Veggie Table (invite only)
(Continued from Hello Phone)
Nyra parked the little car in the compact space near the entrance to the Veggie Table. Smiling at Rachyl she climbed out, dragging her backpack behind her and slinging it over her shoulder. "Its a nice little place, Bertrand took me to brunch here once."
Walking along the patchwork of stepping stones to the door, she held it open for her friend. Inside the receptionist. The woman at the podium was tall and thin, with a mass of brown dreadlocks tied back with a kercief. Her baggy patched pants were at odds with the sharp button down white shirt. Her name tag said 'Charity' on it. She picked up two menues and led them to a table bathed in a ray of sun with a potted plant hanging beside the window.
The tables were wood and pained a motley of colors and designs with a faint layer of laquer over the top to protect them. All the chairs were painted simillarly, artfully mismatched. Nyra recalled that the tableware would be as well and smiled happily.
Thanking Charity she took her seat and reviewed the menu carefully. "I think everything was fabulous last time I ate here. Though if your not familiar with tofu you may want to pick something else. Scrambles are good but not like eggs at all."
Deciding upon a vegan scramble of tofu, mushrooms, bell peppers and tomato that came with potatoes and toast. Scanning the menu she hoped Rachyl found something she liked.

Picking up her menu, she perused it, then listened intently as Nyra commented about the food. "Well the only time I typically eat tofu is in chinese food, though what we had at your Halloween party was very good too."
The majority of the menu didn't quite make sense until she found a small-print, tiny box in one corner of a page. "Veggie and Vegan denoted by L for dairy, O for egg, or V for vegan." Rachyl arched a brow, and noted, "Good thing they included the map legend. Though if I hadn't found it in the next second or two, I'd have asked what all the ells and ohs and vees mean, next to all the menu items."
As she continued reading, her eyes kept drifting back to the baked egg-like products. "Meegan once treated me to breakfast at the americana place down by the factory... I had a quiche there, but it wasn't quite enjoyable. I mean it was good and all, but there was something about it I didn't like. A frittata is much the same thing, right? I think I'll try that." She hmmmed to herself. "Maybe spinach and mushroom. Need to bulk up, you know? Vitamins and all that."

"That sounds amazing actually. Though, why do you need to bulk up on vitamins?" Nyra shot a concerned look at her friend. She did not appear to be sick but the comment concerned the artist.

Rachyl beamed at Nyra, then leaned forward, at first wanting to whisper, but decided to stage-whisper conspiratorially, "Meegan and I have decided to have a baby! We're going to have one last Bachelorette-style bash in a few weeks, after Fashion week but before my birthday, and we want you and Connie to come. It won't be anything big, just a few close friends. Something close, personal, intimate. Familial, almost, but with booze, jokes, bad movies and popcorn, sleeping bags and campfires. Well, maybe not campfires, but... well it should be fun."

"A Baby?!" She nearly shouted. "A party sounds wonderful but lets back up just one moment."
Her turn to whisper she leaned close and looked at her friend with wide confused eyes. "Dont you need an outie to get a baby? And from what I understand both you and Meegan are innies."
It was upon that comment that the waitress walked up. She had three facial piercings, short spikey hair and tattoos peaking out from under the cuffs and neckline of her white button down shirt. The pants were standard blue jeans but the boots looked like some sort of construction wear. With a grin she placed two large glasses of water in front of them and asked to take their order. Her name tag proclaimed her to be 'Free'.
Nyra smiled, slightly embarassed but placed her order. "I would like the vegan tofu scramble with mushrooms, peppers and tomatos, home fries, whole wheat toast with jam and a glass of apple juice please. All vegan versions, I have food allergies."

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, we don't have grape juice."
"Apple juice then, please."
The waitress nodded and moved off. "Can never find grape juice at a restaurant." She sighed, then looked back at Nyra.
Remembering the artist's last comment, she did her best not to giggle. She kept her voice low as she explained. "You're right, neither of us has an 'outtie.' We're going to be artificially inseminated from a Sperm Bank in the Medical district. It won't be for a couple weeks til we first try, I need to be ovulating and well I'm not yet, but it should be interesting from here on out. Well," she amended, "it's always been interesting, now it'll just be more so! Somehow."
The waitress returned with their drinks. "Thanks." When she moved away again, she looked back at Nyra, wondering if her companion's question had been answered satisfactorily.

Smiling up at 'Free' and thanking her for the juice, the artist once again turned her attention to Rachyl. "So aside from baby news, what else is new?"
The concept of having babies as a lesbian couple intrigued Nyra no end but she was sure Connie was probably much too young to want children. Besides they had not even cemented their partnership other than living together. Still, Nyra was happy for her friends to be expanding their family. Eyeing Rachyl's curvy form she wondered is her friend would allow her to be painted while pregnant.
"So, can I paint you while your pregnant?" Nyra asked with a grin as she imagined the petite woman heavy with child, sitting in a lush autumn scene.

