Aaron's job

The staff asked me to clear up my character's past relationship with evenhet with you.

In case you haven't had the time to read Aaron's entire history, I'll outline it:

Born to a Duke in england in 1537

Changed in 1559 by a minor french nblewoman, named Janea Benoit. Benoit was a member of Evenhet and intorduced Aaron to the clan a few weaks after his change.

He got a job working as an Evenhet lawyer/ diplomat, and kept that job untill 1672 when he and Janea (now his wife) were capured and trie as witches. Janea was burned at the stake.

Shortly afterwords, Aaron got transfered to Nachton in order to follow the priest who had his changer killed. He left Evenhet's service for about 30 years in order to get his revenge, before returning to service.

Not a whole lot else happened... he was involved in the Americain Revolution, as well as WW I and II, but not much worth of mention happened durring those conflicts.

His job would primarally entail verbal ending of mostly monitary disputes, or diplomatic negotiation with other clans.

He is not, however, above a good combat mission now and again. I was hopeing he could get one of the suites in the tower, but that is up to you of cource.

I don't think I have a problem with this really. I suppose we will have to watch him to make sure his idea of diplomacy and our's are the same, as well as look for him mentioning past jobs or anything that sounds like something that wouldn't have happened. He's not asking for anything too terribly uber so hopefully he won't suddenly become 'secret agent man' or fly or something.

Going to return with this.

I think that will work. If you want to mention past events or jobs, please just send us a line so we know what event you will be speaking of and how Evenhet was involved. We look forward to having you on the board and in the clan. He is also perfectly welcome to have a suite in the Towers. Liefde is our residence and it will be open to you shortly.

I hope there is nothing anyone wants to add. It did not seem like there was too much reservation with it other than me in the bio approval thread.

Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
*thumbs up*
Aishe 18 years ago
/shrugs, looks good from the token non-elder evenhet.

Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Releasing him then.