Run that by me again? (open)
Colin had awakened the evening after his return to the Towers feeling refreshed and ready to see which of his friends might be hanging about. Maeve was always first on that list ~ he had spent the most amount of time watching over her and in some ways considered her a daughter. Well, he supposed, in their world she was.
He called her suite, leaving a message. If she was in town, she'd let him know. If not, well, he'd call her home and let her know he'd dragged himself out of the jungles. If she wasn't too busy he might be able to talk her into a quick trip across the pond.
Not surprisingly, the kitchen was bare. Well, that was nothing a quick trip down to the shops wouldn't fix. He didn't need much and it seemed like last time he was here there had been a gourmet food store or somesuch. That would work. The food was mostly for any humans that might come to visit, but a supply of ale wouldn't exactly go amiss.
"Yes, I think that will do just fine."Â?
Half an hour later, he had picked up the few things he thought looked good and tucked them away. Settling onto the couch, he hit play on the DVD player, wondering what movie he'd left in it 5 years ago.
Raising an eyebrow, he chuckled. Mission Impossible: II. It'd do. He'd have to find out what movies had come out since he'd been gone. It was the one thing about his work that he sometimes found frustrating. Losing track of what was happening here and now while he was digging around in the past. He always felt half a step off-kilter.
"Though that couldn't possibly be due to old age."Â?
Getting comfortable, he hit Play and prepared to watch Tom Cruise pull off the improbable.
(OOC ~ This takes place the same evening as the Banquet.)
He looked around the room, casually trying to see if it said anything about Colin, but quickly determined the many had yet to personalize it much. Just moving in, it made sense that the room had yet to take on any personality from it's resident. Truth was, Nic hadn't done much by way of his own suite. It was comfortable, and for the little time he spent there, he didn't need to clutter it up with all kinds of trinkets, even if he'd had them.
Maeve's description of her ankle seemed accurate, and when she commented on his helping her to the floor, to avoid as much of the explosion as could be avoided, Nic merely waved it off. Whoever he had been with would have received the same treatment. He liked Maeve, a lot, but he didn't react any differently with her than he would have with anyone else. He did find it enchanting to hear her downplay her role in the evening's events. Not that she was instrumental in the actual explosion, or at least not that he knew of. But she had shown a calm that he appreciated, while so many others appeared to have lost their minds.
She seemed slightly uncomfortable with his accolades though, she he would try to refrain from anything further.
"It will be interesting to find out who or what was behind this, as well as the motives."
Nic wondered if he should now make his excuses and excuse himself. Maeve had catching up to do, he was sure, and his being there couldn't be making it easy on her.
He would pick up a paper and see what was being publisied, though he didn’t expect there to be much. An event large enough to warrant an attempted (he refused to consider succeeded at this point) was large enough that the Clans would have been represented by more than just Maeve and Nic.
His voice was calm and a little sad when he spoke.
“Was Alfarinn or Megan there?”
He’d hate to think that either of the Elders had been injured. Granted he barely knew either of them, but still after 1200 years, loyalty was hard to shake. He did not want to ask if there was word on whether or not they got out. Until he heard otherwise, he would assume they were both fine, if they had been there at all.
He was somewhat relieved at Nic’s remark. Maeve did not need to be involved with someone who played politics and even Colin could come up with half a dozen reasons for a bomb to have been at a charity event.
“The motives will not matter in the long run. The response of the Clans, though.” He shook his head. “That could matter, and matter a great deal. Nachton exists and thrives because of the Clans. If it turns out this was an attempt to harm us specifically… the response could be quite devastating. We will hope this is merely the misguided attempt of some random terrorist, whom can be caught and dealt with quietly.”
Colin did not condone the use of violence, for any reason, but a threat such as this could not be ignored altogether. He would pray that it would not come down to that.
And you're right of course, motive really doesn't matter, but I'm curious anyhow. From what I know of our Evenhets, I'll bet you anything there are people on it now, investigating. I'd say it's just a matter of time before they prove who and why.
It would be a huge relief to find out it was a random event, and that no one was specifically targeted."
Nic was finally fitting in here in Nachton, and didn't even want to think about the possibility of having to flee if the facts bore out that Evenhet had been the target.
Without looking up she spoke quietly. "I don't believe Megan was there, just Alfarinn." There was a pause before she found her voice again. "Do you really think it could come to something like that, Colin?"
She had no illusions that he wouldn't see straight to the heart of what was bothering her. He knew her better than anyone on earth, but she couldn't help but wonder if Nic would notice how small and scared her voice sounded. She didn't let too many people see this side of her. She was the self-assured business woman and designer, not some weak girl that fell apart at the slightest hint of unpleasantness.
