what to do when your cat jumps on your keyboard

so, nice long post that im too tired to remember and Homer my cat decided to jump up and smash onto the keyboard deleting everything.

so here's my theory on what to do to keyboard crashing attention stealin kitties:

5. Make them retype what your wrote
4. dont feed them next time they ask
3. hold them down and flick their kitty balls
2. Use them as a screen wiper
1. polietly pick them up and move them to the bed.

sigh, too bad i did choice number one =(:angeldea:

Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
6. Skin them and make them into a pair of fur panties for the Archduke of Thong and a nice stew for the Mongol... >
Fiona 18 years ago
7. place kitty treats strategically at other end of house before typing post...

Wait a sec ~ your cat ASKS for food???? Damn. Ours demands. Loudly. (Actually, it's the treats that get her ~ she's my sister's cat and tries to convince the rest of us that she got no treats before "momma" went to work... yeah. Right.)
Maeve 18 years ago
8. Let them sleep on top of your monitor so you can laugh your ass off when they fall off.

Yes my cat does this and it really is hillarious.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
My cat hangs his tail over the front of my monitor from time to time while he's up there and looks very afronted when I swat it. Normally he'd sleep nice and peaceful like (most of the time) but at the moment I have a large stuffed geko up there that I moved while cleaning. Malley( short for Malachite, aka, the cat) has been trying to find a way to dethrone the poor stuffed creature for days.

I keep my keyboard in lap which serves the purpose of allowing me to lean back and keeps the cat out of my lap. I have a stool that he curls up on usually on top of my legs.
Rachyl 18 years ago
9. Type it in Notepad/ Wordpad/ Word/ (enter word processor of your choice) and save it every few minutes.
Alexandra 18 years ago
10. Get a really big desk so that they can sleep on it but not get near your keyboard
Aishe 18 years ago
11) Snuggle your cat like there's no tomorrow because he's the best kitty there ever was in the universe and the only reason he jumped on your keyboard in the first place was because he couldn't stand to be apart from you and needed cuddles or he'd die.

... My cat and I are very attached to each other. :P
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Meh, he probably just wanted to tell you he was hungry and that you should go feed him.
Aishe 18 years ago


Ever. :P
Serena 18 years ago
I'm with #10..!! I have 3 kitties and 1 always gets to sleep with / next to me, that's her time with Mommy.. And my boy always comes and sits on my desk and lays on my hand / tries to lay on the keyboard. When I'm at my PC is his time with Mommy. And we have one we took in, she will come sit with us on the couch or cozy up where ever she can and not get run off by those two So # 10 and sometimes #11 cause my baby boy hates to be held and when I hug him he runs away for a while (at leaves me alone!)
Aishe 18 years ago
Ok, this thread is begging for a cat picture.

So there's Asriel. Who is currently on the monitor, looking like he knows I'm talking about him.
Shay 18 years ago
This is Duchess...who technically is my daughter's cat, but who thinks she belongs to me when I visit...or...maybe vice versa. Anyway, she also used to climb all over the computer desk, especially when the printer was running. However, once she was given the option of having this little perch instead, she decided it was much better suited for her needs, and leaves the computer alone now...smart cat?
She also fetches when you throw one of her toys, and brings it to you to throw again...when she gets tired of throwing things up in the air on her own and chasing them around. I swear she thinks shes a dog.

Jan 18 years ago
So these are walking snack packs right?

...here kitty kitty!
Panos Mehalitsenos 18 years ago
i do not have the time nor the patience to save every few sentences!

He ended up wanting to play with something on the desk! He said mumma! Damn it! i better get some loving like this again soon!
Panos Mehalitsenos 18 years ago
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGHHHHH! It is Fallon come to eat your kitties! LOOKOUT!

Fallon 18 years ago
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Alec!

*looks around, wide eyed and antsy*

Pretty kitties...Come on Jan...we can share bedtime stories.

Jan 18 years ago
LoL I agree

We, Tacharan, are not cuddly cat lovers. It ruins the image.

Panos,man, you're going to have to make her start posting that stuff as Chryseis!
Panos Mehalitsenos 18 years ago
damn it! i didn't think of that!

i hate kitties YAH THATS IT! kitties bad!
Cyrus 18 years ago
/snarls meanly

Kitties are good. We do NOT eat kitties. Everything else is fair game, though dogs may make me sneeze.