Fonts and Colors - Please Read

We would like to remind people that there are different styles on the board. Not everyone is using the one you are currently seeing, so while bright pink and lime green might stand out on the dark style you would be causing everyone on the white worksafe style to squint and curse your name. Changing the font size to very large or very small is distracting at best or unreadable at the worst. We would appreciate it if people kept font and colour changes down to a minimum and to use them only when its necessary.

Such as (but not limited to):

Using an ability
Remembering the past
Speaking in another language (in which you don't actually wish to write in that language)
Writing a letter

If you -do- use a different colour or font, remember your reason for the use may not be immediately obvious and it would be helpful to those reading your post for you to ooc the reason for its use on the bottom so that we know what the change means.

Also for those using the wysiwyg editor and find that your font style and size is being copied from your word program you can hit the a/A with the red X (upper left corner) will remove all text formatting on the selected text.