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Bast Kali Irishna

Birth Name (Name Guidelines):Bast Kali Irishna
Aliases:Black Panther, Kalima, Bastet
Place of Birth:Uruk, Mesopotamia
Age real and apparent) (see the age breakdown here)real; 1475 years oldapparent; 14
Current Occupation:assasin for hire( for vampires only)
Past Occupation: (If different from above)n/a


Hair Color:burgendy( spelling?)
Length and Style:Long to hips. Always tied up in braioded ponytail unless she is dressed up or sleeping
Eye Color:switch from red to cat eyes
Skin Color:pale and translucent( can apear blue at times but only because her skin is very translucent and you can see her veins)
Height:5 feet and 1/2 inches
Weight:96 pounds
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.)Vampire
Body Type:Small and lean

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC) [COLOR=red]( Please be as specific as possible, who your creator was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?)[/COLOR]:
was one of the first but not the first. She was born by her mother who was very highly respected in Vampire Social circles. Her father was a simple vampire who was excommunicated long before Bast was born.Her mother is dead by " unknown causes" but Bast thinks she was murded by her own kind. Her father was killed long ago by villagers

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality; She is very rebelious when it comes to remaining "In the shadows". She can be ranbuncous at times but can also be quiet and reserved. She almost always seems like she is always cooking up something or in deep thought.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)She would apear as a normal teenager on her way to hang out with friends, although if she reallt tryed she could seem as an innocent child as she is small enough to be a small child also.
3.What does your character like?Danceing, dance clubs, Indian Culture, Young Teenage girls, horror movies.
4. Dislike?Egotistical maniacs, ones who steriotype or generalize, new blood to the clan
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)Open Spaces, being alone, Large groups of Humans[/COLOR]
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]
Wisdom; she is wise beyond quite a few of others in the other clans. It can be used to her advantage but can also be her downfall
Childishness; she can be immature at times, but only because she is so used to hideing herself as a child that the act never really went away
Determination; she is determained enought to not stop until she gets what she wants. No matter what

Wisdom; see above
Strength; she might be old and have mental powers but her physical strength is not as much as others
Reflexes; she can sometimes be a little slow.

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)Danceing, Singing, Hanging out at Vampire Clubs, seducing hot older men.

Abilities (Listed here)Shapeshifting,Telekinesis,Tracking,Bonding

Flaws (Listed here)Bad Temper,,Excessive Thirst,Extremely Pale Skin

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.)
She has blueish translucent skin and burgendy hair. Her eyes can change colors from red to cat yellow

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

This was before the Akkadians. This was before the Hittites,
Amorites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Kassites, and the Persians. This was around the time of the first ancient nomadic civilization settling down. The Sumerians. From this civilization came stories such as that of The Epic of Gilgamesh. A small girl named Bast, along with her family clan traveled with his group of nomads until they laid claim to a large area of valley land that laid between two of the greatest rivers that Bast had ever seen. It took years to build up the city of Uruk. It was so grand that Bast could not believe her eyes when it was finished. In the years that the city was being built, Bast along with her sisters, all seven of them, took care of the crops. A very wise person within the people had suggested a plan that most thought was crazy, but it worked. It was called ” Water moving”. Lest did anyone back then think it would be the starting platform of today’s irrigation. Her family was in charge of taking care of the vegetables of the massive gardens. It was tedious work but Bast enjoyed it. She sometimes sang to the plants when no one was near, it helped her complete her work. Her father had said to her that she had the most beautiful voice in all of the land once but she just denied and blushed.
The great city was finished within five years, Bast being able to know this gratefully to the new invention of the calendar. It was very useful. They had even managed to calculate the time when crops would be ready, but thanks to the constant flooding from the two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, it was basically worthless. Too many times had the city of Uruk gone without enough food for it’s people. Many had died from starvation. It
was very common for Bast and her sisters to see the body of another soul in the dug in streets. So common, that she no longer was disgusted by it, but instead felt sorry for the person. Somehow her family had managed to survive. They mostly ate fruits from a faraway city, named Sumer. It wasn’t the best, but it sufficed them. One day Bast went to the trading area to gather these tart tasting fruit when a group of men gathered around in the middle and were fighting and yelling. It drew Bast’s attention enough to squeeze herself through the crowds of people and find out what was the commotion. She managed to make her way so that she was right in front o one of the men who charged in.
“ Evil, vile creatures. They sprang up from the sands.” “ We didn’t see them coming. “ “Wild, crazy creatures.” The men came near hysterics trying to explain what happened. Bast finally recognized who the men where, they were the trades caravan. They traveled to the other cities and traded our city’s goods then made their way back to trade with our people. Bast shook her head.” You can’t expect not to be attacked by animals. You travel out into the wild where creatures reign.” She said with her hands on her waist. Everyone surrounding the group looked at her and the crowd stepped back as one of the tradesmen turned around at the sound of her small and frail voice. He took three long broad steps towards her.
“ These weren’t just any wild animals, little one.” He said kneeling down to Bast’s eye level. “ These were vicious blood thirsty monsters. He said with a dark glint of fear in his eyes. She cocked her head slightly as if looking into his eyes to see what is it that he spoke of but the only image that she received was fear for what he had experienced. The thought alone of what monstrosity that he could have come in contact with frightened her more then anything. She backed out from the crowd of people and the people around her filled the spot as if they were water pouring into an empty spot. She did her trading for her family’s fruit and made her way out of the market place.
Later did she find out that these creatures were of a clan of vampires that no longer exist and one of them was her mother…. Her mother was one of the first vampires and she was born one but was just now beginning to change into one because when she was a baby her mother had waned her away from blood to hid her heritage until they could completely be themselves. . Her father was from a faraway land. One that she had never heard of before. That night she completely changed after her ceremony of awakenings.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine)Bastkali
Other Characters you playn/a
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)friend
Have you read all the Rules?yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)?yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?yes

Simon Huntington 18 years ago
Welcome again Bast. On a quick glance at your bio, I noticed you said you were 4800 years old. Please review the vampire age breakdown link and adjust your bio accordingly. Staff will completely review it after you make the adjustments.

We also suggest you review the threads in Welcome to Nachton and the stickied threads in City Gates It will make your bio approval go that much faster.

Bastkali 18 years ago
alrighty made the requested change and for which I apologise and made a few others.