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Being Seen

Sorin looked around the crowd for someone worthy of their attention and did not see anyone that fit that description. Instead he pulled two glasses of champagne from a passing tray and handed one to Fiona.

Moving slowly towards their places at the tables, he paused here and there to greet the human elite and a few of his clan underlings. Introducing Fiona as he went. He was certain she could ascertain their importance by the difference in the length they were spoken to. It was wonderful to have an escort that understood this game and how to play it well, especially one that sparkled in the limelight as much as Fiona did. He could have and perhaps should have taken his daughter, Claire. She knew how to play the game with exceeding skill but for her it was a different method and one that did not suit his needs. His daughter deferred the attention to whomever she was with and learned all that she could from these social braggarts with ease because most were willing to speak, some endlessly, about themselves. It was not always so easy and the quiet French woman had a way of getting information out of even those who would normally be closed lipped about their personal lives. He appreciated her talents but that did not make her a good date. Far from it, his Oubliette was far better in the shadows. He wondered briefly whether she would find a date to bring to the event but decided that was her problem and not his.

His attention was caught by a tall blonde head of hair in a grey tux. So... Alfarinn did survive the encounter with the Wolf. He was here and Sorin did not see Thaddeus nor did he expect to. He wondered what the little Anantya would have made of this. It certainly appeared that Alfarinn weathered the trauma of his passing with ease. Thaddeus obviously didn't mean as much to the play boy as he thought he had. If only his clan mate had listened to him; he would be here still. Poor young Thaddeus had been played and played well. Sorin was surprised to feel something like anger over the situation. How dare Alfarinn abuse one of his own, his most talented even! The man would pay for the loss of their fallen Nightsman and dearly.

Finishing his drink with a final large swallow, he snapped his fingers at one of the servers. Taking a glass, he smiled at the man's glower and leaned to Fiona as he left.

“So hard to find decent help these days. I think we should have turned an entire household of servants back when they knew how to do the job well.”

It had occurred to him that Lykaios had possibly not yet done his job but it seemed unlikely. Had he not said do it soon? The Wolf was many things but stupid was not one of them. Besides that was part of their original disagreement on the first task he had assigned the man. Lykaios knew not to repeat it. No, it seemed reasonable to assume that the attack had taken place. He would have seen Thadeus by now if he were still alive. They were in the same Order after all.

((OOC: Claire's background with her permission ))

Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn quietly spread some of the cheese on a piece of bread and looked over at Thaddeus with a grin. His companion seemed rather dubious about the items in front of him. Leaning over, he spoke quietly for only Thaddeus to hear.

"I don't think any of it is poisonous."Â?

He tore off a piece and popped it into his mouth, giving it a nod of approval.

"Here, try a piece?"Â?

Alfarinn pulled another small bit away from the main slice and handed it to his partner.

Listening to the talk about the clans, he remained silent as it was mainly Anantya that was being discussed. Upon hearing mention of Tacharan from Fallon, he raised an eyebrow. She had an interest in Tacharan? He could not decide if she were young and therefore it was a surprise she knew of the orphans at all or if she were older and therefore it was a surprise that she would ask a question that had an obvious answer to someone who had been very long in vampire society. Whatever the cause the question was telling, of something anyway.

"The Tacharan are mostly over there."Â?

He turned his head and nodded to where he could see Simon, Carol and... oh Nova was a Tacharan? He smiled, remembering her unique fashion sense, though he noticed she was wearing a very lovely evening dress tonight.

"Most of the clans are together or mingling amongst their friends."Â?

He smiled and gave a slight shrug; they could have easily been sitting with the Evenhet tonight but it worked out differently. He and Thaddeus was always going to be part of a mixed group but he was happy that so far it had not been as awkward as it could be.
Sorin 18 years ago
Being pinched was something of a surprise but Sorin tilted his head to the side to give Fiona a private smirk. Her reaction was amusing to him and compelling. She was a talent at this game of social situations but she was so natural as well as collected. Fiona was not stiff and expressionless in the attempt to give nothing away; like many talented people of his own Order she was able to pick and choose what she let show through and what she hid well.

