Been a little afkish

I started a new job this week, along with keeping my old one. So with the 80 hour schedule my availablity will change a little bit =P. I should be around for the weekends, but the weekdays for the next 2 weeks will probably be a little rough.Im working 11:00 Pm to 7:00 am then going to my 2nd job at 8:30 and workin there till 4:30 pm.But once my training is over Ill be able to set my own schedule. Heh in short I guess im sayin Ill try my best, but ill most likely be a little slow in my posting for a couple weeks.

A Good day to one and all,
Apollyon =)

Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Good lord, that's a nutty schedule, good luck with the next couple weeks and we'll see you soon
Shay 19 years ago
Good luck hun, and take care of your self. Working those hours can be rough.
Mathias 19 years ago
I know the feeling Apollyon, work and finals/practicum-plus trying to get a senior project together = frequently afk Mathias.

Luckily I have IM and an understanding Shay
Aishe 19 years ago
Like I said, you're nuts... more power to ya, I couldn't do it! *shakes pompoms for you*
Addison 19 years ago
Get the sleep when you can. Two jobs is tough.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Bah, he's just a pussy. :P

Rest up when you can. You'll have Dawn to deal with when you get back.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Best of luck to you with those hours. Remember to eat and sleep sometime too!
Alfarinn 19 years ago
80 hour weeks suck. This is the voice of experience. The paychecks are nice though... AND you don't have time to spend the money!

So good luck with that and don't fall asleep while operating heavy machinery.
Fiona 19 years ago
ouch! just try to stay sane through all this! (well, relatively speaking, i mean, look around - we're all a bit nuts round here!!)