"If you didn't see Morgan, then she probably was not there. I'm sure Alfarinn is fine. As for an investigation, I have no doubt there will be one, from all angles. Whether or not we become privy to the results of that investigation..."Â? Colin shrugged. It was human nature to want to know, just as it was human nature to want to keep secrets, especially those that could cause damage. That they were no longer truly human was irrelevant. "If it does come to that... well, there should be enough warning to make the appropriate decisions. Alfarinn is very protective of his people. I doubt he would allow Evenhet to become involved in a war that could be averted."Â?
Colin almost felt like he was lying. He knew that if that was what it took to protect Evenhet, Alfarinn and Morgan would do what was necessary. He just hoped he was not in a position to be called for such an event. Honor would require he respond, and honor would require that he decline. It was a position he hoped to never be in.
Seeing that Maeve was becoming upset by the topic, he chose to change it, hoping to relax her a bit.
"So what brings you to Nachton? It can't be the glorious weather, surely?!"Â?
(OOC ~ Alfarinn's opinions are what Colin perceives/hopes them to be, not necessarily what they might be!)
Listening to Maeve and Colin talk, Nic soon found Morgan was a she...not a he, and shook his head slightly, with a slight grin. Obviously had he been introduced to the woman he wouldn't have made that mistake.
As for Alfarinn, Nic wasn't too concerned either. Had something happened to their elder, he had to believe there would have been word of it in the Towers by now. None of them had lived as long as they had by being vulnerable. Though the mention of war caught Nic slightly unawares...he'd lived through his share, unfortunately, and had come out unscathed, fortunately. He didn't care for them at all though...they were messy, and damned inconvenient.
Hearing Colin ask Maeve why she had come to Nachton now, Nic listened intently. She had given him an answer to that, but he wondered if it had been a rather generic one she would give to anyone, or if it was her sole reason. Setting the ale down on the nearby table, Nic sat back further on the couch, and smiled as he watched.
When he changed the subject she looked up at him with a grateful smile. "Funny you should ask actually. It seems to be the time for surprise visits to Nachton. Fiona's in town. When I found out she was here, I hopped on the first plane."
"Well, if she's here in the Tower, why don't you call her, get her down here? I haven't seen her in... what, 50 years? When was that... " He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. "Bit longer I think. Seems like is was in London... had High Tea, I think. Yes, that was it."Â?
Colin nodded, pleased, until he thought about what else Maeve had said. Sighing he gave the Highlander a piercing look. "You didn't tell her you were coming, did you?"Â?
“Well, if she’s here in the Tower, why don’t you call her, get her down here? I haven’t seen her in… what, 50 years? When was that… “ He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. “Bit longer I think. Seems like is was in London… had High Tea, I think. Yes, that was it.”
Colin nodded, pleased, until he thought about what else Maeve had said. Sighing he gave the Highlander a piercing look.
“You didn’t tell her you were coming, did you?”
She wasn't surprised when he called her on her unplanned trip, and gave him a sheepish grin. "Not exactly, but in my defense I didn't decide to come until after I'd already hung up the phone." Yeah, she knew that was not going to get her off the hook, but it was worth a try. "I just wanted to help her, Colin. Introduce her to the elders and such. I didn't want her to be here without any information."
He also watched Maeve, and could see something...possibly painful...had entered into her thoughts, and he was sorry to see she had memories of anything that could mar her countenance so.
But she didn't seem to linger, and when they began talking about Fiona, Nic leaned forward, elbows on knees. He was a little glad to hear he wasn't the only Evenhet who knew little about the Nachton group. That the high and mighty Fiona might not either, gave him some perverse pleasure.
He cringed inwardly when Colin mentioned having her join them though, and was almost ready to make excuses. Hearing that wouldn't be necessary, was a relief.
"Though I only met her the once, something tells me Fiona would get by just fine on her own, though I'm sure you only wanted to help your friend."
No...Nic was damn near certain Fiona would find a way to make do nicely, with or without anyone's help.
Sorin… he hadn’t heard that name in a long time, though he was unsure who had mentioned it. He didn’t pay much attention to the goings on at Anantya, since their goals and methods were so very different. Maybe Alfarinn had mentioned him at one point. He shrugged mentally. For the vampire to have caught Fiona’s eye, he would have had to have some presence, and in Nachton that meant a certain degree of power. Or maybe not and it would be a short term thing… Colin sighed again and gave it up. It didn’t really matter in the long run.
“In your defense? Maeve, you know how long we’ve waited for her to do this, to start healing. And you know how much she hates surprises. If you don’t do this carefully, you won’t be able to help her. She won’t trust you.”