Sorin paused and gave his entire attention to the applicant with an expectant expression. So she did not yet even know about them and yet he was supposed to believe her interest was genuine? He sighed softly and continued with an air of patience explanation.

"We have three Orders that run our clan. The Orders of the Night, Rose and Hunt. The Rose are the supporters, tacticians and organizers. The Hunt are our warriors like your companion here and the Night consists of our...public relations people."Â?

He eyed Thaddeus and gave him an amused grin before returning to his food and drink. Spearing a potato with his fork, Sorin looked back up to Fallon.

"So of those, which do you think you fit into?"Â?
Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon looked in the direction of where Arin indicated, and made a mental note of some of the faces, before returning her attention to the Anantya elder.

In all her years of schooling, including college, Fallon had been given many hundreds of tests. For the most part she had always been a better than average student, and even made honor roll, and the deans list more than once. But never before had she felt so lacking in preparation. Of course, she had no clue she would be subjected to such scrutiny at the ball. She also had no idea that the Anantya elder would be so willing to put her on the spot like this.

She had to consider her answer, as carefully as she could. More than being accepted into Anantya, Fallon didn't want to disgrace Cyrus. There was where her fear lie.

"I'm sure Cyrus is well placed in the Order of the Hunt, not because I've seen evidence of his abilities, but because I doubt your clan would have him anywhere he was not effective. Nor do I think he would remain in a position he was not satisfied with."

Fallon took a sip of water, finding her throat drying up as she spoke. Her hands were in her lap once again, and as was her want, the cuticle of her left index finger was being worried with.

"As much as I enjoy Cyrus' company, I know I could not join him in that order."

It was probably more than evident that Fallon was not a fighter. But a tactician...or public relations...

"I have been a teacher for the past several years, of teenage children, and through that I know I've very good organizational skills. Besides that, in light of my living conditions prior to moving to Nachton, I've also become rather skillful at planning...well, planning how to survive, and how to get by, day to day, under less than pleasant conditions."

Fallon took another sip of water, and felt a trickle of sweat slowly seep down the line of her neck, underneath her hair. Feeling everyone's eyes on her, whether they were there or not it felt like they were, Fallon could feel her heart beat more rapidly.

Pausing, she took a deep breath, and smiled. She looked over at Cyrus, and felt herself calm down just a tad.

"However, by utilizing my teaching skills, I feel I would do well for the clan within the position of public relations as well. I know I'm probably not representing myself in the best light tonight, and for that I do apologize. But I can speak well on a subject when I know of that subject.

So to answer your question, if the decision was up to me I would feel the most valuable to Anantya, working under either the Order of the Night, or the Order of the Rose. I would expect to defer to you elders for the ultimate decision though. I am sure you are much more in tune with the needs of the clan, and how I might help assist with them."

Fallon wanted to just melt against Cyrus, and feel his strength envelope her. But she knew better than to show flagrant weakness under these circumstances, so she remained sitting tall, and took another bite of something on her plate. At this stage of the night, she couldn't taste anything, and was just thrilled to be keeping the food down, once she swallowed it.
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona returned Sorin's smirk with a serene smile and took another bite. She had stopped paying attention to the food, eating automatically and gracefully, finding far more interest in the conversation. Besides, no one at this table needed the food ~ it was all for show.

She looked in the direct Alfarinn indicated, curious. Those were Tacharan? Which gave her faces and no information. But a place to start. They did not appear to be the type she would normally associate with, though she might have to. Giving a mental shrug, she returned her attention to what Sorin was saying about the Orders, watching Fallon's face, a smile of encouragement on her own lips.

