Staff Announcement
As the board continues to grow, we yet again make staff changes. With Ryala's private announcement of her unfortunate departure from Nachton, and Eve's happy return as a Universal Mod/Business Mod, Aishe and Rachyl have stepped up to Admins and have been given the Keys to the City.
Thank you to the old and new staff, and to SA's members for the continued support!

19 years ago
Awesome news!!! You all are fantastic at what you do, and so deserving...Congrats!!

19 years ago
Grats you two!!

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Grats Rachyl! And if the Reckless Menace has the keys to the city, Alec is moving back to New Orleans. Safer! :P (translates loosely into = grats!)

19 years ago
You will be missed Ryala. *hugs*
Grats to Rachyl and Aishe!
Grats to Rachyl and Aishe!

19 years ago
Grats you two!

19 years ago
I coulda sworn I posted here...
Congrats guys!!!
Congrats guys!!!

19 years ago
Congrats to the both of you, it's well deserved

19 years ago
Thanks guys.
And thanks much to our fellow admins for the vote of confidence, and for everyone who makes SA the incredibly cool, creative, and above all FUN place it is.
I look forward to having my grubby little hands in the future of SA, and being able to help make it as welcoming, entertaining, and friendly as I found it when I started last year.

I look forward to having my grubby little hands in the future of SA, and being able to help make it as welcoming, entertaining, and friendly as I found it when I started last year.

19 years ago

19 years ago
Congrats you two!