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Beef (attn: Nic)

Parking her bike, Dawn saw the tip Nic gave the valet guy for NOT parking their bikes. Pretty fucking weird, but if he was some eccentric rich guy who wanted to spread the wealth, no worries.

Remind me t'offer t'not park your ride next time. Man!

Stepping off her rig, she engaged her fork lock. Granted, another vampire might be able to literally walk off with her bike, light as it was, but that seemed unlikely with the bike sitting next to it. The ultimate security system - park by something nicer. No one stole a Fiat when they could swipe a Beamer. Pulling off her helmet, she shook her hair out, releasing her streaks. Running a hand through her hair quickly, she checked it in her mirrors. All good.

Looking down at Nic's offered arm, she stared for a second, wondering if he wanted her to look at something on it. She didn't see any jewelry, a cut, a bug...oh. Nice place. Nice man offering a nice lady his arm. Managing not to laugh, she wondered how long she could play the part.

Ok then. Notta roadhouse, but we can play your rules a bit, surenuff.

Gently and daintily taking his arm, she slipped her helmet under the other as they made their way into the nicest hotel she'd ever seen. The dances she'd gone to in High School had the record before, but this kinda blew those away. Still, her new digs had all this shit beat hands down...but still, impressive. She'd get used to it someday, maybe.

Playing the part, she let Nic lead them to the restaurant - lots of wood paneling and fancy dress. They were easily the least dressed people here, but she got the idea that it really didn't matter. Once you got into the Rich Folk Club or whatever, you could do what you want and it was all good. Must be nice. Maybe she'd know someday. Waiting for Nic to do the "getting the table" thing, she looked at some of the patrons. Yup. Even counting her extra years, she was probably the youngest here. Kooky.

Nicholae 18 years ago
She was an odd duck, but Nic seemed to be understanding her a little better. So her comment about parking the bikes elicited a chuckle.

He noticed her slight bewilderment when he offered his arm, and smiled when she decided to humor him. Having grown up in the times of chivalry, Nic still adhered to common courtesies, though he also tried to be politically correct. It was a strange world they now lived in. Maybe in another ten or twenty years he'd get the hang of it...and then things would probably change again.

After the waiter had shown them to their table, Nic held her chair for her, and waited for her to be seated, before taking the one across from her. He had noticed, somewhat thankfully, that the restaurant wasn't terribly crowded. Those who were there seemed typical of the clientele in the hotel...bored and rich.

"The food here is really good, though I will admit I need to find some place less...stogey?"

Nic shrugged slightly. So he wouldn't score any cool points for bringing her here. At least she'd get a full stomach out of the trip. Besides, she was a wasn't like it would kill him if she decided he wasn't her type to 'hang' with. If nothing else it meant he didn't have to eat by himself. And she was, entertaining.

Handing her a menu, he opened his, just to have the waiter come back for their drink orders.

"Uh...why don't you bring us a couple screwdrivers?"

He wasn't sure if she drank, or was even old enough, but to try and save embarrassment, he figured a screwdriver was pretty safe. If she wanted a soft drink, or something else, he'd give her the option, and let her take her chances.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Dawn blinked at him.

Uh...stodgy? I'm guessin' that is kinda like the place word for that ol' coot over there?

Pointing over Nic's shoulder, she selected an aging gentleman doing his best English Lawyer routine, sipping lightly on something in a small glass, reading down his nose and looking very stuffy.

At Nic's selection of a screwdriver, Dawn shook her head. Well, gotta start somewhere. Chuckling, she asked lemon rainbow starburst your next round, then? Hey, can I get a shark instead?

Damn! Guy didn't even card'er! Hopefully the hot sauce would be fresh. Glancing at the menu, she nodded. This place'd do.

So, what're you grindin' here, big guy? I'm thinkin' porterhouse. And th' garlic taters sound pretty swink.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Nic didn't mind that Dawn chose a different drink, though now he wished he hadn't gone with the orange juice. He would have rather had a beer. And he was more than curious to know what a shark was, but decided to find out later, on his own.