Rose, Hunt and Night. Sorin's descriptions made sense up until Night. There was no way she was going to believe he simply headed the PR division of Anantya. He'd have been bored stiff after 2 minutes. And be boring, which he most assuredly was not. No, he was a predator, though of a different type than Cyrus appeared to be. Cyrus was not someone she would want to go head to head with. In a purely physical fight, she'd be dead. If she needed protection, however, she had no doubt he would be perfect for it. Sorin was more subtle, the predator coming out when and how he chose. She had seen glimpses of it the other night... and no, she would not want to go head to head with him either, though she suspected the killing strike would not come from an anticipated direction. But it was the pause that told the story. Based on what she had gleaned so far, she would guess the Nightsman were... oh, information gatherers, perhaps would be the right phrase. Spies? Probably. Assasins? It wouldn't surprise her. And Thaddeus was of the Night? She glanced at the young man, her assessment of him changing slightly, a touch of wariness added in. He was much more than the cultured exterior he presented.

Fallon's answers were actually somewhat impressive, considering she hadn't known she'd be speaking to the Head of an Order this evening. Her reasoning was sound, if a trifle simplistic. But it did not appear she had caught Sorin's cue, which was interesting. Yes, it was easier to speak well on a subject you knew ~ the challenge was to speak well when you had little information to work with. Fiona had already gathered enough information this evening to know what her options were. By the end of the evening, she should have enough to determine their relative value as well as success potential. She regarded Fallon thoughtfully. If the woman was young enough, she might be able to learn it. Public speaking would need to be part of the training as well as deportment... realizing what she was doing, she took a bite of cucumber, chuckling to herself. She had no doubt that Sorin knew his job ~ and it was a matter for Anantya, not her.

Though she couldn't help feeling like she was also being tested. Which made her wonder once again, exactly what Sorin had planned for her. And when the answers might come due.
Cyrus 18 years ago
Having placed his knife back down he rested his arm along the back of Fallon's chair. His arm was gently resting upon the center of her back, supporting her silently.

Her answers were clear and concise. He was proud of how she took such minimal information and lack of familiarity yet produced an elloquent answer. Personally he thought she would be perfect to join the Order of the Rose with her skills and knowledge.

Silently he applauded her tact and wished for the main course to arrive swiftly.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus discreetly took off his gloves and slipped them in his pocket as the conversation proceeded, realizing that with all the talk he had forgotten to remove them earlier. He gave a slight nod of his head when Fallon requested a dish and passed it her way, his senses picking up on the tension of the waiter when he picked up the plate. It had been obvious enough that their waiter was unnerved and he’d been expecting that when he picked up the plate, though, so it was nothing overwhelming.

He had to smile at his own fussy nature when Alfarinn declared the food perfectly safe to eat, even going so far as to taste it himself before offering Thaddeus a bite, and he took the bread gingerly between two fingers to sample.

Even he had to admit that it was harmless, though he did so with a raised eyebrow and a light smile directed at Alfarinn.

Cyrus, however, apparently had similar misgivings, and while Alfarinn pointed out the Tacharan table he gave him a ‘yeah, I’m with you’ sort of look.

Then Sorin explained how Anantya was organized and asked Fallon which Order she might fit into. He returned Sorin’s grin with a faint one of his own, with just the corner of his mouth. His Elder had asked a somewhat difficult first question, though Thaddeus thought that in his place he might have done the same. Not so much to know, right this moment, where Fallon might end up serving, but to find out more information. One wasn’t required to join an Order at all but it was certainly something Thaddeus believed in doing; serving one’s clan was beneficial to all parties involved.

He nodded at Fallon’s initial answer, understanding where she was coming from by explaining how she felt about Cyrus’s order first. When he had decided on the Order of the Night one of his primary concerns was his desire not to disappoint Mai, and he thought similar thoughts may be in play for Fallon. It did, however, speak well of her that she had enough spine to be honest about how she felt even under pressure.

When she explained her skill set and how it might fit in with the Clan’s needs, he listened intently, considering. While her past as a teacher was interesting to him, what sparked his curiosity was her reference to the ‘living conditions’ before coming to Nachton and her apparent struggle to survive. She had, it seemed, come from a bad place to Anantya, and he wondered just what she might have brought with her, intentionally or not.

“How interesting; what subject did you teach?”