Colin gave Nic a reproachful look, though his voice remained calm.
“Don’t judge Fiona unless you’re willing to know her. We’ve dealt with her for over 200 years and while I agree she is perfectly capable of landing on her feet, that does not mean she is somehow less than Maeve. It may appear that Fiona is careless at times, but these two are like sisters. They fight at times, ignore each other at times, but they have always been there for each other.”
Colin glanced at Maeve, thinking about everything they had said so far.
“I’m assuming that Fiona was also at tonight’s event? If you could, please, Maeve, give her a quick call and make sure she’s okay? We’ll make arrangements to get together in a few days.”
(OOC ~ Permission given to know who Sorin is)
"I know that, Colin. I really didn't mean to surprise her like I did. I just didn't want her to be alone. Yes I know she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but I don't know" She sighed again and ran a hand through her still damp hair. "I just wanted to be here for her in case she needed me."
For the second time of the evening, she got the distinct impression that Nic had some issues with her friend. She wasn't sure exactly what had rubbed him so wrong about Fiona, but before she could say anything in the other woman's defense Colin spoke up. Not surprisingly of course. Colin had to be the most understanding and tolerant man on the planet, and he understood the relationship between the two very different women better than even they did at times. She smiled thinking he summed it up pretty accurately.
"Fiona's not a bad person, Nic. She just takes some getting used to, and a lot of patience. I hope you two will be able to find some common ground at some point. She's an interesting person to know."
She nodded. "Yeah she was. The last I saw of her Sorin was with her. I'm all but certain she got out fine, but of course I'll call her." She had actually remembered her cell and pulled it out of her pocket to call Fiona. After a few rings, she got voice mail and with slightly drawn together eyebrows left a message. "Hi Fiona. It's Maeve. Just wanted to make sure you were ok. Give me a call when you get this please."
She looked at Colin and shrugged. "Maybe her phone was damaged. Or maybe she didn't even have it on her. It's too early to start worrying though right?"
Colin's additional words to Nic ruffled him a bit. True the man was older than Nic, in his appearance, as well as his actual age, no doubt. And that the man had lived as long as he had, garnered him some respect in Nic's book. But Nic felt he was entitled to have an opinion of Fiona. He had met her, and he had found her cool. Certainly no one would have called her affable towards Nic. Maybe it was him...maybe it was didn't matter. He hadn't found her warm and open, the way he had found Maeve. Therefore, he had formed an opinion. If there was a next time he should happen to meet her, and she were to act differently, then his opinion would probably change.
"I certainly respect your feelings towards people you care for Colin; however, I have never come out and verbally indicated I disliked Fiona. I didn't care much for some of her actions, and attitudes I perceived earlier, and maybe they were based on unfounded emotions. But they are only my opinions, and I will be the first to admit, very easily subject to change, if there is cause. I am open minded, and willing to make allowances when I am aware of the need."
He had to wonder if Fiona would acquiesce to as much.
Nic found himself getting slightly angry, and didn't want to be. He had wanted to like this man, whom Maeve held in such high regard, and still might one day...if the need was still there after tonight. But for the man to speak to Nic like he was a youth, was not something Nic was in the mood for now.
Maeve, on the other hand told him more in her few sentences, and softened his mind on the matter so much more so than Colin had.
"Maeve, my dear, I'm sure if you care so much about Fiona, she must have many fine qualities, and maybe I'll be fortunate to see them one day.
But now I feel that my presence here tonight is standing in the way of your recuperation from the explosion, and I really don't want that. Therefore, I'll bid you both goodnight, and offer you the use of my ear, or shoulder, or company another time, should you wish it so."
He picked up Maeve's hand, and brushed the back of it with his lips, before turning to Colin, and nodding.
"Colin, maybe we can meet again sometime when circumstances aren't so demanding. I am honored to have met you."
Colin seemed to bring out the formality in Nic, as he usually wasn't quite so stiff himself. He wondered briefly if that might have accounted for Fiona's manner tonight. But that was something to be figured out some other time. Before he made a huge mess of this evening, he knew it was time to leave.
(Nic out)
"It'll work itself out, Maeve. You did nothing wrong, except maybe not wait for her to ask for help."Â? He shrugged and took a drink of his ale, thinking. "I imagine she's fine. If you don't hear back from her by tomorrow night, we'll look into it."Â?
Colin raised an eyebrow at Nic's speech. That Nic claimed to have not come out and verbally indicated he did not like Fiona was true in as far as it went. He had not spoken those exact words. What he had said however spoke volumes. Well, the point had been made from both sides and he wasn't going to belabor it. But everything Nic was saying now simply supported what Colin had deduced a few minutes ago. Fiona had rubbed him wrong in some way and he did not like it. Of course, Fiona rubbed a lot of people wrong. And didn't care.
