Taking bets?

I don't know about you guys, but waiting to see what'll come out of Dawn's mouth next is the best entertainment I've had in awhile... I'm still trying to decide if the "inflatable titties" or asking Ambrose if he was there to "take a piss" was better... one could almost feel sorry for the Elders of Anantya...

anyone wanna bet who threatens to strangle her first?

Fiona 18 years ago
Until today I'd never heard of Firefly... though i did run across the DVD set when i was out running around! Does that count?
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Ack! Feaken!

Go! Go!! Go watch now!
Fiona 18 years ago
i can't ~ they only had one copy of the first season of SG1, so i got that instead!!! *pout*
Mathias 18 years ago
Alec Devereaux




...y'all haven't seen Firefly OR Serenity?!?! This hurts my soul! Ice cream headache of the spirit!

I blame myself for Shay's lack of knowledge - I will redeem myself to the other Browncoats!!

Got all 6 seasons of B5 in my Blockbuster que, had to delete it from my HD when I reformatted
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
That's one of the saddest things I've heard this week, sir. /mourn
Aishe 18 years ago
I'm pissed at Serenity for killing off my fave, but that's the curse of the Rabbit. Every char I decide is my fave in any book or movie, will die.

Happens EVERY time.

Maeve 18 years ago
Sad to say that I haven't seen Serenity yet, but I loved the series. We just don't get out very often to get to see movies. I'm still hoping that maybe I can find Narnia still in a theater somewhere around here cause it wasn't playing down at mom and dad's anymore.
Addison 18 years ago
OMG - Serenity was awesome. All of us at the house loved that movie so much we all went and downloaded the entire series...and it's great too. *is wanting to buy it on dvd*

"I aim to misbehave" has to be one of the best lines.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
There are so many good lines in that movie. It was awesome as is the whole series. Hence the past mafia... which also rocked!
Mathias 18 years ago
Is it telling that Jayne is my fave?
Cyrus 18 years ago
I am more of a Farscape fan personally. Though the Serenity movie was cool.
Morrigan Kinsey 18 years ago
Stargate 4tw! Though I am now hooked on Battlestar Galactica as well.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Stargate rocks but it isn't as good as Firefly. The team has a nice dynamic though. They got a bit weird later but I'm sure Firefly might have gotten that way eventually in the search for something new to do. Still you can't beat Firefly for some of the best lines in a sci fi.

Not even old Star Trek. (which is also l33t. Spock had some good quotes from time to time.)

Just...can't ...get past... Captain Kirk... Too..much...cheese.

I've still seen every episode :X
Fiona 18 years ago
i had completely missed farscape til the SciFi channel did a marathon one week and showed all the episodes in order... which pretty much hooked me. it got kind of weird there toward the end too, though. I'm just trying to figure out how i missed firefly altogether. it has been added to the list of "movies" for my mom to watch out for (her husband practically lives in pawn shops and they get the majority of their dvd's there ~ so she keeps a list of ones that i want and gets them for me at about half the price you can get them just about anywhere else).

Kirk cracks me up. the older he gets the more he reminds me of my dad ~ until he opens his mouth. McCoy was always my favorite ~ how many ways can you say "He's dead, Jim"...
Mathias 18 years ago
On a related note - I now possess every Thundercats episode!

Now I just need time to watch them.....
Fiona 18 years ago
oh mathias ~ you do betray your age with that statement ~ we're working on acquiring Robotech around here...
Mathias 18 years ago
oh mathias ~ you do betray your age with that statement ~ we're working on acquiring Robotech around here...

I heard about them on the internet!! Yeah,thats the ticket.....
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Thunder...Thunder... Thundercats!

Yeah... actually though my brother used to watch them...reruns on the cartoon network.
Talon 18 years ago
G.I.Joe 4TW! ...cause knowing is half the battle!
I watched Thundercats from time to time, I couldn't really get into it... Chetara had small boobs..
Mathias 18 years ago
G.I.Joe 4TW! ...cause knowing is half the battle!
I watched Thundercats from time to time, I couldn't really get into it... Chetara had small boobs..

Yo Joe!