He reasoned that it would be best to keep the conversation to the typical dinner type questions and stay in territory that was comfortable for Fallon, especially if Sorin planned to continue his route. He gave a mental roll of his eyes at that thought, though; why was it more natural to slip into the role of ‘casual dinner guest’ then it was to just act like a normal person? Still looking expectant, he slid his foot over toward Alfarinn’s under the table with an inward smile.
Fallon 18 years ago
Life wasn't fair, and Fallon had learned that lesson years ago. So finding herself in her present position, it never occurred to her to think it had anything to do with inequities of life. This was just 'her' life, and how it had always been. So even if everyone at the table was now assessing her, and waiting for Sorin to judge her, it was not unexpected for her.

Feeling Cyrus close, and just the slight pressure from his arm, was what Fallon had never experienced before. Just that simple gesture...nothing overt...nothing grand...just knowing he felt enough about her to want to comfort her, was still unexpected. But so very welcomed, and appreciated.

"I taught, and still do teach, English, though now I'm working for the Nachton Parks and Recreation, teaching it as a second language."

Fallon smiled as she considered her newer students.

"This is a much simpler position, and the students are a lot more grateful and interested in learning English. The younger students were challenging in a different way. With them it was more trying to find ways to get them to 'want' to learn. But both jobs are just as gratifying. I've also taught home economics, and even taught auto mechanics for a week. Being versatile is very helpful as a teacher."

Fallon smiled quickly and took another bite of...asparagus? In any event, the motions of eating were pretty much just that, a way to occupy herself, and a way to allow her to stop talking. She knew she could rattle on, but didn't want to bore those around her. Besides, she had much to learn, and was smart enough to know she couldn't do that if she was the one doing the talking.
Sorin 18 years ago
Sorin sighed internally, great, a school teacher. What will they have next the librarian and downstairs maid? He turned away and looked around so that he did not give her an exasperated expression.

The waiter was speaking to a man that he had never met before, not that this was odd in and of itself, but the man did not seem to be very comfortable in his suit and kept adjusting his tie. Sorin would have ignored this all together but the waiter seemed odd as well. He was not standing properly or holding the tray correctly for someone taught to cater at the finest events in the city. Sorin narrowed his eyes and continued watching the pair.

Not turning around, he waived a hand.

"We do more than simply speak on topics. Thaddeus could explain, I'm sure. The three Orders are equal to each other and their leaders are the three elders of clan Anantya. Have you spoken to the others?"Â?

Morrigan would no doubt allow the school marm into the clan but Mai might be less interested in someone so pacifistic seeming. It was always so hard to tell with the psycho little Asian woman; she had been behaving more calmly since Thaddeus arrived but that was perhaps a matter of perception and not actual truth. Prior to the blonde becoming a part of their lives, Mai spent very little time at the Manor and so it was easy to not notice her until the Hunt needed to take action and that could often times be spectacularly violent.

Glorious! She was not just a teacher but an English teacher. That had to be tantamount to boring. He supposed that he did not have to converse with her so it should not matter to him what she was. She was going to be a member of the Clan, however, and he could hope they would have members that were worth speaking to.

The 'guest' that he had been watching stepped away from the waiter and looked around the room. Sorin rose and looked quickly to Fiona.

"If you'll excuse me a moment, My Dear? I have something to take care of briefly."Â?

((OOC: Sorin out ))
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn continued to concentrate on his bread, not for having a great desire to eat it, though it was excellent, but because the discussion did not concern Evenhet. The woman had enough troubles as it was. Typical of Sorin to put her on the spot like that. He could have gotten a more thoughtful and equally honest answer from her in private conversation. Nor did the ass have to look so smug and judgmental; it was obvious he was making her nervous.

Concentrating on Thaddeus instead, Alfarinn smiled when his companion took the bread despite looking like it was something he'd rather not touch.

