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Antsy, fidgity, jittery, wired...horny.

Pacing around his suite, Nic felt full of energy...raw energy just looking to get out.

It seemed like forever, since he had come to Liefde, and begun working for Kem. The work he was doing was tedious, but he didn't mind that too much. It gave him a reason to get up every night, and he guessed he was helping Kem. which was important. But he missed people. There were a few co-workers down in the archives, and he had met them all, but work seemed to be what they lived for, and that was so NOT who Nic was.

Sure...when he had an exciting role to portray, his hours were filled with studying lines, and rehearsing...then shooting. But that was not what he had been doing, and to Nic, that was also far from boring. And with Kem and Theo being so scarce, Nic didn't even have the delight in looking forward to talking to either of them. Had he been working more closely with Theo, he was fairly certain the days would have flown by that much more quickly. Then again, had he been working with Theo he probably would have spent all day distracted, and not accomplished half of what he had. So he hadn't gone out of his way to seek company with either.

Still, he needed to get out...he needed to hunt...he needed people around him who were having fun...he needed to get laid...and not necessarily in that order.

Kem and MARI had done what they could to keep him in blood, but Nic could only take so many 'fast food meals'. He needed something to really sink his teeth into...and soon. He did muddle through an idea of asking MARI if she could find him discarded the notion without spending too much time on it. Besides, he had come to understand that MARI took his words pretty literally...and a date really wasn't what he wanted.

As he often did, his thoughts turned to Addison, and how the little guy was doing. He couldn't risk calling his little buddy...not with the threat of Ellis finding out. Nic was still concerned about Addison living with that woman, and what she was capable of doing to him. But knew he was in no position to do anything about it, except to avoid him, and not add to the cause for action by Ellis.

He sighed, and threw himself onto the couch, where he sprawled out. A flick of the remote control, and he listened as 'Entertainment Tonight' came on, while he picked up the Anita Blake book he had been reading. Maybe he could kill a couple hours this way, and then go work out in the gym. If nothing else, he was sure keeping in great shape these days.

Nicholae 19 years ago
The reading wasn't working...and neither was the television. Deciding he had to do something, he was just about ready to call for MARI, and see if she could offer up some advice...or maybe some...'nasty talk'...just to help get him going in his attempt to relieve his...condition, when his cell rang.

"Nic here."

"Hey...It's Addison."

"Addison! Man, hey! It's really...great to hear from you."

His words started out loud and excited, and ended up in almost a whisper. He'd forgotten, again, why he was there in 'lock down' at Liefde now. And who knew just how much MARI would pick up.

"Hey, really...I've...sorta missed you. I'm really sorry I didn't get back with you sooner...there's just been I kinda got messed up in. I'd sure like to talk to you though...I need to tell you some things."

But was it worth it to try and sneak out? Was it worth it, not only to him, but to Addison as well, to risk having Ellis find them? Had it not been Nic's hormones talking, probably not. However...

"So...where are you, little buddy?"
Nicholae 19 years ago

"I've missed you too, I'm down at the Piazza...the bar. Something's happened...and...well...I'd like someone to talk to. Can you meet me here?"

Nic didn't like the sound of Addison. Though he'd only spent one night with the guy, and only heard him on the phone since, Nic could sense this wasn't the happy guy he'd met at the museum.

Fuck! Ellis must have done something...and that was why Addison was in such shape, he thought. But if she had, would Addison have dared contact Nic? It didn't seem likely. Nic had to find out what the problem was, and try to resolve it. Even if Nic wasn't responsible for whatever had Addison down, he felt he owed the guy.

"I...I'm not supposed to leave here...but..."

He was pacing again, holding onto the phone and glancing around the room, as if he'd find the answer to the situation floating in the air somewhere.

He knew he shouldn't leave. Kem had done so much for him, and if Nic got caught outside the towers, it would be like a personal slap in the face to Kem, he just knew it.

And Arin...well hell, everyone he'd met at the Liefde Towers had been more than friendly. He guessed, if he did get caught, his only recourse would be to leave Nachton. And that was only if one of his own Evenhet caught him. If Ellis were to find him while he was out, well...that would take care of itself, he imagined...though definitely not in his favor.

"I'll be there...just as soon as I can get away. Don't may take me a while, but I'll be there...okay?"

Nic didn't wait for an answer. If he was going to do this, he had to do it now...before common sense had a chance to take over, and his concern for his friend was overridden.

Slipping on his loafers, and grabbing his leather bomber jacket, Nic made a big noise like he was going to bed, and turned out all the lights. It was early, by vampire standards, but he had been having some early nights lately. Once he thought that MARI would have assumed he was least he hope if she was listening, she thought that, he moved as quietly as he could through the suite, and out the door.

Remarkably the stairs were empty. He decided it would be safer to make his way down them, rather than risk the elevator. His luck held, as the lobby too was empty, after the sole occupant entered the elevator. Nic hid behind a large column while the man departed, sure he hadn't been seen. From there the rest of the way out of the towers was a piece of cake.

Now, standing outside, he had to make his way until he found a cab, or had made the walk to the hotel. Cursing under his breath, he vowed as soon as he was able, he was calling Valentine, and seeing about the bike.

(Nic out)