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A job in the dark. (private)


Ellis lit her cigarette as she slowly ascended the stairs up to her destination. Inhaling deeply, her foot falls echoed off the walls of the courthouse. Her thin, black coat grazed the backs of her boots as she recalled the last time she was there. With a smile she exhaled a plume of grayish white smoke that trailed behind her.

She took the next flight of stairs a little quicker, picking up the pace to be done with them. She decided against the elevator, mostly due to her need to remain hidden, but she really had to watch her girlish hips. The darkness was plenty of cover as somewhere, a clock struck 2 am.

Tai was following behind her, agreeably complacent. They were going to her previous contact, ironically the gentleman who hired her for her last job here. Reaching the top landing, Ellis strolled down the hallway, smoking like a chimney and making her way to the office at the end of the hall. Approaching the double doors she read the name stenciled on the glass.


The D.A. had ordered the previous assistant district attorney's death. How ironic that Tai's lover was the replacement. It was such a small, small world. Ellis waited by the door for Tai to follow, finishing her cigarette with several deep puffs and dropping it on the floor. She twisted it into the carpeted ground with the toe of her boot.

Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai wasn't sure how but he was perfectly aware of Ellis' need to remain unseen. Since his modus operandi was to lie low as well, it suited him perfectly fine that they stuck to the shadows. He instinctively timed his footfalls to coincide with hers, just in case anyone was around to hear. He had taken the rearguard position and rather than simply following along, was keeping a diligent eye on the surroundings.

The irony of coming to a courthouse to obtain a contract didn't pass him by.

In fact, it seemed wholly appropriate.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Ellis put her hand on the door knob and peered through the glass.

'He should be here. He's always here.'

She turned the handle and was tickled to see it locked. Boogers, she thought. Gripping it tightly, she twisted the knob until the lock broke. Pulling it out, she tossed it on the ground next to her and kicked the door in softly with her foot.

'James...where are you...?' Ellis sang. 'Jimmy boy. Oi, boy-o!'

The room was lined with books, from the hardwood floor to the tippy top ceiling of the large office. Sitting behind a large oak desk was DA James Weatherby. He was rigid, sweating and apparently scared out of his friggin mind.

'Hi, baby, darling...pookie! Good to see ya, boy!'

James Weather was bald, save for a crown of silver. He very much looked like a regal old king sitting at his throne. The shoulders of his jacket were pulled taut as his hands were out stretched, fingernails digging deep into the oak of his desk. James was...a little shocked.

'You're suppose to be dead.'

'Yeah,' Ellis laughed. 'I've been getting that a lot.' She batted her eyelashes and smiled. ''Sweet heart...I need a favor.'
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Prior to meeting Ellis, Tai had always insisted on working alone. It was only befitting of an assassin. His outlook seemed to have changed, and paramount to his desires were Ellis'. Perhaps that should have struck him as odd, but whatever the reason, it did not.

Tai's role here was obvious. He stepped into the office behind Ellis, tapping the door back shut with the ball of his foot and Leaning back against it in an attitude of assumed carelessness, crossing his muscular legs, he took in the surroundings and played watchdog quietly while Ellis and the DA had their plesant little chit-chat.

When the man sought to defy the obvious by claiming Ellis was supposedly dead, Tai smirked openly. Ellis, dead? Hardly.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Weatherby slumped slightly and sat back in his chair. Ellis waited for whatever emotion he was feeling to pass, and then for the realization that she wasn't a ghost to set in, along with the fact that she fucking owned him.

Ellis put her hands on the front of the desk.
'So I was thinking...about getting back into the game.'

Weatherby blinked.

'To see what my little friend here,' she nodded her head over her shoulder, 'is capable of and...well, mostly because it's fun.' Ellis circled the desk, running a red nail alone the shiny lacquer.

'My dealings were with Tacharan. Tacharan has been taken over by know that, correct? '

Ellis sighed. 'James I'd rather not rip your head off right this second, but if you insist...'

Weatherby paled and reached for a drawer. He pulled out a disc and handed it to Ellis.
'The recent explosion at the mansion has kept me busy...this is all I have at the moment.'

Ellis reached out and pinched Weatherby's cheek.
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai, the "little friend," simply nodded to Weatherby in a manner about as warm and friendly as a polar bear.

He kept his eyes on the balding man during the brief exchange, unable to conceal his contempt. The man was obviusly a weakling, sitting here sheltered in his office with his books and his plots. Tai caught the mention of Tacharan and Simon... he filed the names away for the moment, to ask when the opportunity arose again. Ellis had given him some information, but obviously it was incomplete.

