Zoe Mitchell
Birth Name: Zoe Mitchell
Place of Birth: Limerick, Ireland
Age: (real and apparant) 21, 19
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Bartender for a nightclub in Nachton
Past Occupation: (If different from above) waitress
Hair Color: red
Length and Style: all of it hangs about two inches below her shoulders, except for one lock in the very back, that hangs a little past her waist
Eye Color: dark green
Skin Color: pale cream
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 143 lb.
Nationality: Irish, but raised in america
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: toned and thin, but lanky, with a minimum of curves
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC):
Zoe was turned by an NPC, Alex Williams. He belonged to the clan of Anantya. As it is now, he is still a part of that clan. He has dark skin and very curly black hair. He is charismatic and easy to like, but he is also very aware of his charm, and uses it whenever he can. He was near the gang fight in search of a meal, and saw Zoe caught in the middle. He could see that she could be strong with some training, but she was not going to make it through on her own. He got her out, but turnedher as soon as they were both out of the way of the fight.
1. Describe your character's personality
Zoe is quiet and suspicious of everyone, she dislikes talking to people, and tries to appear as intimidating and cold as possible. If someone were to try a conversation with her, she would either answer curtly and attempt to break the conversation off, or just leave.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) To a stranger, Zoe would appear stuffy,or self-centered. She usually wears a tank top and shorts, with a large green parka over it, all year round.
3.What does your character like? She likes animals, cats ans reptiles especially, the few people she is willing to hang out with, getting stronger and wiser
4. Dislike? Most other people, loud noises, vehicles(save for motorcycles), most TV shows, sports, false modesty, bragging, men
5.What are your fears? someone finding out she is lesbian(she feels it to be disgraceful, for personal reasons- denial, perhaps?), being caught (primarily by harvesters), getting involved with someone else
6.What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Zoe is quick, and clever (when she wants to be), and once sha has set her sights on something, she isn't liable to let it ( or them) go. However, she's no good at charming people as Alex was, and her agility often causes her to pass over good targets. Likewise, her determination to catch up to her target also permits her from seeing a better prize.
Hobbies & Skills she likes to take long walks at midnight, and sometimes goes clubbing, and drinks when she is off duty. She's known for being one of the best bartenders, and never forgets a face
Abilities Bloodlust, Agility
Flaws Large teeth
Cosmetic traits Thin, narrow eyes, although she isn't asian, and a small spattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention Zoe has a curious love for drinking whole bottles of Tabasco sauce.
Personal History
Zoe came to America when she was two years old, after her parents were killed in an accident and no relatives could take her. She lived in a New york orphanage for years, and when she was eighteen she got a job as a waitress and moved into an apartment on her own. she went to school at the orphanage, but did not pursue college after leaving, as she had wanted. Money was too tight. She refused to have any continued contact with the orphanage, and is still badgered by them occasionally.
When she was nineteen, she was involved in a gang fight near her house Two different gangs, one smaller group and a larger, were ingaged in a turf war, and Zoe's overcoat and furtive ways caused her to be mistaken for a member of one of the gangs. she was shot in the right shoulder (still has the scar) and nearly died from blood loss. Alex got her out, as mentioned above, because he knew she would make a good apprentice. He offered her the choice of becoming a vampire. She was weak, and knew only that he was offering a chance at life, and agreed to be turned. He took her with him, back to his apartment. He had planned on teching her everything he could, and hoped she would trust him, but Zoe's misgiivings on the ordeal caused her to leave the night after (nothing happened, other than her turning), while he was hunting. He told her a little about clans, and hunting before she left him, and knowing this, she was able to keep relatively safe and to herself. She went back to her apartment, and a few hours later, was bound for a train to Philadelphia. Alex did not pursue her, maybe knowing that it would only breed stronger hatred for him. (As a side note, she does not hate him so deeply now, but still carries a personal dislike for him.) He may go after her in the future, if he learns of her location.
At the age of twenty, she was involved in a brief romance with a woman named Ann, who left when the entire story was revealed. They met through Zoe's temporary job, another waitress. Their relationship lasted only a month. They did, truthfully, have a sexual relationship, however brief. Zoe later moved again, this time ending up at Nachton. Her decision to bartend came from her enjoyment of her previous job in relatively the same business. In order to keep away from the sun to keep away from sun, she took a night job at a club on the Strip. She knows no one in Nachton, outside of her co-workers, who she regards guardedly as accquaintances. Most of her abilities and flaws she discovered on her own, over time. She hopes to continue her job, long enough to go to night school, and perhaps finish college one day. She does not plan on moving again, and hopes to stay in Nachton for a long time.
She chose Tacharan simply for the reason that Alex was not in it. It sounds superficial a reeason, but she does not want him as a clanmate. She does not particularly care, or wish to find out if his clanmates are like him. She also chose, although this was her secondary reason, Tacharan for it's strength.
Player name (online is fine) Laura
Other Characters you play: none
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) friend
Have you read all the Rules? yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? yes, I do
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes