Colin Maguire
Basic Information
Birth Name: Corin Nerva
Aliases: Colin Maguire (current Alias), Carl Reichter, a bunch more
Place of Birth: Rome
Age: born 9/15/792AD = 1214 yo / looks about 50
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Anthropologist / Missionary
Past Occupation: Has always worked in the church, though his rank/position have changed over the years depending on circumstances
Hair Color: Salt & Pepper
Length and Style: short in back, bit longer on top (maybe an inch or so)
Eye Color: deep brown
Skin Color: light tan, plenty of laugh lines and age lines
Height: 6'2"Â?
Weight: 190lbs
Nationality: Franco-Roman
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Trim and toned, result of a lifetime of hard work
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Michael Nerva, cousin to Colin his father's side. Michael was turned a few years before he attacked Colin and began turning the various male members of his family in an attempt to make them strong enough to fight off other landholders in the area and keep what was theirs for all eternity. Colin was the 5th member of the family to be turned. Michael was destroyed by Antony of Evenhet for turning unwilling humans.
1. Describe your character's personality: Colin tends to be cheerful and giving. He avoids anything to do with politics, preferring to study human culture and its evolution over the centuries. Most find he's open and easy to talk to and he refrains from judging anyone to the best of his ability. His friends tend to find him a calming influence. He often has a hard time seeing the "big picture"Â? ~ his focus is often on the individual, even in his work.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger: In public he wears what he calls "missionary clothing"Â? ~ khakis and button down shirts and is always seen wearing a cross. If it's comfortable, he'll wear it. He sees no need to "dress to impress"Â?. The only way to get him in a suit or tux would be at the direct request of the Elders.
3.What does your character like? He likes people ~ they fascinate him. Stout ale from England. Classical music. Travel.
4. Dislike? Rudeness, dishonesty, asparagus, being late.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? That there really is no god, that one of his "charges"Â? will not be able to cope with their vampiric life as his cousin had not been able to, lightning
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Excellent memory
Refusal to betray anyone's confidence (as a strength, I see this as an extension of loyalty)
Will wait as long as possible to feed
No political instincts
Refusal to betray anyone's confidence (as a weakness, I see this as his inability to share a confidence if it could save someone)
Hobbies & Skills
Archaeology (Amateur)
Some computer skills
Horseback riding
Savage Savant - monkeys (this is his latest and weakest ability. He is currently working with a spider monkey to enhance it.)
Haunted by those they've killed
Won't feed on children
Cosmetic Traits: Colin looks like a middle age business man.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Colin tends to talk to himself, especially when preoccupied.
Personal History:
Colin's early life was fairly uneventful. He was born the last son of an advisor to Charlemagne's court while they were in Rome. His father dedicated him to the Church, which he entered at about 13, taking his vows about age 19. Not having any interest in climbing up the church hierarchy, he volunteered for missionary expeditions starting at about age 25. Over the next 25 years, he would travel wherever the church sent him, often into what were considered "barbarian"Â? towns and cities.
It was on what he thought would be his final pilgrimage to Rome that he met up with a cousin while traveling across his uncle's lands. He had intended to stay for the night before traveling on, but as it was already after dark, his cousin invited him to his own home instead. Grateful, Colin went with him.
The next few days were a blur to Colin ~ he believed at first that he had been struck down by some sickness and had been having hideous nightmares of his cousin coming to him in the night and attacking him, biting and draining him of his blood. It was as if his cousin had been possessed by the Devil himself. When he finally regained some degree of clarity, he found himself in a strange house, with a strange man leaning over him.
"It's alright, you're safe now."Â?
His savior called himself Antony and explained that Colin's cousin was a vampire and had been turning members of his own family in a misguided effort to give them the strength they needed to keep their lands forever. As the majority of the family were unwilling, the Evenhet Clan had taken an interest in the matter. Antony had not arrived in time to save Colin and had been forced to destroy Michael, his cousin. Antony stayed with Colin, answering questions and teaching him the bare basics needed for travel. He promised that the rest would be explained over time.
Antony brought Colin to Alfarinn and Megan, petitioning for Colin to be made a member of Evenhet, which they permitted.
Colin still viewed the attack as a possession, as the Clan comported themselves with a degree of civility that did not match the behavior of his cousin. Colin viewed his new status as a test of his Faith and, when it was determined he was ready, went back out into the world, returning to the Church. His new goal, though, was to watch for others like himself, who were not prepared for this life and guide them as best he could, offering shelter when it was needed to his clanmates. During this time he met Theodosia, who had been left in his care while her creator wandered.
It was in this manner that he met Maeve Fraser and found himself forced to turn her in order to save her soul from what he believed was a worse fate ~ the damnation of suicide. He remained with her for about a year, promising to return when she was ready to leave this part of her life behind. 10 years later he did return for her, taking her to Nachton, where the Clans had established a new city for the Elders to inhabit.
Colin was in Edinburgh when Maeve and Fiona met, though it took some time for Fiona to accept his presence. He counseled Maeve to let Fiona come to her in regards to the Clans, as the Frenchwoman had no desire to hear of it at the time ~ the disappearance of her creator had unsettled her more than a little.
It was Darwin's theory of evolution that would change the course of Colin's life. While still believing in his God without question, the theories being presented were too intriguing to dismiss outright and he left the Church for the final time to study this new development. In time, he became an advisor on ancient cultures to Meridian, specializing in the Americas prehistory. He has little to do with the archaeological side of this, though he does have some training, preferring to deal with ancient writings and oral traditions.
OOC Checklist
Player name: FyreGarnett
Other Characters you play: Fiona
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) Linked from somewhere...
Have you read all the Rules? Yep
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yep
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? And then some...
(NOTE: Inclusion of Evenhet Clan Elders, Theo & Maeve with permission)