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Home Again, Home Again

Colin leaned against the running Jeep Cherokee, occasionally warming his hands by blowing on them as he watched the men carefully lower 2 crates onto the tarmac. Using a private jet had been worth it, though he doubted the pilots had appreciated the overnight flight. Dawn was still a few hours away, but if they didn't hurry up, he'd be forced to leave the crates here.

"And I am not willing to do that."Â?

It took another fifteen minutes and two flustered customs officials to grasp that the crates were bound for Meridian Enterprises. Smiling benignly at the men, he supervised as the crates were placed carefully into the back of the Jeep and his trunks loaded on top of them. He wouldn't be able to see out the back, but it didn't matter. All would get home safely.

Climbing into the vehicle, he looked at his passenger.

"Well, little one, ready for a new adventure?"Â?

No answer was expected and he pulled out, heading for the access gates. He hoped Alfarinn didn't mind him bringing a stowaway home. Especially as it meant he'd have to make a few adjustments to his apartment. Sighing, he glanced at the right hand seat.

"Don't worry. They won't make you leave. At least I don't think they will. It's not like I planned on acquiring a new skill since the last time I was home. Though I guess I should have informed someone. I'm sure they keep files on all of us, otherwise there really would be no way to keep track of everyone. Though MARI probably handles that, now that I think about it. Well, I'll just have to ask her what we need to do."Â? Cocking his head thoughtfully, he glanced over again. "Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if she knew more about Spider Monkeys than I do."Â?

The rest of the drive was quieter, as Colin concentrated on driving, making occasional comments out loud for no apparent reason. They arrived at Meridian an hour before dawn, plenty of time for him to get unloaded, though he though it might be better to leave that to the experts. If he broke anything in those crates, the people back at the dig site would skin him alive. Not to mention the reaction of whoever was currently in charge of antiquities around here.

"I really should read more of the memos that come out..."Â?

He left the Jeep near the loading zone and took only the cage and his personal bag for the moment. He'd leave the keys at the archive and let them deal with the crates. His trunks he could retrieve later. Having taken care of the immediate details, he finally approached his apartment, unlocking the door with a satisfied smile.

"It is so very good to be home."Â?