NEW - Familiar Form

Please read the general familiar rules and your clan's rules for familiars and fill out the applicable information below as a post in this thread.
The familiar form must have both parts filled out, one by the human, one by the vampire.
Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:
Bio (please link):
Name of your requested familiar:
Bio of your requested familiar:
Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age):
Type of familiar bond:
Why do you want a familiar?
Have you read your clan’s rules for familiars?

Humans interested in becoming a familiar:
Vampire Name:
Vampire Bio:
Vampire Clan:
What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you?
Why do you want to be a familiar?
Have you read your vampire’s clan rules?

Alfarinn 19 years ago

Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:

Name: Alfarinn Jarlsen Grey ()
Bio (please link): Alfarinn's Bio
Clan: Evenhet
Name of your requested familiar: Danielle Martin
Bio of your requested familiar: Danielle's Bio
Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None at this time
Type of familiar bond: Ally
Why do you want a familiar? Because one cannot run a clan alone. Danielle is intelligent, trustworthy and extremely gifted both Evenhet and I need her help. (note for less cut and dry reasons a more lengthy response may be requested from staff )
Have you read your clan’s rules for familiars? Yes
Danielle 19 years ago
Humans interested in becoming a familiar:
Name: Danielle Martin


Vampire Name: Arin Bjorn

Vampire Bio:

Vampire Clan: Evenhet

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Well the pay raise certainly helps (kidding!). In all seriousness, I want the opportunity to work with some of the finest hearts and minds I’ve ever had the privilege to meet and to do what I can to further Meridian’s goals and Evenhet’s ideals.

Have you read your vampire’s clan rules? I have!
Jan 19 years ago
Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:
Name: Johannes Jager

Bio (please link): Jan's Bio

Clan: Tacharan

Name of your requested familiar: Addison Monroe

Bio of your requested familiar: Addison's Bio

Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None

Type of familiar bond: Allure

Why do you want a familiar? Because he's cute and someone has to take care of him now that Ellis is gone.

Have you read your clan’s rules for familiars? Yes
Addison 19 years ago
Humans interested in becoming a familiar:
Name: Addison Monroe

Bio: Addison's Bio

Vampire Name: Jan Jager

Vampire Bio: Jan's Bio

Vampire Clan: Tacharian

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Allure
An allured familiar is ruled by their desire for their master. They genuinely want to serve and love their vampire. Allured familiars are easy to control and still maintain much of who they are, but should they find something even more captivating the bond can be weakened.

Why do you want to be a familiar? I miss Ellis...I liked Ellis a lot. However, she's gone...and Jan asked...and he's attractive and funny...and offers protection (and smells great too), so I would like to be his familiar.

Have you read your vampire’s clan rules? I have. A couple of times...tho it was a while ago...*goes to re-read*
Cyrus 19 years ago
Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:
Name: Cyrus Arslantai

Bio (please link):

Clan: Anantya

Name of your requested familiar: Suki Langston

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None

Type of familiar bond: Ally

Why do you want a familiar? To assist in the foraging of food due to the excessive thirst flaw.

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars? Yes
Cyrus 19 years ago
Name: Suki Langston


Vampire Name: Cyrus Arslantai

Vampire Bio:

Vampire Clan: Anantya

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Cyrus needs me. I find him people to help fend off his hunger. Since I work at the House of Pain I knew many willing 'victims' for him. Plus every time he bites me it feels incredible. The pay is good too.

Have you read your vampire's clan rules? Yes.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Name: Suki Langston


Vampire Name: Cyrus Arslantai

Vampire Bio:

Vampire Clan: Anantya

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Cyrus needs me. I find him people to help fend off his hunger. Since I work at the House of Pain I knew many willing 'victims' for him. Plus every time he bites me it feels incredible. The pay is good too.

Have you read your vampire’s clan rules? Yes.
Alexandra 19 years ago
Name: Alexandra Emanile

Bio (please link):


Name of your requested familiar:

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars
(Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None

Type of familiar bond
: Allure

Why do you want a familiar?
To keep Alex company during her training sessions (she's an Assasin who need to keep fit), take care of her needs in every way.

