Definately time for a drink (open)

Addison played with the idea of just going back to the domicile and soothing frazled nerves with some wine until he got the gumption to go speak with simon. That lasted as long as it took to get into the elevator. Once there, he automatically hit the parking lot level and found himself inside his little suv. Once behind the wheel, Addison took off his jacket, untucked the shirt and loosened the tie. Instead of the ride back to his own townhouse, he found himself in front of the fancy hotel he'd eaten dinner at with Nic. did have a bar...a nice one at that. Addison passed the keys off to the valet and headed straight there, finding a quiet corner of the bar and ordered a large southern comfort manhattan. He ignored a woman nearby who tried to catch his eye, rifling through his pockeet for his cell phone. He needed to talk to someone...a friend...and damnit...he'd never gotten that one woman...shay's last name, let alone phone number. And...that left Nic...outside of his coworker friends.

Before he could change his mind, Addison dialed Nic's number and took a sip of his drink while he listened to the ringing. Just when he thought he'd have to leave a voice mail, someone picked up.

"Hey...It's Addison."

(OOC: convo is cross thread. LOL)

Nicholae 18 years ago
"Glad you like was...whoa!"

Just as Nic was getting ready to nibble on Addison's neck...sans fangs, and let his hand wander a little further between Addison's legs, Addison was on his knees in front of Nic, and Nic was kneeling on the bed as well.

But then Addison was kissing Nic, and Nic decided to go in from the front instead. Though that idea was interrupted as well, when Nic's arms were moved and his shirt was being pulled off.

Laughing he took hold of Addison's hands, still holding the bottom of Nic's shirt, and pulled hard, feeling one button hit him in the cheek, and hearing the others bounce off the wall and bedside lamp. There he was, in all his wonderful washboard glory, smiling, and hoping Addison appreciated the work Nic had gone through to look like he did.

Not wasting too much more time flaunting his firm pecs, Nic's hands had found their way through the gap in the front of Addison's robe, and were now busy pulling on the part of Addison that appeared VERY glad to see Nic.

"The bed is soft...but you're sure as hell not."

Again Nic chuckled, still curious to know why he found his pal to be freaking erotic. But in no mood now to decipher his actions.
But there was a little devil in Nic tonight, and he wasn't ready to 'get down' to business just yet.

Bending close to Addison's neck, but not letting go of his prize, Nic began bouncing on the bed...just a little. With each bounce he would tighten then loosen his grip a little, and rub his lips along the side of Addison's neck at the same time. Soon he let go of Addison, and grabbed his ass in stead, pulling their bodies together, to rub against each other. His hands slid down the crack in Addison's ass, and inched inward. Nic really had no experience in this arena, as hard as it might be for someone else to believe...especially if that person was watching the two of them now. So he mainly just went on what he thought he might find pleasurable, himself. He also listened to Addison.
Addison 18 years ago
'Damn...' Addison looked down and reached out, touching the defined muscly stuff. He wondered briefly if it was just being a vampire that helped Nic get in such good shape. Addison had tried his hand at working out...and had only succeeded in nearly decapitating himself and relying on two v. strong women to help him out. It had been embaressing, but they'd wanted his phone number.

And Nic looked damn proud of said definition. An eyebrow went up suspiciously, but before he could say or do anything about the look, a hand made it's way into the front of the white robe and was toying with his over eager bits.

"The bed is soft...but you're sure as hell not."

He gasped as suddenly he was being bounced up and down on the bed. The first thought was - 'this is not a tempupedic'...the second was something along the lines of 'Oh holy hell, the bed is helping Nic to jerk me off...'

Sometimes he wondered about his thought processes, but it was hard to stay on track with the stimulations. Addison grabbed hold of Nic's shoulders and closed his eyes, panting.

And, when he felt hands squeeze his bottom, pulling him forward until he was flush against Nic, Addison worked his own hands in between them, trying to start on Nic's pants.