This little snip of a female was already wreaking havoc on his head. Where were the 'normal' woman anymore...surely they still existed. Why was it he had such difficulty finding them?

If nothing else, Dawn did keep his attention.

"I'm thinking I may go with the scampi and rice instead, but go for the steak if that's what you'd like."

Folding the menu back, Nic slid it to the side of the table, and put his napkin in his lap. Fiddling with the handle on his knife, he tried to study Dawn, in a casual, unobtrusive manner.

"So tell me Dawn...where is it you come from, that they speak in that colorful lingo you use?"

He wasn't so out of it that he didn't know it was a form of slang. It just didn't happen to be any slang he was familiar with. Mentally he shook his head. He really had been tucked away from the real world too long.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Frowning, Dawn thought back. Nope.

Huh. Don't think I've ever et a scampi before. I'll trade ya a bit for a bit.

During the pause, she smirked, craned her head to the side while still looking forward and popped her neck loudly, once on one side, twice on the other. Using her crappy approximation of what she thought Stodgy Man would sound like, she stated

Dear sir, Miss Ratana came of age in the charming hamlet of El Monte, California, located in the greater Los Angeles area. A-yes. It has been said that public education in the central and southern portions of that region our not as successful at instilling a proper respect for the Queen's English.

Pleased with herself, she smiled toothily.

But we take in 'nuff movies that we learn to talk, and everyone's gotta learn math so they can count their paper and shit, and most everyone learns to read. The language just gets so smashed together because so many peeps talkin' so many languages...then each area's slang specializes a bit more...huh. Probably a linguist's wet dream to see how it collides.

Leaning back, she poked her chin out at him. In a fairly good approximation of a cowboy drawl, she asked

You got a tale o' woe yer lookin' te shed, pardner? Ye kin bend mah ear.
Nicholae 18 years ago
"Sure, you're welcome to try it. In fact, I've rather gotten used to girls eating from my plate anyway. It must be a custom world wide...something they teach you in school?

Not being a big eater, Nic never finished anything on his plate.

But now she was toying with him even further, and he had to hope she wasn't imitating him, but rather someone at another table. At at least he was understanding her now.

"Very good! If I had closed my eyes, I'm sure I would have taken you for being at least sixty, maybe even seventy. But I do appreciate getting down to my level a bit. It makes things so much less stressful."

He winked, and laughed heartily to show he enjoyed the act. She really was quite the character.

"Though the sound of it is really quite colorful. I apologize for needing just a tad more tutelage. Being that I've never been to...El Monte...I can now rest assured that I will know what to expect if I run into any you. This El Monte sounds almost like a concentration of what one hears the United States are all about. But I suspect there may be more to it seem to revel in the rebel aspect of your I right?"

It surprised him to know that he really was interested in learning more about her. He probably would have reacted much the same way if she had been a ten year old Eskimo boy, as he had no experience with them either. And though he normally didn't go overboard with dialects in his acting roles, he did enjoy practicing some on the off chance they might be necessary.

"Woe? me. But I doubt you're really concerned, or even interested, in what an old geezer like me would have to worry about."

Besides, even if she was interested, Nic's tale of woe was so long he was sure she'd be fast asleep before he was near to completing the tale.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Yeah, we get taught early. My ma said sumthin' 'bout it bein' th'natural state of a hunt an gather relationship or some shit, but kinda just meant t'swipe from boys at every turn t'know what they thinka you.

Amused by his reaction to her voice, she nodded.

I kin get th' age spread pretty good, but place tones are harder. Comes from lotsa sibs and one tv. When it was someone else's turn, just pop inta another room wit' th'other kids and play out a movie for th'lilluns.

Listening to Nic's assessment of her surface upbringing, the relation to the greater US and her rebel nature, she smirked. All valid theories, though a bit off.

Nothin' wrong wi' not knowin' a thing. And...yeah. It really is a bit'a'a meltin' pot and all that. As t'me...

Frowning, she tried to figure out if that was true or not. A bit, sure, but it was bigger than that.

