Okay this is seriously gross
So I was washing my cheese grater thingy and the plastic top came off and I was trying to force it back on and my hand slipped. My thumb slid across one of the surfaces -really- hard and I took off a fair amount of skin from my first two fingers but OMG my thumb is fucking bleeding like a stuck pig and it looks just straight up gorry.
I nearly fainted, and yes, I'm a lightweight and I've cut myself way worse but I can't even describe the horror!
Yes, I'm a gigantic baby. I do kind of wish I had a tape recorder because I cursed for like ten minutes straight and some of those were pretty impressive swears.
So. Gross.
*holds out thumb* So who wants to kiss it better first! Don't worry, it's got two bandaids on it now...ew, the blood's still soaking through...ewewewew...

All yours, loverboy.


*blows you a kiss from England* Better?

*blows you a kiss from the Netherlands to make it all better*

Feel better soon.

Once, working on the ranch I was employed at for about 5 years, I was bitten in the head by a horse (yes, right in the head! ow!) Opened up about a 1.5 inch gash in my scalp, which bled like no tomorrow (blood down my face, on my jacket, the floor of the stable, all over my arm, my gloves, etc).
I couldn't resist... when the manager came to take a look I put my fingers on either side and pulled at it so he could see my skull underneath, and kept pulling it open and closed. "Look Scott! Brains! BRAINS!!"
Damn that was fun.
So uh, how's that thumb? I bet it has great gross-out value.

I use shredded cheese from a package. I cut myself much less often that way.
Economically speaking, it's cheaper to buy a pound of mozzarella and shred it in the food processor with the neato cheese shredding wheel than bagged.
But then, you don't use quite as much as I do at one time.