
I love the av it looks like Goran Visnjic as Jimmy Angelov in Practical Magic.

Temprah that sig rocks!
geeii 19 years ago
afk to masterbate....THAT IS SO HOT.
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
ROFL!!! Glad you like it. I googled up some picks of the princ of persia guy and went from there.