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Adrian Grey-Vampire (in progress)

Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Adrian Grey
Aliases: Adrian
Place of Birth: London, England
Age: 22, sired only for a few weeks.
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Gun runner
Past Occupation: (If different from above)


Hair Color: N/A
Length and Style: Bald
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Light
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 140 lbs
Nationality: English
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Athletic

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC)

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality: Cunning, pragmatic, laid back but mature. He is power hungry at times, but despises those who prey on defenseless innocents for anything other than food.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.): Like a stereotypical corporate big wig, in the finest suits, drinking the finest wines. In casual moods, dressing in things like buttoned down shirts and cargo pants. Always carries himself in a confident, dignified manner.
3.What does your character like? Money, power, guns, women, alcohol, occultism, seclusion, to name a few things.
4. Dislike? Sadists,
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR]
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)

Abilities (Listed here)

Flaws (Listed here)

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.)

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine)
Other Characters you play
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)
Have you read all the Rules?
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)?
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?