...I guess a bit. I just never got why if this'lls be the Land a th' Free why there's so many rules. Th' basic dinger is t'do what you WANT, not goose step in single file. So, I do what I want. An' since I like bikes more'n stitchin' an fightin' more'n tea an' crumpets, well, I get labeled. Plenty tags t'go 'round, s'all sorts get stuck t'me, t'you, but shit. Also parta what makes folk happy, labeling others, I mean, so no worries. Peeps so shaded they can't see, th'truth, well, not my prob.

Sitting back at his attempts at evasion, Dawn shook her head.

Ma usedta watch the soaps in three languages. You can't be more boring than'a soap in a language I dunno. But if ya wanna skip it, all good.

Looking over, the waiter was bringing out her drinks - screwdriver for Nic and a shark for Dawn. Smiling, she reached out and gave it a smell. Freshness...could smell the burn of the red sheen.

You had one'a these? Tequila, vodka an' pepper sauce. Good times.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Her logic was pretty accurate, Nic thought. He wouldn't be completely sure, because he still wasn't completely sure what she had said. But he did feel he was getting the main idea.

"And how many are...lotsa sibs?" Coming from a large family of ten kids, Nic knew what it was like to be a middle child. He had to wonder if Dawn's way was her attempt to get the attention so often denied to those other than the oldest or youngest.

"No rules? Do you really think the people could exist in a state of anarchy?"

Her theories along those lines sounded so very young, that he again was reminded of Theo. Though he knew Theo was not young at all, it was still difficult to think of her as many hundreds of years his senior. Could it be that Dawn was similar? With her more common, and hip vernacular, Nic just couldn't believe Dawn had been around for hundreds of years too. He was still curious though.

"Have you never belonged to One that demanded you live by rules...rules that they found necessary for the good of the club? Have you NEVER seen the value in any laws at all?"

Of course he was referring to Evenhet, his clan, in a round about way. Not that Nic was always attentive to rules himself, and that thought smacked in square in the face. Funny how him trying to make a point with Dawn, made one with himself.

"What you say about sticking with the things you like to do, is cool. Obviously you're a strong girl, which isn't a bad label to have."

He thought that's what she meant, and in that respect Nic admired Dawn. Too many people these days waffled...back and forth...between what it was they wanted, and what it was they thought they should have.

Her equating his tale of woe with a soap opera had Nic laughing all over again, but he shook his head.

"Thanks, but I'm not one for dumping my shit on others...if there was something you could help with, it would be one thing..."

He shrugged and just let that topic lie there. He again shook his head when she told him what was in a shark. He did well in not frowning, even though it really didn't sound like anything he'd elect to drink of his own free will.

"I...think I'll pass this time, but thanks."

Salads were delivered by the waiter, shortly after Nic had finished his drink, and he toyed with much of it, glancing up at Dawn, every now and then.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Sibs? Six, well...four now, guess.

Welcoming the change of topic from dead family, she thought seriously about anarchy.

Well, I don't see how it'd be much diff'rnt from now. "Society" is justa group comin' together an' agreein' on what not t'do t'each other. "Rebels", "criminals" and fuckall are juss those don't agree with them in power. Since peeps don't like flyin' solo, they gang with like minded heads. Then, new societies form. So no...anarchy'd not be a permanent state, but the point where the shift in the rules happens when one gang gets whacked by another, but before a power structure builds around the new elite or whatever. Shit...I mean, there's rules I agree with, and so I obey'm. I just don't see the sense in followin' th'rules of someone can't keep me in line. But there're some I surely tow the line for or whatever. Facta th'matter is EVERYONE gets lonely, so rules form as a sacrifice of self in th'name of trust or blood or friendship or companionship or city or state or whatever folk value.

Laughing at the "strong girl" label, Dawn shook her head.

Man, you got NO clue there. S'ok. Just keep in mind women have been allowed t'vote in the US for less'n a hundred practice in a lotta places less'n that...and then look inta th'home. Some rule, some are still slaves'r property. Some don't care either way. I dig th'idea of bein' a slave or property less than being lonely, so I fuck off all I want. Tends to keep th'shacklers at a distance, and I still got my smiles.