He'd once had a coworker who...for a lack of a better descrip, spent a lot of her time acting nuts. She'd come into work one day and suddenly declaired that her ass had a crack in it, then proceeded to point to everyone else and say the same thing. Addison found he was suddenly glad his'd not be able to walk otherwise, and two, the finger currently working it's way into Addison's body wouldn't have had a directional on getting there.

The red head winced a bit as the dry finger pressed up and in. There had to be some lube somewhere...
"You...aaah....might need something to make...uuhnn....that easier..."
Nicholae 18 years ago
Yea, Nic was horny, but for him the desire was always stronger when he thought about feeding at the same time. In the past that had never been much of an issue. While in Europe he had a few ladies who were more than happy to give him their bodies completely, for the way he could make them feel. Since coming to Nachton though, his only real connection had been with Addison. And now it appeared that avenue was going to be detoured, so he knew he'd have to start thinking about other sources.

Thoughts of remaining locked away in Liefde were already gone. He could see no reason why things should remain that way now. So at least he wouldn't need to let himself get into such a state again, before taking care of things.

In light of all that, his focus now was to just make Addison feel better. Nic would probably always have a small amount of guilt associated with his little buddy's foray into the vampire world, and if he could pay him back for what he'd given Nic, it would help Nic deal better.

When Addison seemed to think Nic was going to enter him with his finger, then and there, Nic chuckled, and kissed him. He thrust his tongue into Addison's mouth, and brought his hands back between the two of them, unbuttoning, then unzipping his own pants. Taking Addison's hands he eased them into the front of his pants. If Addison wanted to play with Nic...he didn't mind. Ultimately, it might even pan out. But Nic was now having fun kissing Addison, moving from his mouth to his ear, and taking little nips here are there...but still no fang.

Then Nic returned to Addison's mouth, and let himself be carried away just a bit more than what he had been far, and did let his fang scratch against Addison's bottom lip. Nic tongued the spot, savoring the small drop of blood, and rapidly moved to just underneath his little buddy's jaw. There he again lightly pricked the skin, and licked the red droplet as it formed. But not wanting to actually bite just yet, Nic again kissed Addison, and started pushing him down onto the bed at the same time.

Sliding off his knees and back onto the floor, Nic dropped his pants, and pounced on the bed next to Addison's prone form. Brushing his mouth along Addison's lower stomach area, he took his friend's friend into his mouth, and tugged lightly upward on the vein there. But tonight Nic had other ideas, and when he removed his mouth he ran his hands up the length of Addison's body, before taking his shoulders, and turning him over.

"You have a mighty fine ass there, Addison." Nic said in a bit of a cowboy drawl, right before he bit the man's right cheek. This time he used both fangs, but didn't sink them far, nor leave them long. As he sucked up the small amount of blood there, he made a mental note to see if that new movie about the gay cowboys was playing in Nachton.

Nic himself was growing harder, with all the little teasing nibbles he had been making. He now laid down along Addison's length and rubbed himself along the crack in the ass below him. Nic's hands were again on Addison's cock, and were pulling, as he sucked on the side of Addison's neck. The blood below his mouth was pulsating, and Nic could feel it through his tongue. The sensation caused him to grind his hips into Addison.

"Now...did you say you had something?"

He growled into Addison's ear, hoping there was some lubrication close by.
Addison 18 years ago
Without the clothing barrier, Addison grasped Nic firmly in one hand and pressed his own erection alongside, stroking them both at the same time. He jumped, however, when his lip was cut a little and then moaned as the same thing was done to just beyond the jawline. Hopefully it wouldn't bruise up, but he didn't see cause that it would.

"Ooh..." His legs swung around as he was pressed backward. Addison fell back against the bed with a soft noise of contentment. He watched Nic divest himself of his pants and hurried to completely untie his robe and pull it out from underneath himself and chuck to the floor. Now his bare back was on the duvet and he shivered - the thing was cooler than he'd thought.

But then Nic was there, warming things back up nicely and turning him over.