Have you read your clan’s rules for familiars?
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Name: Ichiro Taiji (Tai)

Bio: Here

Vampire Name: Ellis

Vampire Bio: Here

Vampire Clan: None
What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Allure

Why do you want to be a familiar? I didn't sign up for this... but the sex is amazing. On a side note, I will gain her protection against anyone from the Yakuza who might want me finalized.

Have you read your vampire's clan rules? N/A
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Name: Ellis Duban

Bio (please link):

Clan: This is really a funny question.

Name of your requested familiar: Ichiro Taiji - Human

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars
(Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age):

Type of familiar bond
: Allure

Why do you want a familiar? Because I have needs. (He is also part of my master plan to take over the world and kill lots and LOTS of people)

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars? See above dilemma =D
Alexandra 18 years ago

Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:


Bio (please link):

Clan: Tacharan

Name of your requested familiar: Samuel Galpin

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars
: none

Type of familiar bond
: Ally

Why do you want a familiar?
To take care of her needs and to have a warm body to snuggle up against.

Have you read your clan’s rules for familiars?
Sam 18 years ago

Humans interested in becoming a familiar:

Name: Sam Galpin

Bio: Sams Bio

Vampire Name: Alexandra

Vampire Bio:
Alexandras Bio

Vampire Clan:

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Having been feasted upon, he is slowly starting to fall for Alexandra and likes the thought of the added protection he will have as a Familiar.

Have you read your vampire's clan rules? Yes
Steven 16 years ago

Humans interested in becoming a familiar:

Name: Steven J. Rowland


Vampire Name: Trinity L. Jordan

Vampire Bio:

Vampire Clan: Anantya

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Protection

Have you read your vampire's clan rules? Da
Trin 16 years ago
Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:

Name: Trinity Jordan

Bio (please link):

Clan: Anantya

Name of your requested familiar: Steve Rowland

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): Nada

Type of familiar bond: Ally

Why do you want a familiar? To protect him (from himself more than anyone else!) and his sister, a direct link for the clan into the police dept, take care of some of the daytime stuffs I can't do.

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars? Yes - as soon as an Elder is available to RP, I will run the official request through channels (and hope I don't get bitten for waiting!!)
Ysabel 16 years ago
Name: Ysabel Margarette Yolgrave

Bio (please link): here

Clan: Anantya

Name of your requested familiar: Marie

Bio of your requested familiar: here

Names of your other familiars (Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None

Type of familiar bond: Awe

Why do you want a familiar? Because someone needs to keep her off the streets, and the safest way for both her and us is to bond her as a familiar.

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars? Yes.
Marie 16 years ago
Humans interested in becoming a familiar:

Name: Marie Rosa Sanchez

Bio: here

Vampire Name: Ysabel

Vampire Bio: here

Vampire Clan: Anantya

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Awe

Why do you want to be a familiar? Cause some damned vampire bit me and I’m tired of living on the streets and always being hungry and dirty and there sure as hell is no way I’m going back to my uncle.
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago

Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:

Name: Kem

Bio (please link):


Name of your requested familiar:

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars
(Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age):

Type of familiar bond
: Ally

Why do you want a familiar?
She needs better cell phone coverage and I'm better than AT&T.

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars?
Reign 14 years ago
Humans interested in becoming a familiar:

Name: Reign Athena Sorensen

Bio: Here

Vampire Name: Kem

Vampire Bio: Here

Vampire Clan: Evenhet

What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? Did you or did you not see the guys trying to break into my house... TWICE
Miya 13 years ago

Humans interested in becoming a familiar:

Name: Miya Harton


Vampire Name:
Scott Kinney

Vampire Bio:

Vampire Clan:
What sort of bond do you see your vampire having with you? Ally

Why do you want to be a familiar? I love Scott. What better reason could there be?

Have you read your vampire's clan rules? yes.
Scott Kinney 13 years ago

Vampires interested in obtaining a familiar:

Scott Kinney

Bio (please link):


Name of your requested familiar:
Miya Harton

Bio of your requested familiar:

Names of your other familiars
(Please make sure you observe the limits to familiars according to age): None. I am permitted one based on age and Miya would be my one and only.

Type of familiar bond
: Ally

Why do you want a familiar?
We dig each other. I need to be able to keep tabs on her because she loves to get herself into trouble! Vampire-GPS for the win!!1!

Have you read your clan's rules for familiars?