At Nic's decision against the drink, she slams it down, enjoying the double burn of the alcohol and the pepper sauce. Popping her neck again, she starts in on her salad, letting him lead with the next topic, aware that she's been a bit ramble-y.
Nicholae 18 years ago
"I came from a family with ten...sibs...though I am the sole survivor now." And had been for more years than he wanted to remember.

Still trying to find a common ground, Nic refrained from returning to the topic of bikes just yet. Instead he followed Dawn's further explanation on how she lived with or without rules.

"So the rules you agree with you comply with, and those you find not to your liking you ignore. And though I'm not always one to tow the line either, I still believe in the theory of rules. If everyone picked and chose those laws they found acceptable..." Shaking his head... "Anarchy...I just know it."

Nic winked at Dawn, and tabled that subject for awhile. It appeared the girl had definite opinions, and they didn't match Nic's. Rather than continue to debate the issue, and get totally steamrolled, Nic gave up.

With a forkful of salad halfway to his mouth, he tried to grab on to her comeback to what he thought had been a compliment to her. When she was done, he put the salad in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. Sighing, he decided he couldn't tell if she had agreed with him or not.

After a few more bites, Nic shook himself again.

"So what is it you do, besides ride, Dawn? Are you still attending school, or are you employed and among the workforce."

It was totally wrong of him to assume that she wasn't independently wealthy, and if that's what she told him she was, he'd accept it. Somehow it just didn't seem likely.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Ten, all gone? Anit sings like an old pain, so prolly long gone. You're definitely dustier than me. I'm glad t'see you've got your cope on.

Nodding, she was satisfied with the way the rest of the discussion played out. Getting a white flag was just as good as crushing your enemies...statistically.

At the big question, she pondered a bit. What DID she really do? There were lots of ways to answer, but all were ultimately imprecise.

Huh. I don't wig it much. Let's see what last night makes me seem. I got up like 7, what, an' worked out on 11. Washed an' stept t'th' clubs by midnight. Drank, moshed, danced, ate, moved s'more. At 4 I hooded up, worked out a couple more hours and bailed. So I guess I'm a fitness buff. Still, trainin' is in there, sure, but I'll mix sometimes or scratch or whatever. Kinda a full time student'd be another waya lookin' at it. How bout you? Please, no investment banking.
Nicholae 18 years ago
A student was one of his guesses. And Nic had already guessed the girl must do something energetic, she seemed to have a nice body, of what he could see anyway. Not that he looked hard, she was still a bit on the youngish side, no matter what her demeanor proposed. And it wasn't like he was so hard up that he had to lust after the little girls just yet.

"I'm a little on the fitness fanatic side too. I don't really need to work out, but I like doing it. I like feeling the burn, and then the slow cool down. It makes me feel like I've at least done that much that's productive.

You have a local gym, or do things the natural way?"

Being adaptable, Nic enjoyed a gym, but in a pinch would run along the beach, or even press everyday things he could get his hands on, like big screen tvs, pieces of furniture...women.

"Arrgghhh..." He groaned, and then laughed.

"I do invest, but I stay out of the banking end of it. Before I started playing with money though, I did a little acting out in Hollywood. I doubt you ever saw me in was a little before your time."

And unless she had a penchant for the very obscure really bad 'B' movies of the fifties, he had to think his better work of the forties would have been out of her realm of existence.

"And you didn't miss much. It kept me in lovely ladies, and spending money, but nothing I ever did was really that earth shattering.

These days I'm looking to buy a hotel, but have yet to find the right site, or decide on the theme. I'm living with family now, but don't want to do that forever either."

Their main course came as Nic was moving his salad plate off to the side, and he halted his thought. Once the waiter had left, Nic speared a shrimp, dripping in a buttery lemon garlic sauce, and slid it onto Dawn's plate.

