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Samuel Taylor Mc Kinney

Basic Information
Birth Name: Samuel Taylor Mc Kinney
Aliases: Sammie T
Place of Birth: Columbus, Ohio
Age: 37
Male/Female: All male
Current Occupation: Archaeologist
Past Occupation: Detective
Hair Color: Red
Length and Style: Long, ussually down to his hips
Eye Color: Black
Skin Color: Very tan, likes the sunlight
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195lbs
Nationality: All American, with plenty of world travels
Race: Human
Body Type: Well built, with a very athletic tone

No creator.

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality:
Samuel is the exception to the "typical" arrogant and conceited male, he can back it all up with looks and knowledge of the world,and all the creatures on this planet. He has been there and knows what is fake and what is truth.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger: He is very well dressed and appears to have the upmost confidence in himself, and anything that he attempts to do. His will power is usually seductive and addictive, all at the same time. His physical description is that of a decathalon athelete. He is a very health concious and physically fit individual. Lots of good healthy blood there. Exercises on a daily basis, to include 5 to 10 mile run, 30 min. muscle toning and aerobics. always on top of his game.

3. What does your character like?: Samuel likes, let's think, women, women, wome...., and so on. He likes to go out and party, or just a simple evening with one, or more, women. He is very interested in anything to do with society, and how people interact each other, sometimes he'll just sit for hours and watch people. He loves to read, seeing a writer's inner thoughts, at times, and trying to determine what was on their mind when they wrote the book. The same goes for movies and music. He is typically a C&W music fan, but also enjoys classical rock and alternative rock. George Strait, Pink Floyd and Creed are his favorites.

4. Dislike?: He dislikes arrogance, other than his own, of course, in any others, especially in men. Gotta back up how you are or how you act.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
Samuel is a Leo, so his leadership and cunning would deffinately increase dramatically, leading toward a "Command" ability. His physical abilities, as well, would escalate, possibly "Shapeshifting". Looks like maybe Anantya, never know till turned. Basic abilities like "Glamour, and "Perception" seem likely.

6. What are your fears?: Not too many. He is afraid of strong women that see through him, anything he can not comprehend and not being able to accomplish something he attempts to do. fear of failure.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?:
Strengths; He is over-confident, tends to be braver than he is. This is good most times, because he is also very, very intelligent,
(another strength), and he ends up shining in the end. His features speak for themselves.

Weaknesses; He hates to fail at anything in life, gets mad if he forgets to do the simplest of things. Can not handle any kind of rejection, this leads to very dark mood swings. All female creatures, living or not.

Hobbies & Skills: He really digs bones, and any kind of history. Loves to fish, only time he likes to be alone
Abilities: We'll see after turning?

Flaws: Ditto?

Cosmetic Traits: Other than a slightly lopsided chin, hope I can draw this, and an earring in his right ear, he has no major flaws.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Sometimes too "touchy-feely" of the ladies, but he can restrain if need be.(Hope not, lol)

Personal History:

Being born as Samuel Larry Taylor, he was left an orphan at the age of two. His parents were killed in a car crash one night, they out for the evening, and he was left as a ward of the state. He was sent to countless families, and homes to live, each one with the same result,
"Not the place for you." This went on for 12 years, him not even remembering the last place and forgetting most of his memories of his parents.

Finally, he was adopted by the right, at least for him, family. He was renamed Samuel Taylor Mc Kinney, keeping his original last name as a middle name, his new father didn't approve of this, but it was finalized none the anyway, his new mother understanding a need of his to keep something of his parents.He was 14 years old, and ready to begin high school. His new father, with the stern values of a drill seargent, instilled in him all that he needed to achieve greatness in school. He became captain of all sports he participated in, and honored in all of his studies.

This, and a yearning to understand why things are why, led his attentions to discovery, and wanting to become an archaeologist. He desired to know where everything came from, and why it exsists. He persued all history and social sciences classes in school, learning everything he possiblely could about humanity and the world around him. He eventually graduated at the top of his class.

At 18, he was old enough to go out on his own, so he used the state funded college funds and enrolled in a university. Of course, these programs never gave enough money to live on, so he decided to research human life at a different level, while he studied his desired
profession. He applied, and became a peace officer, this being the best way to see the darker sides of life. He was very good at this, having built up a very high confidence through all the "loving and caring" he received growing up, and achieved the rank of Detective Seargent. He could bullshit the best of them, and had all of the "higher ups" fooled into thinking he was a model officer. If they only knew some of the shadier things he did to solve a case, or have someone take a fall for it.

After 8 years of public service, and on and off again schooling, he finally graduated and began his, pretty much, life long dream of being a "digger of bones." His first, and only position thus far, was with the Institute of Research and Studies, based in Philidelphia. He has been around the world, several times, in the 8 years he has been with the IRS, lol didn't see that one, and has come across mysteries that his colleagues, or him for that matter, can't explain. All these mysteries lead to one thing in his mind, "VAMPIRES DO EXSIST." He is obsessed with this, and it has driven him to finally resign from the IRS and journey to a city he had only heard of through some achient scrolls he unearthed, years ago, in France.

Unsure of what his intentions were, he left the Middle East and headed straight for Nachton.....

OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine)Bludnme
Other Characters you play None
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)Friend
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?40