Nic's behavior confused Colin. What he said did not match his actions. If he had been truly concerned about Maeve's recovering from this evening's mishaps, why was he now leaving? Apparently it hadn't occurred to him that Maeve might need some help getting back to her suite. Not that Colin would let her go on her own under the circumstances, but he would have been perfectly content to allow Nic the honor of escorting her back.
"And I you. Good night, Nic."Â?
After Nic left, Colin turned back to Maeve, setting his drink down. "Did I miss something?"Â?
Honestly, she was completely thrown by Nic's reaction and his words. A couple of things that he said bothered her a little. While she was glad he was willing to be open minded, the statement that his opinion could be easily changed didn't sit all that well with her. Not to mention that he didn't exactly seem convinced that one of her dearest friends had good qualities. She was willing to allow that maybe her over protective side could be coloring her perceptions, but she couldn't discount them all together.
She watched Nic leave with an extremely confused expression on her face.
"I have no idea." She took a large gulp of her drink. This had been some evening.
“You do manage to meet the most interesting people, little one. Would you like some help in finding him? I wonder if there was a miscommunication somewhere… no way to know without talking to him.”
Colin sighed and picked himself up out of the chair, suddenly feeling every one of his years. How did the older ones manage this? Oh, there was no physical pain to speak of, unless he did something to cause damage to himself. But the emotional burdens of so many lifetimes… man was simply not meant for this. Or at least he wasn’t. At least he had friends, of long standing, to help with this. Which reminded him…
“Have you seen Theodosia yet? I have some gifts for her, little trinkets I thought she’d like. And a bit of something for you as well.”
This night had definitely not been a relaxing one. She gets blown up on her first date in years, and then he completely seems to clash with the most important man to her since Latharn. How she managed to find herself in this situation was the question of the night for her. It had started out nice enough. She shook her head again. What a night.
Her eyes widened in alarm. How could she have forgotten? Worry filled her voice, and all she could do was hope fervently that the girl was ok. "Oh Colin, I haven't talked to her, but I saw her come into the ball. I hope she's ok. I have a gift for her too. She was with Christian and Alfarinn's new assistant. Surely they made sure she got out safely, right?"
She really hoped there would be no more nasty surprises. There had been more than enough of those for one night.
“Theodosia is probably one of the best protected members of the clan, Maeve, you know that. Christian is very serious about his job. Knowing he was there puts my mind at ease.” It did, but Colin opted not to mention he knew next to nothing about Christian other than his current position. Alfarinn trusted him or he wouldn’t be head of security. Thus, as far as Colin was concerned, Christian was trustworthy and must know how to do his job quite well. Theo, though, was a bit of a treasure and very much worth protecting. That was also a point in Christian’s favor ~ anyone that Theodosia was comfortable with was good people.
Which meant he should probably go introduce himself to the Head of Security. He wouldn’t be surprised if Christian knew who he was, but it might be nice to have a face to match up to the name – for both of them.
There was a stirring in the back of his mind, quiet mumblings of hunger. He smiled, still unsure about this new talent that had been manifesting over the past year or three. It was very odd to be assailed by an animals feelings at odd moments. And the more volatile the feelings, the stronger he felt them. It could be very distracting. And figuring out how to respond and be understood… that in and of itself had been a challenge. So far, with this little friend at least, simple phrases and feeling of reassurance seemed to be working the best. That was also on his list of things to do ~ talk to someone who also had this talent and figure out how best to cultivate it.
“Now, I have someone for you to meet.”
He ‘called’ to the little spider monkey, concentrating carefully, then settled back into his seat to see if he had done it right. A few minutes later, she poked her head out of the bedroom door and chattered at him, apparently scolding him for something. She raced across the room and leaped onto his shoulder, almost causing him to spill his glass. He reached up to pet and reassure her, all the while she watched Maeve ~ not quite hostile, but not yet mollified.
It was true. Theo was one of a kind, but such a dear little soul to Maeve. She was looking forward to spending time with her again. She really needed to figure out how to keep herself from worrying herself sick wondering if all her clanmates were okay though. Otherwise she was in for a majorly long night. Well at least she could hang out and bug Colin for a while longer. Probably as long as she wanted truth be told.
She looked at her creator curiously at the mention of her meeting someone. As far as she knew, he was just as much a non-dater as herself. She was completely unprepared for who exactly she was introduced to. When she spoke, her voice was quiet so she wouldn't frighten the little monkey.
"Colin, how adorable. Where in the world did you pick up this little darling...and why exactly?"