>Thumb Twiddling<

So, as I sit here and wait for my character to be approved...............

I see the character made by the admin/mod person is already approved.. >pout< not fair.

I work on my forum, hoping someone will come and join, and hoping I don't break it............................ again.

I watch this smily get zapped by lightning, become an angel, and fly away, and I blame the devil smily next to him for his early demise.

I listen to the radio, which sometimes plays songs I've never heard, but they don't suck too terribly...................... this is what happens when you let a teenager pick the radio stations.

I type silly little messages like this to keep myself amused..... what do you do while waiting for something to happen?

Lotus 18 years ago
Roz just wanted to wear my pants for a little while.
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
They're too small =(
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago

Lah lah lah.

((edit: Original Toad shot by Mark Lucas!))
Su-Chen Ling 18 years ago
>dies laughing<
Rachyl 18 years ago
It's a good thing I'm not at work, or smut like that would get me in trouble!
Aishe 18 years ago
You know, if you were to ask me who I knew on this board or any other who would be most likely to find a picture of a toad ass and label it AND post it for public viewing...

Alec would soooooo have been my first answer.

Thanks for continuing to be a creepy bastard!
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Hey, I aim to please! See what happens when I take sick days? Toad Ass and Spockbomb. Just be glad I'm not a real artist like so many other folks around. Then it'd be really dangerous...
Aishe 18 years ago
Every day with you is a 'sick' day in one form or another. :P
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago

((sorry...it really had to be done.../ducks!))
Aishe 18 years ago

Now we need cuteness. You make me desire cuteness.

THIS is cuteness.
Fallon 18 years ago

*pulls paper bag over head, after laughing, and goes to her room.*

Su-Chen (Adrya) ... really, I get myself into enough trouble without having others pulling me into theirs! lol

Aishe...cute cute cute!!
Ginnie 18 years ago
OMG I want to shrink myself and give that bunny the hug he's asking for.

Aishe, Alec makes me laugh. I come to this forum, just to see what he is going to say next to make my family look at me like I've lost it.
Aishe 18 years ago
I never argued his comedic worth! He knows where I'm coming from.

/jabs Alec

Riiiiiiiight? *glare*
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Hey! That's why I come to this forum, too! I just never know what I'll say until then. :P

My comedic worth > GNP of Luxembourg! I've still got some work before I'm a real contender, though...

And...why don't you share the source of that cuteness, Aishe? No one will believe you, I bet.
Aishe 18 years ago
The world may never know.

Ok fine, Alec sent it to me.

That jerk. :P

Alfarinn 18 years ago
I don't believe you.
Aishe 18 years ago
Uh... which part?

Ah nm, it's academic. I'm as sincere and adorably innocent as flowers in springtime.
Pakpao 18 years ago
*Hands Aishe her halo*

Here… you need this more than I do.
Aishe 18 years ago
Oh, the pain.

*plugs halo in a watches it flicker and die out.*

You've used it all up, apparently. :P
Pakpao 18 years ago
Well I'll admit it was a -little- tarnished but I would never give you something that wasn't in good working order...

Maybe it just shorted out... or something.