"The do a pretty decent scampi here, which really shouldn't be that difficult. It's just a matter of getting the sauce down."

The prawns they used at the Piazza were good size, so Nic removed the tail and cut the shrimp in two before putting a piece on his tongue. Swallowing, he returned to talking about Dawn, finding it had become a challenge to make sense of her words.

"For now you are a student of life, but have you given any thought to what you'd like to be doing in another ten years?"
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Nodding emphatically, Dawn spouted

Yeah, the Manor's got all sortsa facilities and shit hidden around, fuckin' SWEET. But mostly I just smack up th'contact bags an do things th'natural way. Mai Teacher is very, very, very, very, very old fashioned, and so was the one before her. More a th'school a "go into the garden and hold that big ass rock until your arms fall off" as opposed to the "here is your nautilus weight training program for the week, my dear, now don't overwork your glutes this time" newfangled hippie shit. It burns like crazy, but ya wouldn't believe how quick it toughens ya up!

Excited now, Dawn hopped up on her seat with no easily discernable preparation and pulled up her sleeves to the shoulder, flexing dramatically.

Look at these fuckin' guns, bro! LOVE IT!

Dropping back down, she quipped

I'd show ya my legs and ass, but not sure you're worthy yet. An' only Rupe gets to see the nubs, you dirty bastard!

Rolling her eyes at the investor option, she laughed.

Y'see, iffin' ya drop that investor line at the start, I bet you'd get more play, man. That acting gig sounds pretty sweet - Nic the Super Star Playboy, and his date Julia Stiles or Kate Beckinsale or whoever! Don't have to be earth shattering if you get your play, man! Just do that thing!

Looking at the scampi, she speared the offered bit. It was kinda different - she'd had a more plain relationship with shellfish growing up, so it somewhat shocked her. Chewing thoughtfully, trying to decide if she liked it or not, she sliced off a hunka beef for Nic and dropped it on his plate along with a dollop of some excellent smelling taters.

Huh...not what I expected at all. Not so much my dealie, nod good ta new foods, though!

Daintily taking a bit of her own selection, she rolled her eyes back in her head. Talking around her food involuntarily, she said

Ohm mhy ghod...fhiss is fucquing fhantastic. Oh, shorry, choo firss!

Swallowing before answering the next question, she smiled. She didn't want to LIE...she disagreed with it generally on principle, but she also didn't want to give the details involved.

Well, let's juss say I see myself in...uh...securities. That's nice'n vague. I'll just say I'm trainin' for a specific reason an' leave it there. An'you? Back to the SILVER SCREEN, or back to the desk to dance with numbers?
Nicholae 18 years ago
She lived in a manor? Nic caught bits and pieces, but almost choked on his shrimp when the next thing she did was jump up on the chair and wave her arms around

"Those are...very impressive...and I'll wait...thanks..."

To see her nubs? He couldn't begin to imagine who Rupe was, but thought the guy must really have his hands full with this one. Nic wasn't sure if he envied the guy or not. Understanding Dawn's pride in her body, Nic had to give her a taste of his, so to speak. Moving his chair around the table a little, he lifted his shirt enough to give her a look at his six pack.

"Hard work can pay off, yep." He winked, dropped his shirt, and slid his chair back.

"Ah, play, yes...that's all well and good, I'll grant you. But sometimes...more is better. Sometimes play isn't enough."

Her youth might not allow her to understand that, but for her sake he hoped one day she'd get it. Images of Maeve filtered through his mind, as he continued to eat, taking a bite of the steak now, and grinning.

"It is very good, you made a wise choice." Chuckling and squinting his eyes for a second, as a couple tiny bits of food flew halfway across the table, he nodded at her thought to swallow before talking.

"Securities?" That piqued his interest a little, but since she chose not to elaborate he quickly let it go.

"No more acting for a while. I've...well, I've decided to take a break for a few years." Not enough time had passes for Nic to get back into the circuit and not have a lot of the old timers start asking questions, or making comments about how familiar he was. No amount of plastic surgery could have kept him looking as good as he did.