"You have a mighty fine ass there, Addison."

He was about to say something equally as complimentative about Nic's attributes, but it got lost in a long moan as Nic took a litteral to the term "bite my ass." He felt the fangs sink into the soft flesh of his arse. It wasn't bad and it felt kind of...good, but took him by surprise.

"Now...did you say you had something?"

"I...." Addison mewled as a hot and hard part of Nic was rubbing along the cleft of his bumm, driving away much coherent thought from his mind other than the need for some sort of lubrication. "...think there is some in the bathroom..."

(OOC: Craptacular post...sorry! My brian is fizzling out at work. The person who said "there are no dumb questions" obviously never worked tech support.)
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Even if Kem hadn't known Nic at all, he didn't think he'd have had any trouble focusing his thoughts, strong as they were, and sending them in the man's direction. Fierce as they were, they were more than likely to leave the object of his anger reeling with a pretty decent headache.

Fifteen hundred years of sending came into play as Kem roared into Nic's mind.

[Nic... as much as I love MARI, I'm hoping she's wrong. Where the hell are you?]
Nicholae 18 years ago
Fuck...the bathroom was just too far. Feeling a drizzle of precum emerging from within himself, Nic reached down and smeared it around, but didn't think it would be enough to do the job and not cause Addison more pain than pleasure.

"Okay, little buddy...hang in there. I'll be right back."

Nic kissed his way down Addison's back, and spent a little longer when he reached those lovely round globes, before pushing himself off the bed, and making a mad dash into the bathroom.

"Hey...they've got an awesome jacuzzi tub in here...we'll need to check that out, yes?"

Rummaging around, stuff on the sink, he found a tube...strange though. He wasn't aware of hotels providing such things...maybe Addison brought it along...Nic had to wonder...but only for seconds, before he ran back to the bed.

Snapping the top, he squeezed a liberal amount onto his hand, and applied it to himself. Then he drizzled a bit on his first two fingers, then snapped the top back and tossed the tube onto the floor, over his shoulder.

Easing his index finger between Addison's cheeks, he pressed inward, and listened to his friend's response.

[Nic... as much as I love MARI, I'm hoping she's wrong. Where the hell are you?]

Wait! That was not the response he was hoping for.


[Kem? that you? Kem!! I have great news!! Ellis is dead!!]

Before he said anything else, he had to let Kem know that the threat...the reason for his exile...had been eliminated.

He withdrew his finger from Addison, and sat back on his heels
Addison 18 years ago
"Ooohhh...." Addison was practically humping the duvet. Nic was brilliant when it came to doing the whole kissing down the back and... The red head squeeked as Nic paid particular attention to his rear. He wondered how Nic knew what felt good, but figured it was best to just enjoy.

He turned and watched the naked Vamp dissapear into the bathroom. It was a lovely sight after all. Laying his head down on the pillow, Addison closed his eyes and smiled as Nic mentioned the jaccuzzi. He made a sound of approval in the back of his throat.

However, when the first finger found it's way into his body, Addison's blue eyes flew open and he gasped in surprise. Oh holy hell, that stuff was cold. He shivvered first from the temperature and then again at the odd, but interesting sensation the digit was causing.

Addison was going to push back on the finger when Nic suddenly exclaimed:


and the finger was removed entirely. Confused, Addison looked over his shoulder at the other male.
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
[Kem? that you? Kem!! I have great news!! Ellis is dead!!]

Kem was still standing at his desk, hands braced on top of it, but now his fingers dug into the wood, not harming that but putting some decent dents into the lacquer.

[Oh she is, is she? That was awfully damned convenient of her. And here I didn't think she had a generous bone in her body! You know, I have a bridge I've been dying to sell, too!]

Nope, the anger sure wasn't fading after that initial rush. Forcing himself to put his thoughts into something cohesive and coherent, he sent again.

[Let me guess. You learned she was 'dead' before you left the Towers, and somehow it just slipped your mind to let anyone else know. Did it ever occur to you that they're probably watching you?]

