good news / bad news
Yikes, what a day!
I've been trying to find a job since I got laid off. The problem I seem to be running into is rather simple ~ I'm overqualified for half the jobs and underqualified for the rest. This has been frustrating to say the least. So I went for another interview yesterday... and was basically told I was overqualified for the position. *grumble*
So I was surprised when I got a call at 8:30 this morning that they want me to start Monday. Especially when they said they hadn't planned on whoever got the job actually starting til the end of the month. So that was a great way to start my day. Changed my plans quite a bit, since the errands I planned on running next week had to be taken care of today. Oh well, busy, busy...
So I'm out running errands when the daycare calls. When they explain the problem, my day pretty much crashes. 7 mos ago my doctor determined the problems we were having with my son were lactose intolerance. We switched him to a soy-based formula and the problems were gone in 48 hours. Kewl. So the daycare is now describing to me exactly what happened 7 mos ago. This week we started switching him to Lactaid, since it's time to move him off formula.
Turns out the kid's not lactose intolerant ~ he's allergic to milk. So I have a very miserable one year old.... not the way I wanted to end my afternoon. So now we're trying soy milk instead. I hope this is the solution ~ there is nothing worse than a child who is progressively fussier and fussier and can't tell you what is wrong and where it hurts...

Grats on the job too!!
(The Career service at school has been running hot and cold for me...either its Desktop support for 10/hr or Senior Network engineer for 75k/yr)

I'm lucky that Fleur doesn't have anything like food allergies, she's getting her lest 4 teeth at the moment which means her sleeping badly

Hope everything works out with the soymilk and the new job

Milk is one of the big eight allergens. As a vegan and a sufferer of severe lactose intollerance I highly recommend Silk Soy Milk. Though there are many good brands out there as well. You could dry Rice Dream or Soy Dream too. Good luck with the little one!
ps. If you would like any information or links for non dairy cooking / life please feel free to pm me.

I feel your pain with the milk allergy. My kiddo finally out grew it around two and does fine with milk. We have to severely limit her intake, but so long as she has around 3 servings a day and no more she does fine. If she has more she'll get a tummy ache. *huggles for the baby*

And GL with the allergies... I had horrible allergies when I was a kid; not food allergies but pretty bad ones nonetheless and after a few years of treatment I manage just fine! So don't get down about it... your little one will be ok!! Just stay positive.

And SO sorry to hear about the kiddo. Yes fussy kiddos that can't tell you what's wrong are the worst. My little one is unfortunately showing signs of having her mommies tummy problems which mean most of the time fine. It's the not fine times that are the worst though. Nasty, nasty stomach cramps that bring us both to tears and trouble going. With any luck it will get better for her and not worse. I however am in love with whoever invented Zelnorm...hehe.

Well, kiddo is so not a happy camper this evening. He's better as the ickies are going away. Hopefully tomorrow will see my chipper little demon back. It took letting him help me clean the ferret cage to distract him from his fussing (and I use the term helping VERY loosely... he has this thing about the doors to the cage being open ~ drives him nuts. never mind that your arm is IN the darn thing when he closes it...). I sincerly hope he grows out of this one. my other two had similiar problems with fruit... that was easy to cope with compared to this mess...

Congratz on the job!!! Things will get better =)

And good luck with the wee one. It's always rough when your kids have difficulties, but good that they're so easily assisted, and able to be dealt with.