"And the numbers thing is just a hobby. No, eventually I'll get my hotel built, and then maybe I'll start a little dinner theater. That might be fun. Ever think of trying your hand at it?"
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Frowning, Dawn shook her head. In a children's sing-song-y voice, she chimed

Oh boy...some one's got it ba-aaaaaaad. So does the chica know you've got it bad? If so, you're probably fucked. Women are evil, I'm told!

Nodding at Nic's approval of her selection, she finished chewing and spouted

Can't really go wrong with dead cow! And a few YEARS off? What'd you do? Get caught in bed with the head of the actor's guild trophy wife and boyfriend?

Cocking her head to the side, Dawn pondered. A Hotel?

Nah...I think I'd be a liability at an upscale hotel. Maybe if I grow up someday. So hopefully not. The dinner theater thing could be swank, but think I am too much a ham to do it right.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Somewhat startled at her perceptive nature, Nic thought he had hid his feelings pretty well, unless he wanted them noticed. He wished he knew what it was about Maeve, that had him all twisted up bass-ackwards. It was not a good thing.

"And you don't qualify as a woman? Is there an age you need to reach before you do? And then do you become evil all at once, or is it more a gradual thing?"

Nic's mouth was turned up but only barely at the corners. Dawn was a real spitfire, in his opinion. He almost waited with bated breath to hear what she would say next.

The question about why he wasn't acting at the moment was difficult to explain to anyone not of the vampire ilk. He realized he had said too much about the career thing when Dawn decided to question anything about it. to answer and yet not. This conversation was turning into a lot more work than Nic was really comfortable with.

"No, nothing as notorious as all that. I...well, it's really a long story, and pretty was just decided it would be better if I kept a low profile for a while. I'm a rather private person, and in that business that's next to impossible to be. I figured if I dropped out for a while, whenever I decided to go back, no one would pay me any attention..."

Did that make sense? He hoped it did, cause he was really having an exhausting time trying to word things in a innocuous, yet covert way.

He nodded at Dawn's admission about her acting abilities.

"Have you ever thought to do stand up? I'm thinking maybe I could have a comedy night once or twice a week. You seem to have a real talent in that area."

And comedy was something that would lend itself well to Dawn's rather brusk and tough persona.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
"And you don't qualify as a woman? Is there an age you need to reach before you do? And then do you become evil all at once, or is it more a gradual thing?"

Laughing loudly, Dawn giggled out

Well, some ken it take'a couple'a bumps an grass on th'field. Others, a "certain refinement" like "men're all bastitches". But ma tol me from th'ticka three I was hellspawn, and ma knows best, as they say. And don't think you distracted me, fool! Out with it! Howzit better'n play? An what're ya doin' to seal th'deal?

Cocking her head and taking on a look of mock exasperation, Dawn smirked.

An riding inta th'park is your idea a low profile? Yer gunna have trouble sellin' me THAT, but if you wanna skip it, all good. We'll doubletake to your 'motionals.

Frowning, Dawn pondered.

Na, never pondered. Guess it seemed frivolous when I was home an' I never really look back at remergin' options. A thought. Wait. You sayin' I'm funny?! Dun make me do nuthin' to ya!
Nicholae 18 years ago
Certain that his ears must be bleeding, Nic even stuck a finger in one, but was relieved to find nothing had occurred.

It did take him a few seconds to grab onto what Dawn had said in that mouthful.

"I was just trying to say that sometimes a person wants more than just play. Sometimes play alone is lonely. If that's all you want, then there's no reason to hold out for more, but...I guess when you get to be my age you want something more."

Or Nic did anyway. He could still remember what it was like to be Dawn's age, and live for the moment. Hell, it hadn't been all that long ago that Nic wasn't still living like that. But now that he had decided to stick around Nachton, and make a new life, it was becoming more obvious that he didn't want to go it alone any more.

"It's the 'deal sealing' that I'm running into trouble with...but I have faith. It'll just take a little more time, I'm thinking."