He glanced up, sensing as he did so and frowned. The man seemed anxious, excited and fearful....expectant as well. The rest of the emotions would have been unusual but not something to catch his attention. A new waiter could have been worried about doing a good job but this was different. Alfarinn looked down and closed his eyes, pressing one hand to Thaddeus's thigh for support, he reached out with his empathy. Laughter, anger, passion, and a myriad of other emotions swirled around him in a dizzying mix. There was a trend though that he was searching for, that expectation, and he found other members in the room and throughout the building who also felt the same.

[Something is not right here.]

Alfarinn stood up and noticed Sorin had done the same. That was odd. He looked around the room and his eyes locked on another pair returning his gaze.. Simon was also standing andlooking around and their eyes met over the crowd. Squeezing Thaddeus's shoulder, he moved towards the Leader of Tacharan.

[Simon seems to agree. I'm going to see if he knows anything.]

Thaddeus might want to come with him or he might wish to stay at the table. Alfarinn did not want to pull his companion away from his clan mates over something he wasn't even sure was important.

((OOC: Out ))

((Sensing Fallon with permission, calling Sorin an ass without permission Knowing Simon's actions with permission. ))
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona had pretty much seen that one coming after the earlier revelations and actually felt a bit of relief at having had at least one mystery cleared up this evening. Sorin was an Elder. Satisfaction at that rolled through her and she smiled as she sipped her champagne. She turned to say something to him when she saw he was not paying attention to anything at the table. Curious she looked in the same direction and could not for the life of her determine what had caught his attention.

He stood and her brows dipped in confusion.
“Yes, of course.”

And then Alfarinn did almost the exact same thing. What in the world was going on here? She lost track of Sorin when Alfarinn left, so followed his progress across the room where he met with one of the men from the Tacharan table.

Turning a completely baffled look on Thaddeus, she tried to meet his eyes.
“What’s going on?”
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus’s expression broadened to a smile when Fallon explained she was an English teacher, feeling she must be someone who shared his sincere love of literature. He wasn’t certain of what home economics was, though he imagined the name seemed obvious enough, and was entirely clueless about auto mechanics, but as she had said diverse skills were always helpful.

It would seem that she had been turned after arriving in Nachton, though he would never dream of being so rude as to inquire after the details of that topic at the dinner table. In any case, he felt there would be a place in the clan for Fallon and realized he would be quite put out if she turned out to be a spy or some such depressing thing. He strongly suspected she wasn’t Cyrus’s child; for one, he was certain Cyrus would inform the clan immediately if some circumstance had dictated that he turn a human. And if she had been turned by a clanmate, Anantya would be hers by birthright; instead, they were asking.

He turned to Sorin when the Elder off handedly remarked that he could further explain the Order of the Night, wanting to see if there were any implicit orders in that statement. If Sorin wanted him to speak to her further in private Thaddeus was perfectly fine with that…but it seemed Sorin was no longer really thinking of them at all…

Then Alfarinn sent, explaining, and Thaddeus gave the hand on his shoulder a return squeeze before releasing it, concerned when Sorin also stood and walked away. He bit down on his lower lip in an unconscious gesture of anxiety and looked to where Alfarinn was walking.

His eyes met a different familiar face instead.

Palmer. What in God’s name was he doing here? He stood to gesture his old friend over when Palmer turned his head, flashed him a brilliant smile, and then…turned back to smile at the woman next to him.

The nerve!

Then Alfarinn sent to him and the slights of his friend were forgotten in an instant. Fiona, apparently guessing he may be able to explain her Elder and her companion’s odd behavior, asked what was wrong, and he brought his mind back to the present, speaking calmly and regarding the three left at the table.

“We need to leave, quickly but without causing any alarm. Something is wrong.”

It didn’t occur to him at the time that none of the three people at the table had any reason to do as he asked. He looked to Cyrus and continued. “I’m going to tell Palmer – he’s another huntsman – that we are working on getting our people out. All of the clans are leaving; Cyrus, if you can take Fiona and Fallon, Palmer and I will round up anyone else.”

He didn’t wait for an answer, trusting absolutely in the huntsman to do what was needed, instead turning to send to Alfarinn as he walked toward Palmer.

