I'm sorry, I just can't help it...

So um, do vampires need to *thinks of a delicate way to say this* eliminate waste from the body?

I'm still learning all these things, and I was curious. If I mention it somewhere if it's a real need or just something I decided vampires should have to do. I mean some of us still eat regular food, so I figure there would still be a need to get rid of what wasn't digested.

Speaking of digestion, does that still work the same, do vampire bodies still break down and absorb nutrients from consumed food?

So many questions...

I know, I know. I'm odd.

Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl checks the list of "odd" questions Ginnie has asked.

"OH! She hasn't asked this one yet."

She checks off the one marked "Do Vampires Poop?"
Alexandra 19 years ago
You know i was wondering the same thing after reading Ginnie and Alec's dinner... I would say they don't absorb the nutriens since they are tech. dead.. but the food has to come out right???
Serena 19 years ago
but possibly wouldn;t the body burn some of it normally? carbs and such... so weird to think if it umm 'came out' undigested.
Xandare 19 years ago
Care for some recycled brownies?
i assure you, i didn't digest em at all..
Winter 19 years ago
Rachyl 19 years ago
Oh. My. Gawd. Winter. That is SO wrong. I needed to run to the restroom, I was laughing so hard, people were staring at me!
Meegan 19 years ago
OMg ew
Ginnie 19 years ago
Well they way I understand it, vampires use the vascular system to pump the blood from their victims. I was curious if that was digested and moved much like food is in our bodies. If it is, it would stand to reason that any other food they consumed would be digested in the same fashion.

I just wondered if they had to eliminate the toxins and excess like we do or if their bodies simply absorbed everything.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
You know, we actually did have a discussion about this but for the life of me I can't recall our conclusion...lemmie dig through and get an answer for you though.
Ginnie 19 years ago
Thanks Thaddeus!
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
I'm fairly certain they poop.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Yep, we did discuss it and their system would work like a human in that respect. If you eat...well, it has to come out and that's how the human digestive system works so vampires work the same way, they need blood and not food in order to survive so if they don't eat and drink then they wouldn't need to expel it but if they do eat food (which serves no nutritional value really but some still enjoy it) then they'd have to get rid of it through the normal means.

I thought it was actually semi mentioned or at least implied in the final physiology write up but I could be wrong. We discussed a lot of stuff for a long time and it gets all muddled as to what was finally said and where.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Sweet. The possibilities have opened up.

Collecting the Sunday edition of the Nachton Times, Alec entered the restroom. Taking inventory, he selected a nice lavender scented candle to burn next to the toilet while he got situated. Pouring a small amount of rose oil into the bowl, Alec dropped his trousers and got down to business. "Rien...le siege est tres froid. Nous devrions acheter une couverture...quelque chose de brouille."

Reading over recent events, it seemed the recent Gala had some excellent coverage, as did the investigation into the Hillman Affair. Reading the human perspective on the Hillman Affair made him clench up a bit, which set him back a couple of minutes. Willing himself to relax, he flipped back to society, reading the full story on the ball and a lovely article on florists in the area. The floral stories certainly made up the lost time - Alec could feel the turtle looking to take a dive. For whatever reason, agriculture always got his bowels moving. Smiling, he amplified his sense of touch, feeling the texture and reliving the meal chronologically. "Ah...there was that first bite. That was very tasty...followed by some grain and a lump of fiber...ugh...that must have been the green bean casserole. A little greasy..."

Thinking better of the tactile investigation, he dulled his senses back to human norm. If he made himself nauseous at this point, he'd have to throw up in his drawers, and that just wasn't any kind of fun no matter how useful the information gleaned would be. Besides, explaining to people that you'd heightened your sense of touch while taking a crap would probably be viewed as very, very strange.

Much like this post. See what happens when y'all open cans of worms like this for me and I read it when I am tired? :P
Apollyon 19 years ago
Lord It's like talking to him on Aim........ /sigh. except when he's on aim he's normally much more detailed about said intestinal requirement =P
Alexandra 19 years ago
Lmao O this is just wrong
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Perception has now been seen in a whole new light. O_O

Think about the poor people with empathy doing their business in a public restroom and have no choice but to feel how annoyed and disgusted the people in the other stalls are because of them.

Someone with contortion could move around in those impossibly tiny bathrooms found on ships and other places cramped for space.

Shape shifting is very convenient when you're traveling and you've just got to go so you pull over and head into a nearby patch of trees... who is likely to bother a wolf, even one currently occupied? Certain members with the ability to become avian creatures have the added bonus of bombing people that really annoy them!

A person with blending out in the woods would probably be over looked.

The list of useful skills goes on...
Aishe 19 years ago
Yes, the world finally knows what AIM conversations with Alec are like... and as Ap said... just more graphic.
Ginnie 19 years ago
Man, all I wanted to know is if they go pee. I was so not in the need of thise whole detailed explaination thing.

*looks at Alec in a whole new light.*

That's just gross.
Serena 19 years ago
I don't understand you people.. I've chatted with him on MSN before and we was funny, witty, maybe had a little oddball-ness to him but nothing struck me out of the ordinary... Maybe I'm just as wacky and therefore didn't notice *shrug*