He chuckled at his audacity in taking his bike into the park. It hadn't been the smartest thing he'd ever done, but he hadn't harmed anything either.

"Totally different issue that...I don't mind attention, which is one reason I became an actor, but drawing attention from one or two locals, is a lot different than drawing attention from the hundreds of thousands of people who watch television or see a movie."

Nic just grinned. Had he answered her questions? Had he responded appropriately? He wasn't sure at all.

"I'm saying I think you have a natural wit. Making people laugh is a gift, I'm not slamming you...I'm complimenting you."

He hoped she wasn't offended, but a sense of humor was something everyone needed, and in Dawn he thought he'd seen one...though now he wasn't sure.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Chuckling again, Dawn talked around her beef. She understood the idea, but hadn't been put in a situation where it came up. Maybe it was a function of being turned when she was, but sometimes she felt locked in her developmental phase. Not that there was anything wrong with that.

Naw, I hearya. Love an'all. Imagine there's someone out fer all. I jus don't see th'need t'go all runny on it. Maybe th'man's right though an' I'll git it when I'm all on in years like you.

Winking, she continued.

On th'o'er side, I've bore ta lots in yo place. Faith is well'an good...but PLANNIN is what'll seal th'deal. Waitin' fer Jesus or Moses or Buddha ora fairy godmother's well'an all, but best ya do fer you an' help'em out. Give'm some frame ta work it in. Um, not on each other...non'a'em were balki, you sicko.

Use that 'tensiongettin' on her. Ya got yer target audience a one. Play th'crowd.

Ah, an I was just fuckin' witcha on th'comedy, rubik. S'all good.
Nicholae 18 years ago
"No, I agree with you again, and I'm really not the type who goes 'all runny' on it. I do like to send flowers, and I will hold open doors, pull out chairs, compliment my date on her dress of the evening, but that's about as far as I least through the first five or six dates. And, since I'd say this might constitute a date, in theory anyway, what may I ask is your favorite flower?"

Nic winked back at Dawn, although he was already planning on figuring out a way to send her a bouquet of something. The thought tickled him, but he regretted he'd never see her reaction. It wouldn't matter though...he'd do it anyway.

"Before you leave tonight, you'll need to give me a way to get in touch with case you ever need a bike buddy."

Nic handed Dawn his card, just to show her he was on the up and up, and wondered if she'd buy the ploy.

When he heard what she said next, he nearly yanked the card out of her hand. Just when he thought she was starting to make sense, she went and said...whatever it was she said, and Nic was again in the dark. This time though, he had the distinct impression she really was messing with his head...and he wasn't thrilled.

"Excuse me if I'm too bold, but does anyone else ever tell you they can't understand much of what you say?"

It was rude of him, he knew it when he said it, but he was losing all patience and did not react well in the face of such challenges.
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Caught off guard, Dawn answered honestly.

Uh...aranda orchids are nice. Well, most flowers are nice.

After her brain realized what had just happened, she scrunched up her face as she was winked at. She'd been had. May as well be graceful about it.

Okokok smoothdaddy. You got me.

Taking the card, she glanced at it. Swanky, professionally done, ritzy address it looked like. Anything with Towers in it was probably hella pricey. Why'd the place sound familiar, though? She'd ask Rupert if he knew anything about the spot and how to get there so she could scope his digs before they chilled again.

At the revelation that he was having trouble understanding her, she actually chuckled. Winking back, she said

Only by geezy nuff fools should be ridin' the sidecar, champ. Need me to speak English staida 'merican? Jus playin. Naw...most people don bother'ta lissen me anyway. Rupe's prolly got an English book I could look over again if ya really want me to clean it up some. I dunno all the rules an what, but I can copycat what I hear ok.

Finishing up her cut of meat, Dawn leaned back and put her hands on her slightly bulging stomach. Grinning evilly, she said loud enough for neighbors to hear

Damn! First date and YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!

A bit more quietly, she patted her stomach softly as nearby folks began to mutter and glance at Nic.

Lookit that foodbaby. Yum. No room for dessert, tho.