[Cyrus is taking Fallon and Fiona out. I’ll work with Palmer, he’s a clansman, to get the rest of our people out.]

Frowning, he scanned the crowd for a moment before continuing on his way.

Where was Sorin?

/ooc Thaddeus out O_o Permission to move Palmer
Nicholae 18 years ago
Making their way through the crowd of people, Nic picked up that most seemed to be just standing around talking, confused by 'smells'? None of it made a lick of sense to Nic, but even he was starting to get a bit concerned now.

By the time they reached the table Thaddeus was gone as well. Sorin was gone...Alfarinn was gone, but Fiona was there...along with a man Nic hadn't met, and a woman who looked vaguely familiar.

"Fallon? You're Fallon, right...we met at the Grand much going on. Any of you guys happen to know 'what' is going on?"

Looking to Maeve, he realized he had been pulling on her hand pretty hard, and pulled it up to kiss her knuckles before releasing it.
Fallon 18 years ago
"No sir, you are the first elder of Anantya I've met."

And if this was how they were all going to treat her, Fallon knew she was going to be asking Cyrus a LOT of questions.

She sighed and relaxed visibly when Sorin made his excuses and left the table. Though she thought it was quite odd.

Looking around the table at the others, she noticed Arin was frowning at something...and then he was leaving with Sorin, but he didn't even excuse himself. This concerned Fallon even more so, thinking something must be going on, though to save her life she couldn't see anything amiss.

Fiona voiced the question she had in her head, and Fallon scooted her chair over closer to Cyrus, putting a hand on his thigh. She turned to face him directly, upon hearing Thaddeus instruct them all to now leave the table...nay, leave the building?

"Cyrus...what's going on? Why is everyone leaving?"

What a very strange evening this has been, and the peculiarities didn't seem to be lessening at all. Yet she remained seated...hoping Cyrus would enlighten her.

The arrival of another man and woman, just added to the confusion. She knew the man, but couldn't place him, until he reminded her. She had met him that night in the hotel lobby...before her life had changed. There was no way in hell she'd ever remember his name, but she did manage a small half smile, before he dismissed the possibility of reacquainting themselves now.
Maeve 18 years ago
When Nic took her hand she grasped onto him tightly. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but judging from what they saw as they moved through the room she wasn't the only one that had noticed that something was amiss. She wasn't normally one to fall apart under stress, but people she cared about could possibly be in danger and that never sat well with her. She was still reaching out with her empathy trying to pick up anything else as they passed through the crowd. She was more than a little frustrated that she wasn't getting anything more useful.

She breathed a small sigh of relief as they reached the table where they'd left Fiona earlier. It seemed her friend was just far. She didn't recognize the other two at the table, and just barely registered the woman's name when Nic spoke. She gave a small smile and gently squeezed Nic's hand before letting go.

As soon as she released his hand she moved around the table to Fiona. She had to make sure that she really was okay just to get herself more focused. She leaned down and spoke quietly to her.
"Are you alright?"
Cyrus 18 years ago
Cyrus was in a very relaxed looking pose, hand on Fallon's back, lounging in his chair. As Sorin stood, he began quietly focusing his alertness, never once changing position or moving his hand. Though he was sure Fallon would be feeling the change of mood as the predator went on full alert.

When Thaddeus asked him to get everyone out, he simply nodded and stood.
"My pleasure."

Offering a hand to each of the ladies he asked very polietly. "Would you mind accompanying me out to the car ladies?"

A man and woman walked up. Someone he did not know but knew Fallon. The clench in his gut told him that if this guy was Panos, now was not the time to tear him to shreds.

"And you are?" His question was point blank. He hoped to this guy did not say Panos. If he didnt, hopefully he would mention if he was in a clan or not. If it was some random human, he just volunteered to be dinner. And his little friend too.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Seeing a somewhat protective stance the other man had taken towards Fallon, he had to assume she was in good hands. Or at least in hands she wanted to be in. Not that he knew her at all, but it was just a natural instinct to want to protect the ladies. The guys question, and force of it took him a little off guard, but nothing there that he couldn't handle.