Paranoia? Kem pondered it momentarily. No. One could not be too paranoid where Ellis was concerned. That was what he had gleaned over the years, although he'd never met her personally. Rumor, in this case, was enough.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Well, that didn't go over as well as he'd hoped. Though he couldn't blame Kem for being angry, he thought at least the news would garner a little interest.

[Kem! I'm not lying to you. Addison called me...the guy was a mess, and he really needed me. How could I turn him down? He's a friend, and was in a lot of pain. And if I had stopped to let anyone else know...would we be having this conversation now?]

Watching him....who in the hell would be...

[Who in the hell would be watching me?]

Nic was so into the conversation with Kem, he had momentarily forgotten Addison.

" right with you there, little buddy...I've incoming call."

He didn't think that would make much sense, but he'd explain after he got Kem off his back...hoopefully.
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Kem had bitten his lip in frustration. Did Nic not understand? Apparently not. However, his words might have some merit.

Kem sucked lightly on his lower lip, the tip of his tongue touching the tiny smear of blood there. Then with a curt shake of his head, to himself, he smacked one hand on the desk as if to emphasize. The two other archivists in the room hurried out the door with telling glances over their shoulders.

He took a deep breath. More careful this time, and using every ounce of self restraint he had, he sent again in what he hoped was a more level tone,

[I don't doubt that your intentions were honorable, but you have put your friend over the safety and well-being of the clan. This is twice you have done so. The first time, I was inclined to let it pass as a mistake. Not this time. Not when you were strongly cautioned to stay within the confines of Liefde until such time as your clan leader could try to rectify your mistake.]

That wasn't easy. His voice was rising again, and he took another deep breath.

[Knowing what we do of Ellis, it wouldn't be surprising if she has had someone following you. What then, do we tell her, or the rest of her clan, when you come sauntering back into Liefde and it appears as if we have given our consent to your consorting with a Tacharan familiar? Did you consider that? Did you consider that your every action thus far has endangered your clan mates?]

Kem was grinding his teeth now. [You may not have the same concern, Nic, but these are my family and I will not see them harmed because of one young vampire's foolishness.]

He was very tempted to block Nic from responding, but he waited for the response anyhow.
Nicholae 18 years ago
[I...have no response for you Kem, do I. I can apologize...again...but, they're just words.

What you've said is true. I have been foolish, and irresponsible...again. And, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure why...well, not totally sure.]

Nic looked at Addison. Maybe this whole thing had been cursed from the get go. Nic just didn't know what it was about this...guy...that pulled at him so. But whatever it was, was it worth the wrath of his clan? Somehow he didn't think so. Something told him if the shoe were on the other foot, Addison wouldn't hesitate to stick to his own clan.

[I know I have no right to ask this of you. All you have done for me...goes way beyond what anyone would ever expect. Frankly, I'm sure once Arin hears this, he's likely to ban me from Evenhet anyway...or...worse.] what.

[I now what? Shall I just call it a day, and find somewhere else to go?]
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Kem shook his head again, slumping down into his chair. Damn it, he didn't have much respect for Nic's recent actions, but he thought well of him nonetheless. He hated to see him doing this.

[You have two options. You can return to Liefde now, and I mean now, or you can... not. I would hate to see you go. For all your foolishness, you're a decent person. I believe you should come back immediately and stay here. It would be... the responsible course of action.]

He ran his fingers through his hair. [I'm not your father. But I would hope you do what's right.]

It seemed horribly inadequate, particularly following his recent fireworks, but Kem had exhausted himself of his anger, and now all that remained was frustration and disappointment. He had expected better.

((ooc: Kem out))
Nicholae 18 years ago
Having already moved off the bed, Nic went into the bathroom to clean up. He imagined he must have appeared a little robotic to Addison, moving along as if to some inner voice...which was exactly what he was doing, just not so Addison would know.

Walking out of the bathroom, Nic tossed a towel Addison's way.