She sipped from her water and stretched minimally in her seat. "Not much really. I decided you and I need to be going out more, to help get our own respective women to interact. They both need someone, and well, Meegan's not really the type to have a friend-girlfriend. I hope you don't mind me picking Connie for that role." Rachyl wasn't really worried about the outcome; Meegan had said she'd had a great time the night before, but she did want Nyra to know she wasn't starting a cabal or harem or lesbian orgy or anything.
At Nyra's offer of painting her when pregnant, Rachyl let her mouth run away with her. "Well, sure, but you can only paint me nude, because well it would be a pain to get paint off my regular clothes, and besides, we could do all sorts of fun things like paint a little Earth on my belly, oooh oooh or maybe one of those smile-faces?" She had to hide her mouth behind her glass, trying not to giggle, though she kept her eyes locked on Nyra's hazel orbs. She wondered if the sparks of mischief she felt were big enough to translate into static electricity.

Thinking about it a bit more she came up with a brilliant idea. "We could use you like a stamp. Paint you up, then roll you in fabric and the image would transfer! Body art batiking? Human tie dye?"
Already the image was forming in her mind. Lush green grasses, dotted with vibrant autumn leaves, full harvest moon high in the sky. Somehow this image was light but firmly imprinted upon her mind, she did not even need to jot down a note to remember it. Unconciously her hand was making designs in the moisture on the table from the cold water glass.

"Have you painted much of Connie? Whether it be in a scene or her directly, I mean. She's so lucky to have you, you know. You're such a lovely woman, and your art... Wow. Speaking of, have you talked to Meegan lately? I think there was something she wanted to ask you, but she might be waiting til the party."

Blinking as they faded to the back of her mind, Nyra looked at Rachyl. "Pardon?"
She had heard Connie and a question about painting but most everything else was lost. Covering her mouth with her hand as a blush stole across her face. "Sorry, I got lost in something for a moment. Give me just a second to jot it down quick."
Scrambling to find her tablet in the backpack she pulled things out and left them on the table. In her search she pulled out a much abused paint sample ring, a slightly smushed Luna Bar in Smores flavor, a small tupperware container that jingled when moved due to a multitude of beads inside, a painting knife, sculpture wire, a wallet made of hemp and a bronze sculpture of a lotus flower, small enough to fit in the palm of ones hand. The tablet came out finally and Nyra powered it up swiftly and began making broad sweaps of the stylus as well as notations on color and atmosphere.

Her memories of that day flashed up in her mind, and she realized - probably for the first time - that Nyra had been losing weight. Had she not been eating properly? Or had becoming active been good for her?
Heat rose in her cheeks as she diverted her mind from the unavoidable image of the only activity she could immediately imagine Nyra engaging in. She took a long gulp of her water and wished the food would arrive soon to distract her. Or that Nyra would stop making art notes - not that she wished to disturb the creative process - so they could talk about clothes.

The aroma of food roused Nyra from her fog. She blushed intensely as she realized how rude that had been. "I am so sorry Rachyl."
Hastily cramming everything back into the bag, except the tablet. Moving things around so her food was in front of her she tried to explain the image still floating in her brain.
"Five or six paintings with you as the inspiration and possibly model. First one would be of you and maybe Meegan, looking full of hope and joy at the attempt of a baby, second would be a glowing just pregnant woman shopping for baby things, perhaps a slight reflection in a store window showing a tiny bulgy tummy. The third would be more heavily pregnant but still working, going about daily life, content. Fourth heavily pregnant goddess of Fall, ripe with child. Fifth would be of the happy family and possibly sixth of the baby itself."
Everything had just rushed out of her mouth like it had been doing from her hand. Glancing down she realized Rachyl held the little flower sculpture in her hand. Blushing she tried to explain where it came from. "I made that for Connie, to take to work as a paperweight. Somehow it has never escaped my bag in the last few weeks."

When the artist apologized, Rachyl shook her head. "No, no, Nyra, don't apologize. I didn't realize you'd gone into creative catatonia there at that moment, so it was my own fault for distracting you."
She still held the flower as Nyra returned a lot of the variety of items to her backpack. They definately needed to get her another bag or two. "Those sound lovely! I admit I probably don't have the artistic vision you do but I'd be happy to offer to model for them, for you."
The memories of Nyra's work floated in Rachyl's mind as she imagined herself posing as a model for the paintings the artist described. Nude? Not nude? Busy, definately. She'd have to remember to ask Nyra if there were any supplies she should provide if they were to do the actual painting at the house.
Nyra explained that she'd made the flower for Connie. "I'm sure she'll love it. Do you want to put it back in your bag? Or shall we hang on to it so you can give it to her later?"

"You are exactly perfect to model for me! So I will hold you to that." With a wink she looked down at her food and admired how pretty and wonderfull smelling it was. The plate was a rustic style in primary blue, which only struck her as interesting since the toast plate was a delicate pale orange and cream design.
"Maybe if you remind me before the day is over, it will be safe to put back in the bottomless bag. I had not realized my palette knife had found its way in there."
Finally the bag and its contents were set aside and she took a bite of her tofu and veggies. It was fabulous, savory and spicy. The bell peppers were tender crisp, adding a nice firm dimension to the dish.
"So what do we do first, on the whole shopping expedition? Aside from remove all my art toys at first sign of creative catatonia?"

