Violin Solo Prep (Lock)
OOC: Takes place before the blast...
After talking to the Mayer for a short bit of time Rorri has accepted his offer to sit at his table and dine with him, he was definately an old flirt and made several subtle hints that Rorri easily avoided with a smile and playful bash.
But, in the end he was a likable guy and she readily aggreed to meet with him later for drinks and to discuss a new possibility of Rosethorne Industries holding a presence here beyond the small portion of a long unused dock that she had bid on.
Of course she needed to get ready for her solo and took to opportunity to take her leave, oh how she had wanted to run over to Ana and just hug her and hold on to her, but tonight, at this moment, she wasn't a little girl to run to someone else for help, tonight she was Rorri Rosethorne, CEO and owner of the world renown Rosethorne Industries and had to be strong.
Even if it was just on the outside for a few hours.
So there she was, behind the curtains backstage when the blast occurred, she had no idea what was going on; one moment she was sitting on a stool fine tuning her beloved father's gift, the next, an incredibly loud explosion that caused the stage curtains to billow and a force to knock her down hard that sent her sprawling, her arms cradled protectively over her antique violin, a gift from a father to a daughter.
It was only when the intense heat grew near as well as the smoke did she stir with a cough, gather her instrument, and slowly begin to make her way out.
OOC: Lock Please