"My apologies, friend. I'm Nicolae Lache, of clan Evenhet, and the lovely lady accompanying me is Maeve, also of Evenhet. We didn't mean to intrude on anything, but were seeking more of our clan to find out what was happening here, and see if we could assist in anyway."

As an after thought, Nic held out his hand towards the man. He wanted to return the question, but then also didn't think they had time to go into too much socializing.

"Thaddeus Grey...was here earlier, with Arin Bjorn...have you seen either?"
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona blinked once when Thaddeus answered that something was wrong. Instantly, her face closed down, her court face snapping back into place. Only her eyes were no longer calm.

Something is wrong. Something is wrong.

The words spun through her mind, igniting anger. But it was not Thaddeus's voice she heard. It was Philipe's. The last thing he had said to her before they were separated. This time, she would not lose everything.

Something is wrong. Something is wrong.

She ignored Cyrus's offered hand. Thaddeus had no authority to tell her what to do or how to do it. She would leave, but not yet. She wanted to know exactly what threatened them first.

Something is wrong. Something is wrong.

Now knowing what to look for, she scanned the room again, noting the activity at the Tacharan table and the expressions of those whose faces she could see. She saw the posture of Alfarinn and the man he spoke to. The humans were clueless to what was in their midst... no, she thought. Not all of them. Some knew exactly what was going to happen. And they had to be found.

She turned cold, calculating eyes on Maeve when she spoke.
"Ils ne prendront pas quel est la mine encore."Â?

(OOC ~ Rough translation ~ "They will not take what is mine again.")
Cyrus 18 years ago
Relieved at the answer, especially when he already had an Evenhet to take care of, two more would not be a problem.

"Cyrus of Anantya." With a small sharp nod and similar handshake, Cyrus explained the situation.

"Arin just left after Sorin. Thaddeus asked me to escort people out. Please assist me with your clanwomen so we can keep them safe."

He was unsure what was wrong but that did not make him doubt the empathetic of the group. The only way he would gather as much evidence would be to shift. While that may help get people out it would not be in an orderly or safe fashion. Oddly enough he had packed enough knives in his tux to slay a small army.

He was not pleased by Fiona's response. Personally he didnt care what her problem was. It was his job to get her out and he would do that, politely or kicking and screaming. Her babbling in French was just enough to make him determined to remove her as per orders.

"Since Alfarinn is not here to request and Sorin has also stepped away. I think now would be a good time to allow me to help you politely to safety."
Nicholae 18 years ago
Nodding at the rationale of the man, Nic turned back to Maeve.

"Shall we?"

He hoped maybe she could get Fiona to just come along with them, though as he had imagined earlier, it wouldn't surprise him to hear Fiona fight against logic...she seemed just the type to make things more difficult, if possible.

"It appears obvious to all here that something is up. Is it wise to put our mortal selves in danger to appease our curiosity, when we will surely find out eventually what spooked everyone? Unless you feel you are of value here...?"

Maeve seemed level headed, and Nic didn't doubt she'd do what was appropriate. Her friend, on the other hand...
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona turned her gaze to meet Cyrus’s. Invoking Alfarinn’s name meant nothing to her, but at the mention of Sorin’s, she paused, reassessing her options and their possible ramifications. She had no desire to make an enemy of this man, whom Sorin had seemed to hold in some regard. Her earlier thoughts returned to mock her ~ if she needed protection… ironic how that circumstance seemed to arrive so quickly. She clamped down on her anger. There was no need to aggravate the situation and it would only upset Maeve if she refused. She bowed her head briefly in acceptance of his request.

“My apologies. I am not accustomed to having my actions directed by others.”

Nic and his argument she ignored altogether. Whoever he thought he was, he had no understanding of the situation. For all any of them knew, he held the key to solving this, but wasn’t bright enough to realize it. Until it was determined exactly what was faced, there was simply no way of knowing what skills would be needed to overcome it.

And retreating at this point would tell them nothing.