(S)He Who Has the Most Toys...
Kem pulled up into the driveway, leaving more than enough room for Pak to park off the road. He waited for her on the doorstep and let her proceed him inside, turning the lights on as they went.
There was something... zen-like... about being someplace with a friend who wasn't going to judge you, because their issues were damn similar. Kem didn't have to remind himself not to make anything float around, and even the fact that he could send to Pak if he chose was a good thing. Every once in a while it was therapeutic to remember who and what you actually were, especially when you lived a double life. It was perhaps the most annoying bit about being a vampire. There was the 'out in the public' facade and the 'with people in-the-know' face as well.
"It's not huge, so you won't be getting lost I would hope. Living room and movies that way," he gestured to the living room, "drinks straight ahead in the kitchen, and interesting toys in the garage. Your choice."
A flicker in the corner drew his attention. "The furball is Zoe. She may or may not come out."
((ooc: permission to move Pak... again. And permission for Pak to move Kem throughout the thread. You know what damnit, Pak can just have moverights for crying out loud. I mean seriously. I'm just going to forget to put my permissions up like a good little admin. So there. Yay moverights. Go Pak go! Where's my Pirin?))
She barley registered Kem had provided her with a blanket and apparently was OK with the idea of an unexpected houseguest. The pillow looked quite inviting and she managed to get it up to the couch under her head as she yawned.
[Any time.]
She wasn’t sure if that thought made it out of her head, hell she wasn’t sure she’d really heard Kem. It didn’t matter she was officially asleep.