It didn't matter. She would give him what he needed to do a job, and then she would be pleased at its completion. Pleasing Ellis was Tai's first priority. Everything else could wait.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Weatherby stiffened as Ellis reached out and touched him. Despite what she had said, he was fairly certain she'd decide to kill him anyway. Especially when he told her this next thing.

'That hit...I've already told Simon about it.' The DA raised his hands with a shrug, then lowered them again onto the arm rests.

'Well give him something else.'

'There is nothing else right now.'

Ellis shrugged, now annoyed by this teeny tiny fact.
'Well have him kill your new assistant DA, I don't care.' She couldn't resist. Looking over her shoulder she shot a wink at Tai behind her.

Looking back at Weatherby she pushed off the desk and settled into his lap seductively.
'Now...I can trust you to keep this little secret about me being alive, correct? I'm definitely coming out, so to speak, but I'd prefer to do it with...well A LOT of fan faire. So, are we,' Ellis held up her index finger and drew a square, '...about square?'

Noticeably sweating, Weatherby nodded. 'Of course.'

Again Ellis pinched his cheek and smiled.
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai was hard-pressed to keep from dropping his casual pose at the mention of Yuu, but he managed. Kill her? When had that become part of the deal? He silently cursed himself for telling Ellis allabout her, but he knew that given the choice he'd do it again. Perhaps if he ated as if it were nothing to him, she would turn to other ideas.

There was no point in killing Yuu, and Ellis must know it. In fact, if she intended to use Yuu as a bargaining chip on Tai's admittedly abnormal emotions, she would have to keep the woman alive. Tai didn't like walking such a fine line, but he'd managed in the past.

Tai scowled at Weatherby, focusing his anger on that individual. He wanted to kill him, but there was nothing to be gained by it. He eyed the disc Ellis had obtained. That was what he was looking forward to now.

He looked at Ellis expectantly, waiting for her next instructions.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Sliding out of the DA's lap, Ellis sauntered towards Tai and the door.

'I'll be in touch with a new bank account to deposit my money in. Same amount?'

Weatherby's eyebrows furrowed. 'Same amount? You're solo now...'

Ellis gave him a blank look, what's a million dollars to a dirty, filthy rich DA with connections?
'Is that a problem, James?'

With a sigh Weatherby shook his head.

'I'll be seeing you, baby.'

Ellis looked at Tai, waiting for him to open the door for her. She was a woman of high breeding and even higher class and she was starting to do things for herself. That simply would not do. So she waited patiently for Tai to comply.
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai eased off the door smoothly and offered a bow to Weatherby in the most mocking fashion he could, a silky smile on his face. Then he swung the door open and repeated the bow to Ellis with an unmistakably more respectful attitude. As Ellis preceeded him out, Tai cast one last cool glance back at Weatherby and then moved to obscure the doorway so the man couldn't see Ellis at all.

He shut the door behind him with hardly a click.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Ellis walked with a purposeful stride back down the hallway. A cigarette was already hanging out of her mouth and her lighter in hand. At the top of the steps, she paused to light the cancer stick and then with a savage click, closed the ligher, returning it to her jacket pocket.

She looked to her right at an office door. Again putting her hand on the locked door knob, she twisted it till it broke, then opened the door wide and entered. A small office for obviously a small person, Ellis seated herself at the desk and turned on the computer. She pulled the disk out of her pocket, spying some lint, she removed her cigarette and blew it off the disk and popped it into the computer.

Ellis sat back and read the information on the screen, her cigarette dangling in her left hand. Her eyes flicking left and right, reading the information quickly. She did not recognize the name personally, but knew of the family. It was the wife of a higher up politician in the city. A clean death, made to look like suicide, preferably a gunshot wound to the head. Easy peasy.

She whistled for Tai, a sharp penetrating noise and nodded towards the screen. Ellis stood and settled herself on the edge of the desk, letting Tai sit. Quietly, she smoked.
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Handy to have Ellis around to break doorknobs, Tai thought. But hopefully she would be letting him work on some lockpicking in the near future. Hard to remain undetected when you left a trail of broken hardware in your wake.

At the sharp whistle Tai abandoned the doorframe and moved into the darkened office on silent feet. Through the light haze of cigarette smoke he scanned the screen quickly, not recognizing the names of the politician or his wife, but noting the wife's picture with some amusement.

"I met her at the Mayor's ball," he murmured softly. "If anything, she's got it coming to her."

He recalled with particular vivid clarity a woman in an obnoxiously sequined gown with an equally obnoxious laugh.

