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Aaron Rigson

Basic Information

Birth Name: Aaron Rigson
Aliases: Aegis, Crest
Place of Birth: London, England
Age (Real/ Apparent): 472/ 23
Gender: Male
Current Occupation: Does odd jobs for Evenhet. He prefers diplomatic or negotiation jobs, where he can put his Empathy and Suggestion abilities to full use, but he's not above a good romp with his rapier.
Past Occupation: English Duke/ soldier/ lawyer/ Diplomat


Hair Color: Black
Length/ Style: Shoulder length, worn in a pony tale.
Eye Color: Grey blue
Skin Color: White
Height: 6' 2"Â?
Weight: 147 lbs.
Nationality: English
Race: Vampire

Body Type: Lean, wiry build

Description of Changer: Jenea was a French noblewoman, and member of clan Evenhet. Very little was ever really known about her, though she was only a hundred or so years old at the time of their meeting. Still a youngling by all accounts, but old enough to change the much younger Duke.

Personal Questions

Personality: Polite, clear, even tempered, generally kind and helpful, calm. He tends to be introspective, and thinks before he speaks or acts. Bring up a subject that he fells strongly about, however, and you may find yourself engaged in a broiling debate quite quickly. His anger is very rarely brought to the surface, but when it is, things around him have a nasty tendency to just up and die...

Chivalry is not dead in so far as Aaron is concerned, and as long as he is alive, so too shall the old customs.

Appearance to stranger: Odd, in a word. He dresses in the same way he did when he was still human, 15th century clothing, including a brocade coat and ruff shirt. However his manner tends to be quiet and amicable, he listens more than he says, and thinks before he speaks.

Likes: Water, Fencing, cats, dogs, reading, occult, fantasy, science fiction, science fact and cold.

Dislikes: Heat, religious people, spiders, fire, the sun, and vampires who view humans as sheep.


Pyrophobia: Fear of fire. He witnessed his changer burned at the stake, and seeing large flames brings back those memories.

Acrophobia: He has had an irrational fear of heights ever since falling off a bridge over the Thames when he was eight.

Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders... its just something about the way they move...

Strengths: He is open minded and knows when to make compromises and when to dig in and ask for more.

His reflexes are lightning quick, people sometimes compare him to "greased lighting on crack."Â?

He is intelligent, and his mind is quick to wrap around a new concept or idea.

He is also confidant, and takes pride in his accomplishments, without actually being stubborn or overly proud.

Weaknesses: Poor eyesight, so he wears glasses. This is another reason why he doesn't like guns, its hard for him to aim accurately. He hates contact lenses.

He's not particularly strong for a vampire, since he wasn't particularly strong as a human.

His tendency to try and view things from every angle before acting makes him slow to make decisions.

Hobbies: Nothing pleases Aaron more than a good debate, or reading some new scientific or occultist theory. He has a passion for knowledge and reading, which manifests itself in his book-shelf covered room. He also enjoys fencing and structured sword fighting competitions, he has several trophies from competitions adorning his shelves.

Skills: A master of the particulars of duelist sword fighting. He can handle most sorts of light weapons and Armour, and could give the greatest fencers of our day a run for their money. Fleet of foot and of mind, soft spoken, a skilled diplomatist. This silver tongued blood sucker could convince Bush to go back to college, if only he could get to talk with him...

Abilities: Empathy, Suggestion, Glamour

Flaws: Outdated, Heavy Sleeper

Cosmetic Traits: Horizontal sword fighting scar just under his left eye.

Quirks: He doesn't trust guns... ever since one blew up in his face...granted, that was over two hundred years ago, but he has a long memory... He speaks with a larger vocabulary than most, and tends to talk in an old dialect, with very little slang. He likes poetic speech, and will often quote Shakespeare or use that sort of language.

Personal History:

Quicky outline of his mortal life (boring stuff):

Born in London, England in 1537, to a minor duke. Privileged upbringing allowed him to receive an excellent education, and he inherited his father's title upon his death in 1555. His skills in reasoning and diplomacy served him well throughout the troubled rise of queen Elizabeth, and he managed to hold on to his title through the civil wars and other assorted mishaps of that period. It was in 1559 that he met the one who would be his turner, a French noblewoman named Jenea Benoit. They first met at a party the young Duke himself was hosting. The two of them danced a little, talked a little, and flirted a lot more. They agreed to meet several more times during the following year, and their friendship grew. Said friendship culminated in mid December of the following year, when they had sex for the first time. It was that night that she changed him, without asking or, indeed, ever having told him of her true nature. When he woke up the following night and discovered what she had done, he ordered her out of his house and forbade her from ever speaking to him again...

More detailed (kinda) account of his vampire life (the interesting stuff.):

For the rest of the month he struggled to come to terms with what he had become. Jenea had told him enough to let him know what he needed to do to survive, and he (barely) managed to hide his new secret. It wasn't long, however, that he realized he needed Jenea more than he could ever have realized. For one he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing in terms of society, but more importantly he realized that he missed her.

It wasn't until a week after new years that he found her, and apologized. She introduced him to clan Evenhet for the first time. After a few months he managed to work out an arrangement that placed him as a clan diplomat and agent amongst humans. He kept his title and outward appearance to most of society, but secretly carried on the business of the clan.

This arrangement lasted, mostly uninterrupted, for several decades, until Pastor Farthin. The aforementioned was a fanatical puritan minister born in Scotland. In 1672 he and several other members of his church attacked Aaron and Jenea (now Aaron's wife) and managed to kidnap the both of them, after taking heavy losses.

They were put on 'trial' for witchcraft, and (obviously), sentenced. Jenea was burned at the stake before Aaron's eyes the very next day. He only survived because the guard of his cell was susceptible to his Suggestion ability. After two days he convinced the weak-minded fool to open the cell door... and then killed him. The vampire killed every one else in prison complex in which he was held, though Farthin escaped.

Aaron discovered that the man who ruined his life had fled to the colonies, he requested a transfer to Nachton, which was granted, and began to hunt for him. It took another 30 years for Aaron to set up enough connections, get enough people to owe him favors, bribe enough officials, so that he would be absolved of all blame for what he was about to do.

In 1702 the pastor was found disemboweled and crucified in his own home. No one, not even the higher ups of vampire society, ever directly connected Aaron to the murder.

After his vengeance was fulfilled Aaron returned to his work for Evenhet, without to much incident. He fought briefly in the American Civil War, which is when a musket blew up in his face. He has since stopped using guns almost altogether. It might not have left a single scar on his face, but it still hurt like HELL.

He stayed in Nachton for most of the rest of his life up until modern day, though his job occasionally had him go west an even to other country's... During both world wars He returned to his native England to assist with the war effort there, though he returned to Nachton immediately following the conclusion of both.

He still lives in Nachton, continuing to do jobs for his clan.

Player Name: I assume you don't want a repeat of my character name so, I'll give you my real one: Michael
Other Characters You play: none, not on here anyway.
How you came to SA: Saw a picture on Deviantart that had a link to the site.
Have you read all the rules: yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)?: yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?: yes

Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
I fixed your smilies because I can't freakin help myself.
Aaron 18 years ago
heh, ya, sorry for that...