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The New Scene...


March, 2006.

To Lady Claire Tremaine,

Greetings, my friend! It has been long since I have written you and I pray you accept my apology for such an oversight. In truth, it has been on my mind to keep our acquaintance fresh but life, such as it is, has thrown all manner of obstacles in my way of late.

No, I am not complaining! With all honesty, the fast pace of keeping up with Dayle has been exhilarating and I find myself quite refreshed. I do not know how she manages to keep up this energy so constantly, but it is admirable!

I am sorry, I have stepped off the path of my original intent with this letter. My purpose was to not only send my greetings, but to ask a favor of you as well, if it would not impose upon our acquaintance. I find myself compelled to come along with Dayle on one more journey, which should be the last in a string of travels. This one leads us, surprisingly, to Nachton.

We expect to be in the city for some time to come, and as such we have already begun looking for a suitable home in which to entertain company. I have also acquired a piece of property just at the city limits suitable for my horses, but the appointments are far too modest for my comfort. I am sure you understand!

To this end, I wondered if it might be possible for me to stay once again at the Manor as I have done in the past. I am not certain to whom I should voice this request, as it has always been arranged for me prior to now. I would be ever appreciative if you might deign to convey this request to the appropriate party, or if that is not possible, to let me know at your convenience who I might write to instead.

My thanks to you, Lady Claire, for any advice you may be able to offer in this venture. We hope to be in Nachton within the month, and already I am preparing my horses for the trip overseas. I hope to renew our acquaintance if that is your desire as well, and I look forward to seeing your fair city once again.

I remain ever your friend,
Lady Ysabel Margarette Yolgrave

Chère Mademoiselle Ysabel Yolgrave,

I am overjoyed to hear that you are coming to Nachton to stay with us. I have only just returned from many years over seas myself but I am safely ensconced in the Manor with little disturbance to the household. We would be delighted if you would come straight here; there is no need for family to stay in some horribly noisy hotel amongst strangers.

There are many new faces about and I believe that you will find yourself quickly at home on the Estate with plenty of new people to meet and catching up on old acquaintances to do that may occupy your nights for months to come. Once you are settled in your own quarters I am certain you can arrange to have your horses brought to the stables here, unless you prefer to lodge them elsewhere.

I will alert the staff that you will be arriving in a month's time so that a room will be prepared. If you desire a different suite once you have arrived then I am sure it can altered. I look forward to exploring Nachton with you for certainly it is not the same city that I had left and so holds many surprises for me as well.

� l'assurance de ma considération distinguée

Claire Tremaine of Anantya

Ysabel looked up at the Manor, its familiar intimidating structure somewhat comforting at the same time. She and Dayle had shared a taxi; her sister had been dropped off at the Tacharan Domicile first and Ysabel had ridden the rest of the way to Heolfor Manor herself. Contrary to Dayle's rather adamant and unchangeable beliefs, Ysabel was more then comfortable with both the cab ride and the cabbie himself, a friendly sort who rambled on ceaselessly about Nachton's history.

Ysabel had neither the inclination to point out to her sister that she was more than capable of taking care of herself, nor the heart to request the enthusiastic cabbie's silence so she could just enjoy the trip. The flight from England had been long and she was weary. All Ysabel wanted was to be installed in a set of rooms at the Manor, a hot shower, and a good long nap.

The soft silken folds of her gown rustled as she approached the door of the Manor. She had not called ahead, as she rarely used telephones or cell phones unless necessary. It didn't occur to her that her rooms might not be ready, after all. She had received her correspondence from Claire weeks ago, and assumed all would be in order. In fact, she had Claire's letter with her, the smooth cream-colored paper folded neatly in her purse, its ocean scent lingering delightfully.

Still, she lingered outside just a bit after tipping the cab driver well. It had been a while since she'd last visited, and there was s tiny little part of her that missed her familiar home. It didn't matter though. Ysabel had had many different homes over the years, with many different families in them. What was one more? Dayle was here in Nachton with her, and she had acquaintances to renew. That thought alone cheered the gregarious vampire. As long as there were people to talk to she was sure she'd be happy. Her new job had been set up and arranged for her, and she would start in two weeks' time.

Nachton might have been a job for Dayle, but it was an adventure for Ysabel and she was ready to dive in.

((ooc: Claire's letter and description thereof courtesy of Claire.))