
You have 2 messages stored, of a total 65535 allowed.

65,535!! that's a lot.. I'm used to like 25 or 50... Don't think I'll EVER even get to 25 saved!! Wow!

Lotus 18 years ago
unless you chat thru IMs, a lot of storyline will be done through PMs, essentially you have unlimited pm space.
Cyrus 18 years ago
Honestly, I prefer IMs. Its so much more... personal.
Shay 18 years ago
Some PM's are nice to keep though...
Su-Chen Ling 18 years ago
Yeah.. Kem and I do a Lot of IM convo.. lol
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
*blushes and looks around furtively*

Nobody saw anything.
Cyrus 18 years ago
hhmmm, kinky.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Someone tell Aishe!!!
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
I thought the idea was that I -wasn't- supposed to meet my demise just yet.

Phoenyx 18 years ago
Exactly. I think Aishe could probably drag it out for several days at least.
Apollyon 18 years ago
Not if Alec or I have anything to do with it..... draws Steel and heads toward the bunny rabbit, prepare to meet your maker!