Mongol from the past
With Asian Familiar Girl
Biting kitty vamp
Artist with nice butt
Ear tattoed with yellow sun
Lover of a vamp
Asian girl with lore
Kitty master is her friend
She likes spa freshness
Greedy fat bastard
Always networking new dough
He shows off good stuff
Redhead who is pierced
Flew home to take care of mom
She is sorely missed
Rocker finds the girls
Takes them out on their first night
Good time, then good bite
Bitchy Matriarch
Conqueror of the long night
Now she's dead crispy
He knows they are real
Too much evidence to share
Journalist of note
Loves me, loves me much
Bonded heart body and soul
her lover, now mine
Unassuming head
Stronger inside than he shows
Killed the one he loved
Heart failing, time short
Much business to finish soon
Taking these pills sucks
She made the drug strong
Expensive and to save lives
Eternity... wow
Bites people for fun
Tortures them before he does
Sick bastard he is
Explosive Scot girl
Lover, bomber, hunter too
Likes playing with guns
Dancer with big boobs
Hiding from mean, nasty man
Hopes to teach some day
Pink haired designer
Loves planning big fun parties
Dressed in black often
Vampire and Pirate
Accountant as her cover
Artist as lover
Short, human redhead
Takes it a day at a time
Loves her very much
Glasses are so thick
Oblivious to so much
Blind as a bat girl
Tiny girl, eyes white
Wisdom hides in small package
Cut you down like tree
Vampire hunter girl
Sees them all over; in friends
Hard life that she leads
Society man
Vampire, lover, with butler
He disappeared, cry.
Butler of the house
Always knows when he's needed
But he left town, too.
Giddy schoolboy vamp
Loves a girl who's not a tramp
Share explosive love
Reporter lady
Loves a vamp; wants a baby
She'll only get one
Society girl
Business like but new to world
Learning to live hurts
Bright, born Egyptian
Looking for long lost Vamp love
She wants to be turned
Abused by husband
She ran to Nachton to live
Now she's dead... kind of
Egyptian born Vamp
Travelled far to stay alone
Followed by lover
Hard to define him
Sensitive vampire lover
Long hair is his trait
Artsy fartsy vamp
Though, don't tell him I said so
Cares much for his man
Old job was as Knight
Now he lives for his lady
Much requited love
Thirty two haiku
Vampires, humans, familiars
My brain is melting
I think, I -think- I got most of the more-active people.
Vampire from New York
Man, this guy is enormous.
Please don't piss him off.
Applying for job:
Evenhet Welcome Wagon.
Why are they all lost?
Oh, is that your shoe?
It's floating above my hands.
I should give it back.
Off on the wrong foot.
Bit the wrong guy, oops! Trouble.
He should have ID!
Don't like my dancing?
I'd be hurt - but don't exist.
I'm just a figment!
Ow, stop biting me.
What do I look like, dinner?
Need a vacation...
Excuse me, I'm lost.
Can you tell me where to go?
Alone in Nachton.
Too lazy to run.
Uh, are you gonna eat that?
Mm, frozen yogurt!
Spreads faster than vampire bites
Contagious disease!
You are so tough to do well.
For Rachyl - like cake.
I love the one for Sorin.
Here are my few.
Off on the wrong foot.
Bit the wrong guy, oops! Trouble.
He should have ID!
Ow, stop biting me.
What do I look like, dinner?
Need a vacation…
sooo cute