"This should be enjoyable."
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
'To be successful at your job is to enjoy it.' Ellis pointed at Tai with her cigarette while crossing her legs. 'So, where to first?'

Ellis wanted to see Tai in his element, not just picking pockets. She was excited, watching a Yakuza do his work...well do her work. She was also not proud. Why do the work when she could have someone do it for her?
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai lifted a shoulder. "Not too much to do," he said. "Having the manner of death dictated really doesn't leave a whole lot of room for creativity. So, for the next few days we watch. People always have routines and patterns, unless they know they're being followed. Unlikely in her case," he gestured at the screen, "so we find her pattern and we interrupt it."

It was the most he'd said all night, but he didn't think Ellis minded his silence. Being seen and not heard was fine in certain circumstances, and now he got to have his own fun as a result.

"How much time do we have to finish this?"

Perhaps for vampires assassination was an easier thing to contemplate... they had a few more skills to their advantage. For a lone human like Tai, planning was everything. Without planning and preparation, no assassination was anywhere near close to foolproof. Even with, it was still a risk.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Ellis made an exaggerated, yet thoughtful face. 'Well James usually gives us approximately 10 days but,' she checked her watch, 'I'm good right now. Let's go.'

Ellis wasn't much for planning or wasting time. Tacharan had been profitable due to its nonexistant time laspes. Their jobs were done within 24 hours and because of this, the clan had been receiving orders out of state and even out of country. Simon would not wait.

'If Simon knows about this woman, she's already dead, but I'm assuming he doesn't. I'll say this about my old clan...we're the fast food of killers. So, on that note...what are your plans now?'
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Now. Well, that certainly put things in a new light. Tai was at something of a disadvantage, knowing neither the city nor its inhabitants well enough to formulate a plan. True, he recognized the woman they were supposed to kill, but only because of a night at the Mayor's.

With that in mind, he regarded Ellis somberly. "I know very little about Nachton thus far," he admitted. "Your plans, therefore, are mine. If you show me where she is, I will get to her."

He spoke with quiet confidence. He'd been doing this long enough that he could certainly improvise. That was, in fact, one of his strengths as a killer. Tai was able to change his plans quickly to reflect alterations in different situations. He was an asset in that regard and he would prove it to Ellis. For Ellis.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
'Alas, my information network has been severely...uh...what's a good word,' Ellis thought deeply for a moment. 'Compromised, I guess you could say. I do know that the internet is a wonderful thing. Besides, as Yakuza, you must have some sort of network out here...exiled or not.'

Ellis brought her cigarette up to her mouth and inhaled slowly. Letting the smoke curl out of her mouth, she whispered, 'Impress me.'
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai gritted his teeth. He had some resources he could call upon, of course, if he hadn't been blocked from them. Even so, they would know exactly where he was and what he was going to be doing. And he didn't trust any of them far enough to refuse a bribe from the clan he'd just finished working for, if they decided they wanted him out of the way.

"Calling on my contacts at the moment might result in some 'friends' coming to town," he said, just as a precaution. Ellis wished him to do this, and he would. Tai had a feeling Ellis would relish the Yakuza's sending her her next few meals, however. He would just have to stay alert.

The internet was, indeed, a wonderful thing. Within a few clicks of a button Tai had a good deal of information from multiple sources. He looked at it all, downloading nothing, doing his best to leave no discernible trail for anyone to follow. He was used to memorizing a great deal of information quickly.

"A few hours is all we have? Well. It doesn't get much simpler in that case."

The politician in question was a supporter of looser firearm permit laws throughout the city, and an enthusiast himself. There should be weapons at their home with which to commit the deed. And, provided they could catch the woman alone, it shouldn't be much trouble. Particularly if Ellis was going to be along. Best to verify that.

"Will your Highness be partaking in the festivities?" Tai asked silkily. "It should be... fun."

Either way, they had to move. Tai shut down the computer and glided out of the chair and back toward the door. Ellis had given him her orders, and he was ready to carry them out now. He had all the information he was likely to get. So, off to the woman's residence. But a quick stop for a few supplies first.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Ellis shrugged her shoulders up happily. 'Of course!' She hopped off the desk and walked towards the door. It was about time for some blood, murder and mayhem. It always made her so happy.

((ooc Ellis out))
Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
Tai reflected that he was glad he hadn't touched the door handle. Pushing things open with your foot was a handy habit to be in. He hooked it with his toe as they departed, listening to the hollow thump as it hit the doorframe and bounced back open, the broken handle unable to latch it shut.

With Ellis along, this would be the easiest hit ever. He hoped it didn't detract from the fun.

((ooc: Tai out too!))