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Picking up Produce

Cyrus stalked down the strip looking for the restaurant Suki had agreed to meet him at. The very traditional Japanese restaurant was well hidden from tourists, a single red door sandwiched between a shoe store and a goth wear store.

Upon entering the foyer there was a menu posted as well as hours. The small open sign hung from the windchime above the door. Inside it was dim. Lit only by small table lights and an intricate array of tiny lights strewn about the ceiling.

Spotting Suki in a booth he gave the hostess a respectfull bow before making his way to her. Placing a soft kiss on her cheek he sat down opposite her.
"How are you this evening?"

Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki had found this place while working next door. It was wonderfull, tastefull, affordable and reminded her of things her Grandmother would cook upon occasion.

She sipped her green tea as she awaited Cyrus. Beside her was a backpack full of hospital containers. The blood was from a friend with the Red Cross. She now bought 10 packages each week. If nothing else it would keep a stockpile handy for her friend.

Watching Cyrus walk into the restaurant was interesting. He was dressed rather nicely. It made her wonder just how close he was with his friend. She stood as he approached and accepted the light sign of affection happily.

Pouring him a cup of tea she smile mischeviously.
"So when am I going to meet this mystery woman?"
Cyrus 19 years ago
Accepting the tea graciously he sipped the warm liquid. Personally he would have prefered saki but he was not going to refuse a glass offered by his familiar. He arched a brow at her spunk while refusing to contemplate introducing the two women. Even though Suki was not his mistress Cyrus was unsure how Fallon would react to her. His goal was to keep the two apart for as long as possible. Hopefully about eighty years or so.

"Fallon is my fledgeling by choice. She is very new to this world." His response was no answer and unfortunately Suki was smart enough to know that, but he hoped to distract her sucessfully. "So whats in the bag? A present for me, I hope."

Cyrus really needed to compliment her upon her amazing people skills. The amount of meals he acquired from her contacts were more than he now got on his own. Not to mention the stash of refridgerated supplies she continued to provide. "You definately need a raise for your spectacular job, Suki."
Suki Langston 19 years ago
She blushed profusly at his praise. It was simply in her nature to excell at whatever job she took on. His comment though was not enough to deter her from digging up more information though.

"Fledgeling hhmm? Perhaps if she was only that you would not mind introducing me." Taking a sip of her tea, her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Cyrus has a girl friend! Cyrus has a girl friend!"

The sing song voice was high pitched and somewhat louder than a normal conversational tone. It also coinciced with the waiter bringing her the appetizer she had ordered. After thanking him she began popping open the bright green pods and devouring the edamame. She held one out to her vampire and asked in a very friendly tone. "Want one? Soybeans are good for you!"
Cyrus 19 years ago
The questions made him wish for saki but the later comment embarassed him. A blush rose to his face, making him feel like a youth. He was just about to reprimand her when the waiter arrived forestalling any further conversation.

He knew the smell before him. It was not completely repungant just too green for his tastes. As she held out a bean pod he curled his lip at it, baring a fang in the process. Watching her consume them he drummed his fingers on the table. Soon the food and drink was finished and the waiter brought forth a bill. Without looking, he dropped several large bills upon the tray and stood.

He casually took the bag and offered Suki his arm. Together they walked from the restaurant to the waiting vehicle.
"Thanks for the supplies Suki. I really appreciate it."

The ride to her place was short but he managed to get a bite in. Not taking too much as he knew she had to be at work tomorrow.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Her laughter rang out at his disgusted look. The curl of his lip was amusing too since she saw a fang peeking out. Nevertheless she soon finished her treat and was ready to go.

His formality and appreciation always made her feel so special. The few things she did for him actually made a positive impact on his life. Just knowing that made her feel warm and whole. Though she did cherish the bite on the ride home.

((ooc Suki out))
Cyrus 19 years ago
Knowing that he could not keep his stash in the hotel suite he asked his driver to head back to Fallon's after dropping his familiar off at her condo. He was sure Fallon would appreciate a stash of 'produce' in case of emergency.

((ooc Cyrus out, lock please))