The Elder of the Rose

After heading down the hall and up the stairs, past the library (which he quietly pointed out along the way) and then up yet more marble stairs, Rupert at last arrived at Morrigan's office door, his two charges in tow. He gave a light knock and stepped back, turning to Cyrus and his companion.

"If I could trouble you for your name, Ms? So that I can properly announce your presence."Â?

Cyrus 18 years ago
Reasoning that she would feel much more comfortable in her own home he nodded. "Let me call them."

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small black phone. Within moments he had the dispatch on the line and a car enroute. "I apologize for this turning into the Spanish Inquisition. Unfortunately I could not lie to my clan and claim you as my own fledgeling."

He hoped she understood. He may lie or embelish to protect himself and the clan but he could not lie to his clan for the rest of his years. Which could prove to be many or cut short by said clan if they disliked the lie.

They had reached the foyer and he could hear the car pulling up outside on the gravel. He opened the door for Fallon.
"Two out of the three is a good thing, and we kept our heads. So this should be considered a win."

Feeling slightly unsure of himself he restrained the urge to spin the hoop in his eyebrow. "Would you like to accompany me to the Mayor's party?"
Fallon 18 years ago
Standing idly by, as he made the call, Fallon glanced around again at her surroundings. She wondered how many others had gone before her, in such a manner to become part of this clan. If even a quarter were they type of person Cyrus was showing himself to be, Fallon reasoned it would be worth the difficulty of being interviewed. She wanted to be part of this clan.

When he began apologizing, Fallon did put her hand on his arm, and shook her head.

"No Cyrus, there is nothing for you to apologize for. It wasn't that bad...I got a little weak kneed there for a few moments, but it stands to reason a clan such as this would be discriminating in their choice of members."

She tried to keep her comments light, and of a positive tone. His confirmation that they had done good so far, did more to relax her than anything else she could think of. Before she settled herself in the car, she brushed his cheek in a soft kiss, and then cupped his cheek in her hand, as she looked into his eyes.

"Thank you Cyrus...for going to all this trouble for me. I can't begin to tell you what this means to me...but it means a lot."

Sitting down in the back seat, and swinging her legs inside, she kept her eyes on him, thinking he had more to say. When he invited her to a party, Fallon was slightly shocked, but didn't hesitate in her answer.

"I would love to go to a party with you, Cyrus...I'd be honored."

She assumed he was making an effort to show her more of Nachton, and she knew she couldn't pass up an opportunity like that.

"Just let me know where and when, and I'll do my best to clean up good."

She smiled, and wrinkled her nose teasingly. Fallon didn't think she was a great beauty or anything, but she knew how to use makeup well, and could hide the few extra pounds that were sitting on her hips well enough. Finding a dress would be a challenge, but not one she wanted to pass on.

Smiling at him, as he closed the door, Fallon leaned back against the seat, and watched as the car pulled away.

(Fallon out)
Cyrus 18 years ago
It was odd for her to be reassuring him, but somehow it worked and he calmed down. They had not failed and she was calmer now. The touches and kiss were unexpected. When she accepted the party invite he smiled, pleased.

"Good, I will call you with the information. I believe its a black tie affair."

The forest outside called to him. He knew that his eyes were reflective and wide in the dark, he hoped that it was not too obvious to the driver. With one hand on the open vehicle door he made a respectfull bow to his fledgeling. "Have a good night Fallon."

Soon as the car was out of sight he would be shifting and running into the woods to his hidden cave. This night had been long and hugely complicated to the animal in him. The sun would rise in a few hours, leaving all worries for the next night.

(Cyrus Out)
Morrigan Kinsey 18 years ago
Watching the two walk out of her office, Morrigan felt a twinge of relief. Ensuring all of the drawers and cabinets were locked, she slipped out the office door and turned the key. One could almost detect a bounce in her step as she proceeded through the manor and out the back entrance to seek out something which might satisfy her hunger.

((Morrigan out))