"I imagine the missing palette knife would only be a problem if you were, well, missing it."
Picking up her fork and knife when Nyra did, she waited a moment for her friend to take her first bite, then cut into her fritatta. Placing the small forkful in her mouth, she chewed thoughtfully at it for a moment. It was almost as light as a quiche, but seemed to have the suspension abilities of a casserole. Not a texture she'd enjoy too often, but it might be nice for a treat from time to time.
She offered a forkful to Nyra as the other woman asked, "What do we do first?" She pondered that, while she waited for the fork to be emptied. "First thing's first," she said, wiggling the fork playfully. "Second, we get you measured. A little birdie indicated she was worried about the sizes of certain articles you wear impacting your comfort. Third, we decide what you're looking for. Cloth types, styles. Work clothes, lounging clothes, lingerie, dinner, cocktail, party dresses. Accessories. Fourth, we figure out where to go. Fifth, never apologize for creative catatonia. I should be used to it; Meegan does it sometimes too." She grinned.

"Very tastey, though I would like it a bit firmer, but that would probably require letting it sit overnight and reheating. Good nonetheless."
"Measuring is good. Since my clothes have been mostly washed in turpentine for the last few months they are basically shot making them all fit oddly. Though I make cut up some of them to make a pillow or cleaning cloths. Others will be strictly paint in only. So I dont ruin new clothes."
"What I want? Um, clothes to wear out in public? Dates, trips to the foundry, gallery and grocery store. Perhaps some pretty underthings to wow Connie with? I honestly prefer natural fabrics but no dead animals on my skin please, thats just too creepy. I am willing to try just about anything on, but I want it to look good, not stuffy or psycho."
"Honestly I dont know where to go! Thats why I called you. Otherwise I would be on a plane to Oregon to a little shop on Firefly Lane. And I really appreciate you understanding. Its hard to keep the creative juices contained sometimes."
Nyra was pretty sure she had hit all the points Rachyl had made. She was unsure how to get herself measured or even where to go for that. Colors and design mattered to her but not in an obsessive need to look one way or another, just a need to be true to her self.

Nodding, mentally noting Nyra's thoughts, she plotted a map through the Mall and the higher-society-style stores outside and elsewhere in town. She arched a brow at the comment about dead animals. "Well, leather's a bit more difficult to find pre-sized, and if you'd been curious, I'd have mentioned just that. There's lots of other slinky skin tight options though, like lycra, or pvc. That is, if something like that intrigues you. Alternately, we could just look at regular fabric stuff. Would you consider silk? I know it's an animal byproduct... The same with honey. Do you avoid honey?"
"Fly back to Oregon to visit Firefly Lane, huh." Rachyl wondered what was on Firefly Lane that would entice Nyra back for shopping. Indeed, Meegan would probably be a good resource to ask "where would you suggest we go if we wanted to fly somewhere to shop for fun clothes?" "What's on Firefly Lane? And if we need better containment for your juices, we'll get you a bucket. I know I sometimes could use a sponge or towel for my own dripping sarcasm."
She winked over another forkful of her fritatta.

Taking a moment to think about honey and bees she took several bites before speaking her slightly scrambled thoughts. "Honey is something that I also consider occasionally. Generally if its in something already, then I can do nothing about it aside from not use that product totally. Organic, small locally owned honey producers are a great find. Though it is probably the wrong time of year here to find that."
Putting her fork down, rather than wave it around, Nyra tried to explain what she normally got and why there. "I have always purchased from one shop in Oregon that imports organic cotton, dyed naturally and sewn by tribeswomen in India who are paid a fair wage. They have the most beautiful embroidery. Its what I have basically worn out, long tunics, flowy skirts or loose pants. They used to be vibrant colors until too much laundering."
With a mischevious grin she peeked into her bag and laughed as she pulled out a rumpled bit of fabric. "Sorry no bucket in here! Though I do have a purple paisley bandana, will that suffice?"

She nodded as Nyra explained who she bought what items from. She couldn't completely understand the vegan mindset, but she appreciated it and respected Nyra's convictions and beliefs. "You know, come to think of it, when I used to work on the Indian Reservation when I was younger, and they made some of the most comfortable tunics."
She smirked, returning Nyra's grin. "No," she said, referring to the bandana, "not quite, but thanks."

Shaking her head somewhat regretfully she put the scrap of cloth back in her bag. "I like skirts, long flowy things like tunics or wide pants. I dont really like things to show too much arm or to high on my calves."
Bitting her lip she just considered the comment she made. "Wow thats harsh. Ok, I am willing to try anything on, and buy things I think look good but the prior comment is what I went by prior."
Returning to her scramble she ate a few more bites with toast and finished her juice. Shopping had sounded fun but now she was nervous about finding clothes that fit and looked good.