[ aren't my father, but I do value your opinion of me, and I am sorry if I have disappointed you. I will return to Liefde, within the hour.]

There was nothing left to say, so Nic assumed Kem would leave it at that. Now he just had to say good bye to Addison.

"Addison. In theory...if Ellis wasn't gone, and right now she called you and demanded you get your gorgeous ass back to Tacharan...immediately. What would you do?"

Nic was fairly certain of the answer to come, and pulled on his pants as he continued to dress.
Addison 18 years ago
Addison was confused...damn confused. He turned and sat up slowly, eyeing Nic curiously. He was just....there...but not doing anything. And then he was off the bed and back in the bathroom. "What..." the accountant started to say, before Nic was returning and a towel was at him. What had he done wrong? He wasn't particulary experienced, but there shouldn't be anything about what he'd done so far that would cause Nic to just up and throw in the towel...litterally.

"Addison. In theory...if Ellis wasn't gone, and right now she called you and demanded you get your gorgeous ass back to Tacharan...immediately. What would you do?"

"But she is gone....however, if that weren't the case, I would have have even come...and if so, if she called for me, I would be is the way with familiars. Why do you ask this? And what did I do wrong?" Addison sat back on his ankles, holding the towel in his hands.
Nicholae 18 years ago
The answer was the right one...the one Nic expected, but it didn't do a lot to help him feel less guilty. The expression Addison wore hurt Nic. He had come to be a friend...a comfort...and to give them both some pleasure, without a doubt. He was leaving having done none of those things, and even possibly making matters worse.

C'est la Vie! There was nothing else to be done.

"I'm sorry Addison. I've just been contacted, and told I am to return to the Towers, immediately. Apparently the fact that Ellis is gone has no bearing on my being away. It has been relayed to me that i jeopardized my clan, by being here, and I need to resolve that."

He was next to certain what he was saying was making little sense. There was nothing to be done for that...not now...just no time.

His shirt was on, but only two buttons remained, to hold it together. Stepping into his loafers, he sat down next to Addison on the bed...for just a few seconds.

Putting his arm around the little guy's shoulders, Nic gave him a friendly hug.

"I'm sorrier than you can begin to imagine Addison. I wish things could have been different. All things considered, maybe this was the best thing that could have happened. It wasn't your fault did nothing. I...I..."

Standing up, and then bending down for a last kiss, Nic turned to leave. At the door, he gave the other guy a wry smile. Something told Nic, Addison would be just fine.

"I'm sorry Addison."

His last words were spoken, as Nic walked out the door. The bottle of champagne was being delivered at the same time, and Nic waived the guy away, after taking the bottle, on ice, and setting it on the floor inside the door. When Nic got downstairs, he handed the woman behind the desk several hundred dollar bills, with instructions to give Addison whatever he wanted, and remove the credit card from the room account.

It was the least he could do.

(Nic out.)
Addison 18 years ago
'Contacted, my bitten ass...' Addison retorted to himself. He had not heard a phone and no one had shown up at the door. The least Nic could do was be honest. Maybe he was too wierded out by sex with another guy and didn't realize it until ....right there. This clan excuse was flimsy. If Nic was that worried, he wouldn't have come in the first place.

He allowed himself to be pulled into a hug and then kissed, passive as he tried to keep from saying something rude.

"I'm sorry Addison."

"Yeah, me too." But not for the same reasons, it seemed. Addison watched him go and then turned back to the tv, which was still playing quietly in the background. He looked back as he noticed something being set just inside the door. Champagne? Oy...Runner up prize for him.

Addison stood and padded back to the bathroom, completely nude, running himself a bath. MIght as well get rid of the substance now around the nether regions. While sitting back in the tub, he grabbed up his pants and found his cell phone. Searching through his contacts, he found Nic's name. Blue eyes narrowed momentarily and he sighed as he hit the delete key and tossed the phone off to the side.

He might as well relax...he'd paid for the room after all...

(OOC: Addison out...sort of..thread over tho)