Do you see...?
I've always liked that line from Minority Report. I don't know why, maybe it's the way the chick whispers it. Anyway...
I was thinking today while looking at Poser city models...steam and everything from the back of my do I imagine Nachton? What does it look like? Does it rain a lot, since apparently all vampire movies are made during mansoon season...did I spell that right? Do you imagine the season mimics your own city or is it always warm nights?
For some reason Nachton is perpetually stuck in the summer months. Warm nights, no rain, but when I stop and really think about it when I'm writing, I remember to write in the snow. It says it's still cold on the east coast on the Today show, why would they lie?
What's the architecture like in Nachton to you? I find myself switching between old style bulgaria type nights to NY days. /boggle. I dont know. I was just wondering....DISCUSS!

But i have the same prob Amby does ~ Houston weather right now is, well, weird. the other days it was COLD in the morning and by lunch it was 80. trippy. I have to keep in mind north, march right now...

I have the general idea that the Manor is outside of town, gated, forested and huge. Kind of palaital with numerous wings and interesting architecture. Thinking about the Towers just strikes me as a huge corprate complex, tall glass building, smaller buildings interconnected. Domicile is in the seedy / run down area, the kind that has not seen real use in decades and have begun to decay.
Weather isnt an issue for me in CT. I just imagine it close to what we have. hehe

((I would like to take this opportunity to point out my new title. *snort*))

Since all my toons are vamps the only thing consistent about the weather, for me, is that it’s always dark. (ha ha ha) Other than that I have to check things out on the web to get an idea or I’d write the whole time like AZ and that just wouldn’t be right, would it?
((*pets the new title*))

Downtown...Las Vegas. The bright flashing lights mixed with super high end names fading into a more localized and reasonable setting at either end that you could find anywhere in the States.
Industrial...this gets trickier. Parts are like Los Angeles, others like areas of Chicago, others like Gary. All of it is dark, run down, polluted and makes you believe in Rodents of Unusual Size.
Municipal - Pure Boston with an old commons.
Culture - Elmwood and the Library are very New York to me, the Marina one of those Maine coastal dealies, the Waterfront...well, that connects the Industrial and the others for me. Probably closest to New Jersey.
Weather is pretty much clear unless it is noted otherwise for me. Guess that's the California part.

The industrial part I kind of see a bit Eastern Europe / Germany type style dark, grey and dirty, don't know where that came from