Vehicle thread

There was recently the thread about what Cell phone your character has / uses. So that got me started thinking about other things.. Namely what vehicle does your character have / drive / steal regularly.

Winter's Motorcycle
Winter's Motorcycle (Non-PDF)
Talon's Bike
Talon's Bike (Pic)

Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Al Gore hates y'all for breaking his toy.
Artemis Bellezone 18 years ago
Ok. I am sure absolutely no one would be surprised by Artemis's choices. His pride and joy is his Delorean, which has been improved upon Zone style.


His everyday car is a Lamborgini Diablo.

Lamborghini Diablo
Rachyl 18 years ago

Rachyl's new wheels is the new Mazda CX-7.
Copper Red Mica, with the light cloth interior. ("Yes, I had to special order that, and yes, it was a pain in the tush because I was basically ordering the Grand Touring model which automatically comes with leather.")
Fallon 18 years ago
Because several of us use this as a point of reference...could we have it stickied please??? *bows down and kisses the hems of all admin*
Nastalia Nujun 17 years ago
Nastalia drives a Blue 2004 Cadillac XLR

and a 1969 Chevy Camaro SS (black instead of blue)