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Wallflower (open)

The glass of champagne was horrible, Ana decided as she poured it into a plant.

"Movie cliche or not, I'm still not drinking it," she told herself.

Everyone looked so pretty; yes, even the men looked pretty.

She saw Alec with his arm wrapped around a beautiful brunette. That must be his lady. Addison was playing smoochiekissface with an almost androgynous-looking man (that is a man, isn't it? Not that Addison isn't kind of effeminate anyway...) The people at the table around them all seemed to know each other and just watching their faces - laughter, surprise, shock, flirtatiousness - was almost like watching a silent movie.

A short woman with striking crimson hair stood talking to two exotic-looking asians and a taller pinkish-blonde woman. Another blonde woman approached with a man, then suddenly walked away.

Two people came out of the door to the garden as she approached it, looking innately pleased and holding each other warmly. The chill through the open door was just too much for Ana to handle, and she continued on her way.

"So many pretty people," she thought again as she passed the kitchen. Peeking into the stereotypical round window, she saw people bustling about, plates platters bowls and pitchers going around.

Ana found herself back at the front door. She hadn't seen Aishe, though why she expected her exotic friend to be here - hell, why was she herself here? - and she was slightly disappointed.

She saw Fallon come out of the garden just then, her arm held caringly by a man about her height. She couldn't see him very well from so far away, but she wondered if he was a friend or something more.

Not knowing what to do with herself, she found herself near the band, and sat down in a chair nearby.

Waiter 19 years ago
The waiter presented his platter to his table and gave his speech. With a deep bow he turned and headed back towards the kitchen. Upon passing the band, the waiter spied a woman sitting by herself.

Looking around to see if Frank had noticed his whereabouts, the waiter walked up to the woman seeing how she was by herself.

'Excuse me miss, dinner is being served. If you would like, I could escort you to a nearby table?' He gave the woman a regal smile and bowed.

((OOC - feel free to move the waiter and rp Montana being taken to a table - out))
Montana 19 years ago
Ana smiled, then stood. She held out her arm to be escorted to "a nearby table."

"That was what I am supposed to do, right? Hold out my arm?" The roots of an embarassed flush pulled at her cheeks as she was guided to a nearby table.
"Thank you, sir." she spoke gratified, and the waiter seated her, pushing in her chair carefully.

Looking around the table, she saw a few women who smiled at her. "I wonder if this is the press table?" she thought. A couple chairs were still open.
The Voice 19 years ago
The sudden blast originating from the corner of the room you entered and knocks everyone off their feet. Bits of wood, metal, and slivers of glass pelt the floor around the guests. An inferno has risen up in the corner. The only safe exit is the garden doors, and the entire room seems to be headed there at once.

The big bang.
Montana 19 years ago
Ana had been enjoying her dinner. One of the tables nearby seemed to have an awful lot of really concerned guests, and those nearest at her own table were starting to whisper amongst themselves.

She'd barely gotten the forkful of asparagus to her mouth when suddenly she was on her back, looking up at the ceiling. She felt fine; her head seemed to have been cushioned by a fallen curtain. Her glasses had been knocked askew, though, and when she rolled off her chair, she saw it wasn't a curtain she'd landed on, but part of a waiter's uniform.

She ran to the nearest wall, just behind the now-absent band's platform, and gave a gift of her dinner to the gods of the Carpet. Wiping her mouth with one of the curtains still hanging from the wall, she tumbled in the direction of all the exiting people.

(( ana out ))