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Choosing your Residence

Carol stood next to another computer panel which she again activates by touching the screen. She watches you with bright eyes as you submit to the identification. This time your face and name light up within seconds.

'You're all registered now.' Carol chirped prettily. The door opens up and leads to the right. There is a short flight of stairs going down that ends at another steel door that opens the moment you step off the stairs. 'Here are your quarters. You are encouraged to stay withing the confines of the Domicile until you have acclimated. Newbies out straying at night before they have been properly....' she stops, putting a manicured nail to her chin, thinking deeply, '...well I want to say 'trained' but its more like warned.' She gives you a sheepish look. 'Yes, I'd have to say warned is better.' Entering the doorway leads to an elevator. Entering it, Carol turns to face you, speaking softly.

'Be careful wandering around down here, there are tons of hallways and plenty of ways to get lost.'

There is yet again a small panel large enough to fit a grown man's hand. She points to it and you press the palm of your hand against the screen. The elevator moves silently for a few moments. 'These are also voice activated, but right now the elevator is programmed to take newbies to their residences. Simple voice commands such as ground, residence, Carol,' she points to herself and giggles, 'will take you directly to the floor you want. There are other commands but you wont have access to those yet.'

The elevator came to a halt and opened its doors.

'Oh, one last thing. Non clan vampires and familiars are not allowed down in the Domicile. It will result in not only their death but your eviction from the protection of the Domicile. Depending on Ellis, it could result in your death. KK?'