Not available? WTF?!

No I did not break it. /snort Vex helped (well mostly did hehe) with the change from doteasy over to deezsites. will be redirected to and will be its own site, just sharing space with So much love to Vex for doing all the database work and making this a lot smoother than I would've done on my own lol.

Tentative front page from Vex as well. /hug

Mai 19 years ago
Xerxes Asha 19 years ago
And, what about the TAC 1 forums, they are down down down right now? =(
Vex 19 years ago
Xerxes Asha
And, what about the TAC 1 forums, they are down down down right now? =(

doteasy had a heart attack at some point during the day.
Mai 19 years ago
LOL, Its my revenge for being killed by the Sk